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Please help me decode( |
Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:17 pm |
sarik1986 |
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Joined: Jul 02, 2012 |
Posts: 10 |
Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:47 pm |
demon |
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Joined: Sep 22, 2010 |
Posts: 485 |
i think all files are the same ?
Code: | <?php
function main()
$emailquery = mysql_query("select * from zw_websetting");
$emailfetch = mysql_fetch_array($emailquery);
$webname = $emailfetch['webname'];
$defaultcurrency = $emailfetch['currency'];
$userid = mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['userid']);
$page_record = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['page_record']);
$total_records = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['total_records']);
$pageno = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['pageno']);
$rs0 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from zw_websetting"));
$pagelimits = $rs0['rec_per_page'];
$records_per_page = $pagelimits;
if (isset($_REQUEST['cur_page'])) {
$page_num = $_REQUEST['cur_page'] + 1;
} else {
$page_num = $cur_page + 1;
$cur_page = $_REQUEST['cur_page'];
$str = mysql_query("select * from messages where to_user_id='{$userid}' order by sent_on desc");
$str_num = mysql_num_rows($str);
$query_data = mysql_fetch_array($str);
$total_num_page = ceil(mysql_num_rows($str) / $records_per_page);
if (empty($cur_page)) {
$cur_page = 0;
$limit_str = "LIMIT " . $cur_page * $records_per_page . ",{$records_per_page}";
if (!($inbox_messages = mysql_query("select * from messages where to_user_id='{$userid}' order by sent_on desc {$limit_str}"))) {
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($inbox_messages);
echo "<div class=\"mainheading_mem\" style=\"margin-bottom:10px;\" align=\"left\">My Messages List »Inbox</div>\r\n<div style=\"float:right\"> ";
echo "<s";
echo "pan class=\"alink\"><a href=\"member_create_msg.php\">Create Message</a> ;; <a href=\"member_sent.php\">Sent</a></span></div>\r\n\r\n";
if (mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['send']) == "msg_deleted") {
echo "<span class='messagesred'>Message deleted successfully</span>";
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"tbl_bdr\">\r\n<form action=\"member_inbox.php\" method=\"post\" name=\"member_inbox\" id=\"member_inbox\">\r\n<tr class=\"sde_mnu_hdr_blue\">\r\n<td width=\"9%\" height=\"32\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" style=\"padding-left:5px;\">";
echo "<s";
echo "trong>S.No</strong></td>\r\n<td width=\"23%\" align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" style=\"padding-left:5px;\">";
echo "<s";
echo "trong>Sender Name </strong></td>\r\n<td height=\"32\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" style=\"padding-left:5px;\">";
echo "<s";
echo "trong>Sent Date </strong></td>\r\n<td height=\"29\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" style=\"padding-left:5px;\">";
echo "<s";
echo "trong>Subject</strong></td>\r\n<td height=\"29\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" style=\"padding-left:5px;\">";
echo "<s";
echo "pan style=\"padding-left:5px;\">";
echo "<s";
echo "trong>Action</strong></span></td>\r\n</tr>\r\n";
if ($num_rows != "0") {
$i = 0;
while ($fetch_msg = mysql_fetch_array($inbox_messages)) {
if (!($user_name = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from user_details where user_id='{$fetch_msg['from_user_id']}'")))) {
$date_time = explode(" ", $fetch_msg['sent_on']);
$date = $date_time[0];
$time = $date_time[1];
if ($date == date("Y-m-d")) {
$sent_on = $time;
} else {
$sent_on = $date;
echo "<tr>\r\n<td height=\"29\" align=\"center\" style=\"padding-left:5px;\">";
echo $i;
echo "</td>\r\n<td height=\"29\" style=\"padding-left:5px;\">";
echo "<s";
echo "pan class=\"alink\"><a href=\"inbox_details.php?msgid=";
echo $fetch_msg[id];
echo "\">";
echo $user_name['user_name'];
echo "</a></span></td>\r\n<td width=\"14%\" height=\"29\" align=\"center\" style=\"padding-left:5px;\">";
echo $sent_on;
echo "</td>\r\n<td height=\"29\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" style=\"padding-left:5px;\">";
if ($fetch_msg['subject'] != "") {
echo $fetch_msg['subject'];
echo "....<a href=\"inbox_details.php?msgid=";
echo $fetch_msg[id];
echo "\">More</a>";
echo "</td>\r\n<td width=\"6%\" height=\"29\" align=\"center\" style=\"padding-left:5px;\"><a href=\"inbox_details.php?msgid=";
echo $fetch_msg[id];
echo "\"><img src=\"images/view.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" title=\"Show\" /></a></td>\r\n<td width=\"6%\" align=\"center\" style=\"padding-left:5px;\"><a href=\"delete_inbox.php?msgid=";
echo $fetch_msg[id];
echo "\" onclick=\"javascript: return confirm('All the information related to this Member will be deleted.\\n\\nDo you really want to delete the Member?');\"><img src=\"images/del.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" title=\"Delete\" /></a></td>\r\n</tr>\r\n";
echo "<tr>\r\n <td height=\"29\" colspan=\"9\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">";
echo $no_mem_inbox;
echo "</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n";
echo "<tr>\r\n<td colspan=\"9\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" style=\"padding-top:10px\">\r\n";
if ($pagelimits < $str_num) {
if (1 < $page_num) {
$prev_page = $cur_page - 1;
echo "<span class='alink'><a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?cur_page={$prev_page}'>Prev</a></span>";
echo " ;; ;;";
$j = 1;
$i = 0;
while ($i < $total_num_page) {
echo "<span class='alink'><a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?cur_page={$i}'>{$j}</a></span>";
echo " ;; ;;";
if ($page_num < $total_num_page) {
$next_page = $cur_page + 1;
$last_page = $total_num_page - 1;
echo "<span class='alink'>\r\n<a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?cur_page={$next_page}&&page_record=next&&total_records={$num}'>Next</a></span>";
echo " ;; ;;";
echo "\t\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td height=\"29\" colspan=\"9\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"innertxt\"> ;;</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</form>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n";
echo "\r\n";
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