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www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> General discussion -> An assignment: I hope i'm not breaking any rules
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An assignment: I hope i'm not breaking any rules
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:15 pm Reply with quote
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Joined: Mar 11, 2010
Posts: 8

Hi, I'm a student and I was given an assignment to replicate an exploit. I chose to replicate this exploit http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/5070

I have done the HTML part and get the error as stated in http://www.waraxe.us/advisory-64.html

but i'm not sure what to do with the remaining part. I think the code is PERL , can anyone please put me through. I'm I ment to do the remaining part?

Thanks in advance.

(Please someone help me)
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:03 pm Reply with quote
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Install Perl on your computer.
Register user on victim forum.
Open command prompt and type

perl mybb1211.pl host path user pass victim_uid

mybb1211.pl ---->name of your script
host ----> vistim URL without http://
user ---> your registered username
pass ---> password for your user
vistim_uid ---> you need to know id of admin account.

Press Enter and wait results.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:06 pm Reply with quote
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pexli wrote:
Install Perl on your computer.
Register user on victim forum.
Open command prompt and type

perl mybb1211.pl host path user pass victim_uid

mybb1211.pl ---->name of your script
host ----> vistim URL without http://
user ---> your registered username
pass ---> password for your user
vistim_uid ---> you need to know id of admin account.

Press Enter and wait results.

thanks, i'm trying it out now.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:13 pm Reply with quote
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pexli wrote:
Install Perl on your computer.
Register user on victim forum.
Open command prompt and type

perl mybb1211.pl host path user pass victim_uid

mybb1211.pl ---->name of your script
host ----> vistim URL without http://
user ---> your registered username
pass ---> password for your user
vistim_uid ---> you need to know id of admin account.

Press Enter and wait results.

1: Do I need to compile the script or just copy it into a text file and save with that extension?. I have just downloaded Strawberry Perl for windows

2: Is this what my command should look like

perl now.pl localhost/theforum/private.php linda lindayang 3
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:58 pm Reply with quote
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Posts: 8

assignment wrote:
pexli wrote:
Install Perl on your computer.
Register user on victim forum.
Open command prompt and type

perl mybb1211.pl host path user pass victim_uid

mybb1211.pl ---->name of your script
host ----> vistim URL without http://
user ---> your registered username
pass ---> password for your user
vistim_uid ---> you need to know id of admin account.

Press Enter and wait results.

1: Do I need to compile the script or just copy it into a text file and save with that extension?. I have just downloaded Strawberry Perl for windows

2: Is this what my command should look like

perl now.pl localhost/theforum/private.php linda lindayang 3

I have now gotten to the path where it say "login unsuccessful"

>>Usage: perl mybb1211.pl host path user pass victim_uid [last_victim_uid]<<

I know my "uid" from the html code i ran but which one refers to the "last_victim_uid"?
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:05 pm Reply with quote
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The user id mostly is visible when you visit a person's profile on a forum (have a look at the url).

And I think the optional parameter [last_...] is to enter a range of id's to get the data from, instead of just one Wink
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:27 pm Reply with quote
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vince213333 wrote:
The user id mostly is visible when you visit a person's profile on a forum (have a look at the url).

And I think the optional parameter [last_...] is to enter a range of id's to get the data from, instead of just one Wink

VALUES ('3', '3', '4', '1', 'f00subject', '0', 'f00message', '1268346256', '0', 'no', '',linda,'', '0', '0')

from this i can see the "uid" is 3, so please which one of those numbers will fall into the category of [last_...]

*i must be a real pain asking all these questions but i appreciate the help, bear with me
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:31 pm Reply with quote
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That's not entirely what I meant Smile

The line you have there is the data from one user. It's indeed likely that 3 is the userid.

Now you have [last_victim_id] which is an optional parameter because it's between square brackets (standard notation).

If you'd execute a command without that optional parameter, you'd get the data of the person with userid 3.

Now let's say you want the data of user 3 to 9, then you'd use the optional parameter too. So your command looks like "... 3 9"

At least that's how I think it works ^^ Haven't tried it myself.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:48 pm Reply with quote
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vince213333 wrote:
That's not entirely what I meant Smile

The line you have there is the data from one user. It's indeed likely that 3 is the userid.

Now you have [last_victim_id] which is an optional parameter because it's between square brackets (standard notation).

If you'd execute a command without that optional parameter, you'd get the data of the person with userid 3.

Now let's say you want the data of user 3 to 9, then you'd use the optional parameter too. So your command looks like "... 3 9"

At least that's how I think it works ^^ Haven't tried it myself.

when i run the code without the optional parameter i get this in my command propmt

# MyBB <=1.2.11 SQL Injection Exploit by F #
# Usage: perl mybb1211.pl host path user pass victim_uid [last_victim_uid] #

but when i add another valid uid i get

# MyBB <=1.2.11 SQL Injection Exp

[~] Host: http://localhost/theforum/private.php
[~] Path: linda
[~] User: lindayang
[~] Pass: 1
[~] From #3
[~] To #3

[-] Login unsuccessful

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:23 am Reply with quote
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assignment wrote:
vince213333 wrote:
That's not entirely what I meant Smile

The line you have there is the data from one user. It's indeed likely that 3 is the userid.

Now you have [last_victim_id] which is an optional parameter because it's between square brackets (standard notation).

If you'd execute a command without that optional parameter, you'd get the data of the person with userid 3.

Now let's say you want the data of user 3 to 9, then you'd use the optional parameter too. So your command looks like "... 3 9"

At least that's how I think it works ^^ Haven't tried it myself.

when i run the code without the optional parameter i get this in my command propmt

# MyBB <=1.2.11 SQL Injection Exploit by F #
# Usage: perl mybb1211.pl host path user pass victim_uid [last_victim_uid] #

but when i add another valid uid i get

# MyBB <=1.2.11 SQL Injection Exp

[~] Host: http://localhost/theforum/private.php
[~] Path: linda
[~] User: lindayang
[~] Pass: 1
[~] From #3
[~] To #3

[-] Login unsuccessful


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:34 pm Reply with quote
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Dude you need to read some books.Real books.PHP,MYSQL,what is path,cookie,perl scripts ...etc.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:32 pm Reply with quote
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pexli wrote:
Dude you need to read some books.Real books.PHP,MYSQL,what is path,cookie,perl scripts ...etc.

very true and seriously thinking about it
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 3:44 pm Reply with quote
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My suggestion is to try that exploit manually, without any third-party scripts.
First you must create test environment (WAMP or LAMP) and install vulnerable MyBB forum.
Then copy/paste my example exploit html code, modify it as needed, then use firefox and log in to the forum as valid user.
Now you have valid browser session and next "File->Open File" open your example html form and then push submit button.
If you still can't see SQL error message, then you need to open "private.php" in text editor and find vulnerable piece of code.
Use var_dump() or print_r() for debugging and try to see, if attack parameter goes through as expected.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:36 pm Reply with quote
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hi waraxe! nice to see you. Smile
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An assignment: I hope i'm not breaking any rules
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