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IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 3:06 pm |
Moderator |

Joined: May 24, 2004 |
Posts: 404 |
Location: Caiman |
good project, install php-nmap in one owned server is very good for fast and stealth scan
PHP-NMAP really like
Ideally, you should be able to unpackage php-nmap-xx.yy.tar.gz, edit nmap.php, and copy it someplace in your documentroot path. You need to have a webserver and PHP installed. You will also need nmap (http://www.insecure.org/nmap/) installed.
You will need to suid root nmap if you wish for web users to be able to use the Stealth Scans.
You REALLY SHOULD htpasswd php-nmap. When you get threatening emails from the University of California and the DoD because someone used your install of php-nmap to attack them, don't say I didn't tell you so!
If you have comments or suggestions, feel free to email me.
-- sirmorcant@morcant.org
source for view Code: | <?php
// Path to NMAP Executable
$nmapcmd = '/usr/bin/nmap';
// Default Scan Type
// To get SYN, you need to chmod +s nmap
$default_scan_option = 'connect';
// Enable verbose output
$default_verbose = true;
// Default Ping Type
$default_ping_type = 'tcp_icmp';
// Detect OS Type
$default_os_detect = true;
// Default host should be that of the client
$default_remote_addr = true;
// Host Flags
$host_flags = '';
// Table Background Color
$tablebgcolor = '#e1e1e1';
// Host Section Background Color
$hostsectioncolor = '#913a47';
// Scan Section Background Color
$scansectioncolor = '#3c7996';
// General Section Background Color
$generalsectioncolor = '#3a914b';
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us" />
if ($submit && $host) {
$args = '';
switch ($scan_type) {
case 'connect':
$args .= '-sT ';
case 'syn':
$args .= '-sS ';
case 'null':
$args .= '-sN ';
case 'fin';
$args .= '-sF ';
case 'xmas':
$args .= '-sX ';
case 'ack':
$args .= '-sA ';
case 'window':
$args .= '-sW ';
case 'ping';
$args .= '-sP ';
$args .= '-sT ';
switch ($ping_type) {
case 'tcp':
$args .= '-PT ';
case 'tcp_icmp':
$args .= '-PB ';
case 'icmp':
$args .= '-PI ';
case 'none':
$args .= '-P0 ';
$args .= '-PB ';
if ($os_detect)
$args .= '-O ';
if ($ident_info)
$args .= '-I ';
if ($fragmentation)
$args .= '-f ';
if ($verbose)
$args .= '-v ';
if ($use_port)
$args .= '-p ' . escapeshellarg($port_range);
if ($fast_scan)
$args .= '-F ';
if ($use_decoy)
$args .= '-D ' . escapeshellarg($decoy_name);
if ($use_device)
$args .= '-e ' . escapeshellarg($device_name);
if ($dont_resolve)
$args .= '-n ';
if ($udp_scan)
$args .= '-sU ';
if ($rpc_scan)
$args .= '-sR ';
$args .= $host_flags . ' ' . escapeshellarg($host);
// echo ($nmapcmd . ' ' . $args);
system($nmapcmd . ' ' . $args . ' 2>&1');
/* if (($fp = popen($nmapcmd . ' ' . $args . ' 2>&1', 'w')) != false) {
while (!feof($fp)) {
$read = fread($fp, 512);
echo str_replace("\n", "<br>\r\n", $read);
} else {
echo 'Error running nmap.<br>';
} else {
<form action="<?php echo $SCRIPT_NAME; ?>" method="post">
<div class="header-banner" align="center">
<font size="+3">PHP-NMAP</font><br>
<table bgcolor="<?php echo $tablebgcolor; ?>" border="0" cols="4" width="550" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" align="center">
<tr bgcolor="<?php echo $hostsectioncolor; ?>">
<td width="100"><b>Host(s) to scan</b>:</td>
<td width="200" colspan="2"><input type="text" name="host" size="20" value="<?php if ($default_remote_addr) echo $REMOTE_ADDR; ?>"></td>
<td width="100" align="right"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Scan"> ;;<input type="reset" value="Clear"></td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $scansectioncolor; ?>"><b>Scan Options</b>:</td>
<td width="100" bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"> ;;</td>
