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www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> PHP script decode requests -> Please decode this ioncube encoded file
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Please decode this ioncube encoded file
PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:39 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Sep 17, 2013
Posts: 1

would anyone decode this file for me?
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Re: Please decode this ioncube encoded file
PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 6:40 pm Reply with quote
Advanced user
Advanced user
Joined: Aug 24, 2012
Posts: 190

abidali603 wrote:
would anyone decode this file for me?


ejigbhjag( );

if (isset( $_POST['die_time'] )) {
$NSK['die_time'] = ecdcfjgjgg( ) + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30;
else {
$NSK['die_time'] = 0;

cbgddijiad( 'ess_path', idifajeh( dfiaheaigd( __FILE__ ) ) );

if (@fgjeigec( './ess_info.php' )) {
require( './ess_info.php' );
else {
exit( '<center><font color=red>File ess_info.php is missing.</font><br>Please contact ESS support departament.</center>' );

bjaigeajej( 'session.cookie_domain', $admited_url );
djfebegice( 'esspro' );
cbcciiaade( );
bjaigeajej( 'session.cache_limiter', 'private' );
$NSK['ip'] = $ip = bhcfcdaegi( 'REMOTE_ADDR' );
$NSK['time'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
$NSK['path'] = '.';
$NSK['pg_lng'] = $NSK['t_page'] = $NSK['next'] = $NSK['multiple_pages_menu'] = $NSK['newsletter_box'] = $NSK['info_speed_admin'] = $NSK['home_page'] = $NSK['error_comp'] = $NSK['editor'] = $NSK['developer'] = $NSK['member'] = $NSK['error_mach_password'] = $NSK['conf_password'] = $NSK['password'] = $NSK['referer'] = $NSK['error_capcha'] = $NSK['message'] = $NSK['c_poz'] = $NSK['first'] = $NSK['previos'] = $NSK['last'] = $NSK['similarity'] = $NSK['comp_det'] = $NSK['pop_new_up_imgs'] = $NSK['page_keys'] = $NSK['update_time'] = $NSK['prog_row'] = $NSK['down_buy_image'] = $NSK['sponsored_progs'] = $NSK['go_pages'] = $NSK['sys_versions_option'] = $NSK['order_by'] = $NSK['imputs'] = $NSK['diff_css'] = $NSK['page_kw'] = $NSK['page_des'] = $NSK['error_mesaj'] = $NSK['mesaj'] = $NSK['error_subiect'] = $NSK['subiect'] = $NSK['error_email'] = $NSK['email'] = $NSK['error_nume'] = $NSK['readonly'] = $NSK['nume'] = $NSK['language_flags'] = $NSK['footer_links'] = $NSK['last_ref_box'] = $NSK['top_news_box'] = $NSK['last_search_box'] = $NSK['prog_tools'] = $NSK['last_news'] = $NSK['last_users_box'] = $NSK['continut'] = $NSK['categori'] = $NSK['panel'] = $NSK['page_address'] = $NSK['logo_url'] = $NSK['meta_refresh'] = $NSK['other_lng'] = $NSK['newtext'] = $NSK['top_prog'] = $NSK['last_users'] = $NSK['users_last'] = $NSK['diverse'] = $NSK['popular_skin'] = $NSK['mwp_try_row'] = $NSK['esential_skin'] = $NSK['esential_row'] = $NSK['last_update_skin'] = $NSK['update_row'] = $NSK['last_added_skin'] = $NSK['latestp_row'] = $NSK['recommended_skin'] = $NSK['recommended_row'] = $NSK['day_box'] = $NSK['day_box_bis'] = $NSK['rolesoft'] = $NSK['navi'] = $NSK['newurls'] = $NSK['newtitles'] = $NSK['newpics'] = $NSK['top'] = $NSK['others'] = $NSK['featured_row'] = $NSK['top_last_prog'] = $NSK['p_type'] = $NSK['user_img_aver'] = $NSK['img_aver'] = $NSK['order_link'] = $NSK['down_link_1'] = $NSK['sponsored'] = $NSK['recom_by'] = $NSK['screenshot_1'] = $NSK['user_votes'] = $NSK['average_rating'] = $NSK['gapikey'] = $row = $NSK['search_cats'] = $NSK['cat_row'] = $NSK['systems_menu'] = $NSK['os_sel_box'] = $NSK['160x600'] = $NSK['from_cats'] = $NSK['capcha_poz'] = $NSK['cache_fct'] = $NSK['az_titles'] = $NSK['selected_cat'] = $NSK['p_name'] = $NSK['rev_editor_user'] = $NSK['username'] = $NSK['id'] = $NSK['numar'] = $NSK['comp_name'] = $NSK['os'] = $NSK['cat_str'] = $NSK['subcat_str'] = $NSK['editor'] = $NSK['news_cat'] = $NSK['name_str'] = $NSK['editor'] = $NSK['news_cat'] = $NSK['az_p_name'] = $NSK['cat_os_str'] = $NSK['news_subcat'] = null;
$FORM = ciieiecfji( $_GET, $_POST );

