mrcr4cker |
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Joined: May 01, 2013 |
Posts: 68 |
Hello everyone, today I will bring you guys my tutorial on how you can get free Steam, Netflix and Spotify accounts. Please note this tool is for use for only recovering your own accounts. This tutorial is solely for educational and entertainment purposes only. I personally do not do this.
Note: LoL was added after this tutorial was made, but everything still works the same.
Alright, so first we want to start up VoidCracker. This tutorial is mainly intended for people who already own VoidCracker. But if you would like VoidCracker, .
Step 1: Start up Void Cracker by clicking "VoidCracker.exe" make sure that VoidCracker.exe is in the same folder as the DLL that comes with the download.
Step 2: Now this step is optional, but highly recommended. Now we will add proxies. If you don't already have a proxy list, you can download one by clicking the proxies tab and then clicking either, "Download 500", "Download 1000" or "Download 5000". For this tutorial. I will download 1000 Proxies.
Step 3: Now the dialog box has opened, prompting me to set the destination to where I would like to save my proxies, for this tutorial I chose desktop. I name my proxies, "1000Proxies.txt".
Step 4: Now go back to the proxies window, and click the browse button, then select the proxies that you had saved to your desktop just a few seconds ago.
Step 5: Now that we have got are proxies all ready, we can now go over to the tab of whatever section we would like to crack, Steam, Netflix, or Spotify. You can click any one you chose, the tutorial is the same for all accounts types. For this tutorial, I will try to crack my own Steam account.
Step 6: Now it's time to load up your usernames and passwords, however for Netflix, instead of usernames, you must enter in the emails. So I will now enter in my steam username by typing it into the text box. However, if you have a list of Steam usernames you can load them by clicking, File -> Browse Usernames -> And then selecting your list of usernames. However if you have a list of steam Usernames and Passwords in the same file in the format Username:Password, then you can click, File -> Browse user:pass. However for this tutorial, I will just type my steam username in the textbox
Step 7: Now we have to select the passwords. If you do not have a list of passwords you can download one by clicking File -> Download Wordlists and then select the location where you would like to save your wordlist. However you would like like to use your own wordlist, just move on to the next step.
Step 8: Okay, so now you must select your wordlist, you can now select either you downloaded wordlist, or a wordlist you previously had. So select your wordlist click File -> Browse Passwords and then select the location of your wordlist / combolist.
Step 9: Now you're all set. All you need to do is click start, the program will run through every password for every username, it takes almost less than a second per attempt for me. Which means it only takes me around 8 minutes to crack some accounts. So now click the "Start" button at the bottom of the program.
Step 10: When the program is finished cracking you will see a message box like in the screenshot below. Then click on the results tab to see if you were able to recover any accounts.
Step 11: Here in the results tab we can see that the program was in fact able to crack my account. Here you will see the results, also you can click the results tab even when the program is running to view a live feed of the results at any time.
Step 12: Now you're done congratulations! And remember that this tutorial is for educational and entertainment purposes only. This program is only intend to check / recover your own accounts. Do not attempt this on other accounts.
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