<td width="100" bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><b>General Options</b>:</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"> ;;</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $scansectioncolor; ?>"><input type="radio" name="scan_type" value="connect" <?php if ($default_scan_option == 'connect') echo 'CHECKED'; ?>> connect()</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><input type="checkbox" name="dont_resolve"> Don't Resolve</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><input type="radio" name="ping_type" value="tcp" <?php if ($default_ping_type == 'tcp') echo 'CHECKED'; ?>> TCP Ping</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><input type="checkbox" name="fragmentation"> Fragmentation</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $scansectioncolor; ?>"><input type="radio" name="scan_type" value="syn" <?php if ($default_scan_option == 'syn') echo 'CHECKED'; ?>> SYN Stealth</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><input type="checkbox" name="fast_scan"> Fast Scan</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><input type="radio" name="ping_type" value="tcp_icmp" <?php if ($default_ping_type == 'tcp_icmp') echo 'CHECKED'; ?>> TCP&ICMP Ping</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><input type="checkbox" name="ident_info"> Get Ident Info</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $scansectioncolor; ?>"><input type="radio" name="scan_type" value="null" <?php if ($default_scan_option == 'null') echo 'CHECKED'; ?>> NULL Scan</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><input type="checkbox" name="verbose" <?php if ($default_verbose) echo 'CHECKED'; ?>> Verbose</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><input type="radio" name="ping_type" value="icmp" <?php if ($default_ping_type == 'icmp') echo 'CHECKED'; ?>> ICMP Ping</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><input type="checkbox" name="resolve_all"> Resolve All</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $scansectioncolor; ?>"><input type="radio" name="scan_type" value="fin" <?php if ($default_scan_option == 'fin') echo 'CHECKED'; ?>> FIN Scan</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><input type="checkbox" name="udp_scan"> UDP Scan</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><input type="radio" name="ping_type" value="none" <?php if ($default_ping_type == 'none') echo 'CHECKED'; ?>> Don't Ping</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><input type="checkbox" name="os_detect" <?php if ($default_os_detect) echo 'CHECKED'; ?>> OS Detection</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $scansectioncolor; ?>"><input type="radio" name="scan_type" value="xmas" <?php if ($default_scan_option == 'xmas') echo 'CHECKED'; ?>> XMAS Scan</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><input type="checkbox" name="rpc_scan"> RPC Scan</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"> ;;</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"> ;;</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $scansectioncolor; ?>"><input type="radio" name="scan_type" value="ack" <?php if ($default_scan_option == 'ack') echo 'CHECKED'; ?>> ACK Scan</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><input type="checkbox" name="use_port"> Port Range:</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><input type="checkbox" name="use_decoy"> Use Decoy(s):</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><input type="checkbox" name="use_device"> Use Device:</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $scansectioncolor; ?>"><input type="radio" name="scan_type" value="window" <?php if ($default_scan_option == 'window') echo 'CHECKED'; ?>> Window Scan</td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><input type="text" name="port_range" size="10"></td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><input type="text" name="decoy_name" size="10"></td>
<td bgcolor="<?php echo $generalsectioncolor; ?>"><input type="text" name="device_name" size="10"></td>
} // if ($submit)
Download: http://www.geekinventions.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=3 |
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 6:25 pm |
Injector |
Active user |

Joined: Dec 29, 2004 |
Posts: 49 |
thats a good one LINUX tnx
I'll try this one today  |
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 5:15 am |
shai-tan |
Valuable expert |

Joined: Feb 22, 2005 |
Posts: 477 |
_________________ Shai-tan
?In short: just say NO TO DRUGS, and maybe you won?t end up like the Hurd people.? -- Linus Torvalds |
Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:08 am |
tsabitah |
Valuable expert |

Joined: Jul 07, 2010 |
Posts: 328 |
Location: surabaya |
very good topic, because I often use a tool zenmap
Zenmap - Official cross-platform GUI Nmap Security Scanner |
www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> Php
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