if (!isset( $FORM['a'] )) {
$FORM['a'] = null;

if (!isset( $FORM['lng'] )) {
$FORM['lng'] = null;

if (!isset( $FORM['os'] )) {
$FORM['os'] = null;

if (!isset( $FORM['cat'] )) {
$FORM['cat'] = null;

if (!isset( $FORM['subcat'] )) {
$FORM['subcat'] = null;

if (!isset( $FORM['pag'] )) {
$FORM['pag'] = null;

if (isset( $_SESSION[$ip] )) {
if ($NSK['time'] - 2 < $_SESSION[$ip]) {
djdbaccebj( 2 );

$_SESSION[$ip] = $NSK['time'];
else {
$_SESSION[$ip] = $NSK['time'];

if (isset( $_GET['delete_script'] )) {
exit( 'not this time' );

if (!$admited_url) {
@diebdhfjhj( 'support@esoftscript.com', 'ess_info file replace', 'On ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ' the user try to replace the ess_info file', '' . 'From: ' . $buyer . ' <' . $FORM['site_email'] . '>' );
exit( 'You are not suppose to try this ;).' );

require( './sources/misc/classes.php' );
$TIMER = new timer( );

if (fgjeigec( './sources/sql/sql.php' )) {
require( './sources/sql/sql.php' );
else {
cdabddcgc( 'Location: install/' );

require( './sources/sql/mysql.php' );

if ($CONF['sql_username']) {
$NSK = ciieiecfji( $NSK, $CONF );

$DB = new sql( );
$db = $DB->connect( $NSK['sql_host'], $NSK['sql_username'], $NSK['sql_password'], $NSK['sql_database'] );

if (!$db) {
exit( dabccgcbh( ) );

if (!cggdefejac( @hdjgfhhid( 'SHOW TABLES LIKE \'ess_banned_ips\'' ) )) {
exit( 'Database empty, please <a href="./install/">reinstall</a>' );

$settings = $DB->fetch( 'SELECT * FROM ess_settings', __FILE__, 42 );
$NSK = ciieiecfji( $NSK, $settings );
foreach (array( 'ci', 'a', 'c', 's', 'i' ) as $sett) {

if ($NSK[$sett . '_FWH']) {
$setval = cehieggafd( '|', $NSK[$sett . '_FWH'] );
$NSK[$sett . '_folder'] = $setval[0];
$NSK[$sett . '_width'] = $setval[1];
$NSK[$sett . '_height'] = $setval[2];

if ($NSK['nr_elements']) {
$n = 6;
$elval = cehieggafd( '|', $NSK['nr_elements'] );
foreach (array( 'feat', 'recomm', 'last_add', 'esen', 'popular', 'updates', 'news', 'tit', 'last_tit', 'news_main', 'revs', 'ops', 'last_u', 'down', 'last_p', 'words', 'referers', 'related', 'ncomm', 'npopular', 'nlast_added' ) as $val) {
$NSK['nr_' . $val] = $elval[$n];

if ($NSK['type_elements']) {
$n = 6;
$elval = cehieggafd( '|', $NSK['type_elements'] );
foreach (array( 'feat', 'recom', 'last_add', 'updates', 'esen', 'popular', 'down', 'last_p', 'today_p', 'related' ) as $typ) {
$NSK[$typ . '_type'] = $elval[$n];

