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www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> All other security holes -> A Library Card :)
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A Library Card :)
PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2004 3:29 am Reply with quote
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Joined: May 13, 2004
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Location: Australia

well i have NO Experience with Cards and phreaking but im wondering what sort of equipment i would need to read a card and sort of decompile it.
im going to try with a library card first..

im guessing that the computer that reads the card checks the digits and how much money the card has on it...
would there be a way to sort of "edit the registry" of the card Wink if ya know what i mean
and change the numbers?

starting off small Wink i really dont give a crap about how much photocopying costs except im just interested in how to decompile it..

Any information that anyone can provide for me would be awesome Wink
Cheers all

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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2004 9:00 pm Reply with quote
Joined: May 29, 2004
Posts: 1

Unless you have a really high-tech library system, with a metric buttload of money, your library card is just a barcode. All the other information is stored in their computers. Barcodes are standard, it's just a bunch of lines representing a binary number. If there's a line in a slot, that's a 1. If there's no line, it's a 0. A wider line is more 1s. You'd most likely find the barcode is a binary representation of your card number. You can't change anything, except to a different card number, unless you gained access to their systems (which i really doubt are secure).
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PostPosted: Mon May 31, 2004 10:23 pm Reply with quote
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thanks for your reply,
this isnt a barcode though,
and the computer dosnt verify the card and im sure of that
im sure that all the information is stored on this little black strip..
its like a normal Credit card,
the black little strip on the back...

im thinking it has the information on that because a computer dosnt scan it, just some card reader does. It dosnt have my name or anything.
and therefore im positive that it has the money on the black strip in digits.
you insert your card and the machine reads it then deducts 20 cents for each page you print.

how much would be a card reader and a decompiler for a card reader so that i can just view the information on it and possibly modify it?

(excuse my ignorance, i really have no idea about this subject)

it would be interesting...
thanks heaps Smile

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Car readers/writers
PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:06 pm Reply with quote
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Location: Montana

ther are quite a few good cites out there for card readers (ie, credit card readers {i actually have one, i it to make a replica credit card of mine for my Mother, bypassing having to pay the credit card company an extra 25 for a second card +25 extra a month for having one) and some of the card readers out there are rather inexpensive, anywhere from simple bar code reader/writers to copmlex credit card or satalite cards (i made a back up of my satalite card, just incase) try searching for card reader/writers on google. but I know for sure they have a few really good ones on E-bay staring at about $100, and HackerCatalog has some decent ones as well, ranging form $150-$900. good luck, and Have fun with 'em, i'm still enjoying mine..........

DragonHighLord----------- Cool
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A Library Card :)
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