$NSK['domain'] = $admited_url;

if (( ( $NSK['ess_vers'] != '6' && $NSK['ess_vers'] != '6.1' ) && $NSK['ess_vers'] != '6.2' )) {
cdabddcgc( 'Location: install/' );

dajddiagic( 'UTC' );
$NSK['gmttime'] = dceegijfee( djffbhfjba( 'H' ), djffbhfjba( 'i' ), djffbhfjba( 's' ), djffbhfjba( 'm' ), djffbhfjba( 'd' ), djffbhfjba( 'y' ) );
cbgddijiad( 'index', true );

if (isset( $FORM['ess_owner'] )) {
exit( $owner_det );

if (( $FORM['a'] == 'admin' || $FORM['ajax'] == 'ajuser' )) {
require( '' . './language/admin/' . $NSK['admin_lng'] . '.php' );
else {
if (( ( isset( $FORM['lng'] ) && $FORM['lng'] ) && fgjeigec( '' . './language/main/' . $FORM['lng'] . '.php' ) )) {
$NSK['pg_lng'] = $DB->escape( $FORM['lng'], 1 );
$NSK['other_lng'] = '' . '/' . $NSK['pg_lng'];
$NSK['other_lng_2'] = '' . 'lng=' . $NSK['pg_lng'] . '&';
require( '' . './language/main/' . $NSK['pg_lng'] . '.php' );
else {
require( '' . './language/main/' . $NSK['site_language'] . '.php' );
$NSK['lang_flag'] = $NSK['site_language'];

$base = new base( );
$base->rewrite_links( );
$base->get_user_id( );

if (( $NSK['type'] && $_SESSION[$admited_url] != djffbhfjba( 'd', ecdcfjgjgg( ) ) )) {
if (bggcgeaijg( 'curl_init' )) {
$ch = ciigajjcbg( );
bdgjcjdech( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://www.esoftscript.com/ess.php?validate=' . $admited_url );
bdgjcjdech( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );
bdgjcjdech( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
bdgjcjdech( $ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $NSK['list_url'] );
$contents = bhfhigeaaj( $ch );
cejibciaai( $ch );
else {
exit( 'Your server must have curl_init enabled!' );

$md5 = cfgiebcdgh( $admited_url . djffbhfjba( 'd', ecdcfjgjgg( ) ) . 'madalina' );

if ($contents) {
if (!cihjhaadhh( '' . '/' . $md5 . '/', $contents )) {
exit( 'You cant be loged on site because domain <b>' . $admited_url . '</b> don\'t have a valid license!' );
else {
$_SESSION[$admited_url] = djffbhfjba( 'd', ecdcfjgjgg( ) );
else {
exit( 'License for your domain cant be verified!' );

$base->cek_uri( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );

if (( ( ( $NSK['site_close'] && $NSK['type'] != 'admin' ) && $NSK['type'] != 'editor' ) && $FORM['a'] != 'user' )) {
exit( '<center><br><br><br><br><img src="' . $NSK['list_url'] . '/skins/admin/images/maintenance.png"><br><br><br>Sorry but this site is temporarily closed for maintenance!<br>Please come back s<a href="' . $NSK['list_url'] . '/index.php?a=user">oo</a>n.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br></center>' );

$aj = array( 'ajgen' => 1, 'ajuser' => 1 );
$action = array( 'admin' => 1, 'home' => 1, 'cron' => 1, 'cron_2' => 1, 'user' => 1, 'pad' => 1, 'prog' => 1, 'news' => 1, 'search' => 1 );

if (( isset( $FORM['ajax'] ) && isset( $aj[$FORM['ajax']] ) )) {
require( '' . './sources/' . $FORM['ajax'] . '.php' );
$base = new ajuser( );
$base->$FORM['x']( );
else {
if (( isset( $FORM['a'] ) && isset( $action[$FORM['a']] ) )) {
require( '' . './sources/' . $FORM['a'] . '.php' );
$page = new $FORM['a']( );
else {
require( './sources/home.php' );
$base = new home( );
$base->general( );
$base->advert( );

if (isset( $FORM['pag'] )) {
$base->$FORM['pag']( );
else {
if (isset( $FORM['subcat'] )) {
$base->get_subcat( );
else {
if (isset( $FORM['cat'] )) {
$base->get_cat( );
else {
if (isset( $FORM['miror'] )) {
$base->miror( );
else {
$base->get_home( );

$DB->close( );

if (!isset( $FORM['x'] )) {
if ($FORM['a'] == 'admin') {
if (isset( $FORM['c'] )) {
$skin = new main_skin( '../admin/popup' );
else {
$skin = new main_skin( '../admin/a_index' );
else {
if (isset( $FORM['c'] )) {
$skin = new main_skin( 'ind_general' );
else {
$skin = new main_skin( 'index' );

echo $skin->make( );

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Please decode this ioncube encoded file
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