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www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> PHP script decode requests -> Please decode it...
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Please decode it...
PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:45 am Reply with quote
Joined: Jan 27, 2012
Posts: 3

hi guys i was encoded by turk mmcache, help me to decode it..

<?php /*This encoded file generated using PHPCoder (http://phpcoder.shadonet.com) and Turck MMcache (http://www.turcksoft.com/en/e_mmc.htm)*/ if (!is_callable("mmcache_load") && !@dl("TurckLoader.so")) { die("This PHP script has been encoded using the excellent Turck MMcache Optimizer, to run it you must install <a href=\"http://www.turcksoft.com/en/e_mmc.htm\">Turck MMCache or the Turck Loader</a>"); }mmcache_load('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'); ?>

Thanks in advance
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:54 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Sep 22, 2010
Posts: 485

MMCACHEA<Regd_AgreementA<£+Please read this end user license agreement ("eula") carefully before downloading or using this software. By accepting the license agreement, opening the package, downloading the product, or using the equipment that contains this product, you Are consenting to be bound by this agreement.<BR>
If you do not agree to all of the terms of this agreement, you will not be able to continue.<BR>
In addition:<BR>
(1) if you purchased the product, return the product to the place of purchase for a full refund; or,<BR>
(2) if you are otherwise attempting to download the product and you do not agree with the terms of this agreement, do not Complete the download; or,<BR>
(3) if your software was included in equipment which you purchased and you do not agree with the terms of this agreement, Do not use the software.<BR>
IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY: this eula is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and SmartGuard. ("SmartGuard"),covering your use of the software product(s) identified above (the "program"). The program includes computer software, and may include associated media, printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation. By installing, copying, downloading, accessing or otherwise using the program, you agree to be bound by the terms of this eula.<BR>
If you do not agree to the terms of this eula, SmartGuard is unwilling to license the program to you, you may not use or copy the program, and you should follow the instructions above concerning return or non-use of the unused product(s) for a refund. The program is protected by copyright laws as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties.<BR>
The program and the accompanying documentation are licensed, not sold, to you. This includes any updates or upgrades to the program licensed to you by SmartGuard. <BR>
If the program is labeled as an upgrade, you must be properly licensed to use a product identified by SmartGuard as being eligible for the upgrade in order to use the program.<BR>
If the program is an upgrade of a component of a package of software programs that you licensed as a single product, the program may be used and transferred only as part of that single product package and may not be separated for use on more than one computer. Subject to the terms of this agreement, you have a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the program and documentation. <BR>
For each registered serial number and software license key you purchase, you may use this program on a single computer within the U.A.E and its territories or any other country to which this program can legally be exported. This program is "in use" on a computer when it is loaded into temporary memory or installed in permanent memory (hard drive, cd-rom or other storage device). The term "computer" as used herein shall mean the hardware, if the hardware is a single computer system, or shall mean the computer system with which the hardware operates, if the hardware is a computer system component. You agree to use your best efforts to prevent and protect the contents of the program and documentation from unauthorized use or disclosure. You agree that you will register this program and its serial number only with SmartGuard or one of its authorized distributors and that you will only install a software license key obtained directly from SmartGuard. <BR>
You may not rent, lease, sell or otherwise transfer or distribute copies of the program to others, nor may you create derivative works of the program.<BR>
You may not modify or translate the program or documentation without the prior consent of SmartGuard. You may not reverse engineer, reverse compile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to create the source code from the program.<BR>
You may not release the results of any performance or functional evaluation of any SmartGuard program to any third party without written approval of SmartGuard for each such release.<BR>
The customer agrees that aspects of the licensed materials, including the specific design and structure of individual programs, constitute trade secrets and/or copyrighted material of SmartGuard. <BR>
The customer agrees not to disclose, provide, or otherwise make available such trade secrets or copyrighted material in any form to any third party without the prior written consent of SmartGuard. Customer agrees to implement reasonable security measures to protect such trade secrets and copyrighted material.<BR>
Title to the program and documentation shall remain solely with SmartGuard. You may not redistribute, bundle, or package any free program or software downloaded or obtained from SmartGuard without the prior written consent of SmartGuard.<BR>
You may not use any free program or software downloaded or obtained from SmartGuard in the production of a commercial product without the prior written consent of SmartGuard. You may make copies of the program and software license key for backup purposes. You may physically transfer the program, documentation, and software license key from one computer to another provided that the software license key is only installed or used on the original computer that generated the program's serial number.<BR>
The only way that this license may be transferred to another computer is by physically moving the hard disk that the program and operating system is installed on to the new computer. Except as expressly provided in this eula, you may not otherwise make copies of the program, including the printed materials accompanying the program. This license is effective until terminated. You may terminate this license at any time by destroying the program, documentation, and software license key as well as each backup copy. <BR>
Without prejudice to any other rights, SmartGuard may terminate this eula if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this eula. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the program and all of its component parts. This license automatically terminates if you fail to comply with its terms and conditions. You agree that, upon such termination, you will either destroy (or permanently erase) all copies of the program,<BR>
Documentation, and software license key.<BR>
This eula does not grant you any rights in connection with any trademarks or service marks of SmartGuard or its suppliers. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the program (including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, and text)<br>
<span class=\"Wiz_orange\">SmartGuard,<BR>
T-3, 4384/4A, Govind Bhawan<br>
Ansari Road, Darya Ganj,<br>
New Delhi 110 002, India <BR>
Website: http://www.xsinfoways.com<br>
Email: sales@xsinfoways.com</span> <br>
\"applets,\" incorporated into the program, the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the program, are owned by SmartGuard or its suppliers. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the content which may be accessed through use of the program is the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties. This eula grants you no rights to use such content.<BR>
To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, SmartGuard and its supplier's entire liability and your exclusive remedy under the express warranty is, at SmartGuard' option, either (a) return of the price paid; or (b) repair or replacement of the program which does not meet the warranty and which is returned to SmartGuard with written confirmation of your purchase of the program. The warranty is void if failure of the program has resulted from accident, abuse or misapplication. Any replacement program will be warranted for 30 days.<BR>
The following is without prejudice to any rights you may have at law which cannot legally be excluded or restricted. SmartGuard and its distributors provide the program and documentation "as is" without warranty of any kind either express, implied or statutory, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non infringement or arising from a course of dealing, usage or trade Practice. You acknowledge that no promise, representation, warranty or undertaking has been made or given by SmartGuard to any person or company on its behalf in relation to the profitability of or any other consequences or benefits to be obtained from the delivery or use of the program, manuals or written materials. You have relied upon your own skill and judgment in deciding to acquire the program and any accompanying manuals and written materials for use by you. In no event does SmartGuard warrant that the program is error free or that you will be able to operate the program without problems or interruptions.<BR>
In no event will SmartGuard or its licensors be liable for any lost revenue or data or other direct or indirect damages or other relief arising out of your use or inability to use the program for any reason whatsoever including, by way of illustration and not limitation, lost profits, lost business or lost opportunity, business interruption, loss of business information, or any special, incidental or consequential or exemplary damages, including legal fees, arising out of such use or inability to use the program, or supply or non-supply the program, even if SmartGuard, its licensors or authorized distributors or supplier has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or any claim by any other party. This limitation on liability is equally applicable to any damages arising out of any year 2000 date problem or any other non-year 2000 date problem of any kind whatsoever, whether the damages result from actions or inactions of SmartGuard or are the result of third parties. SmartGuard' total liability under any provision of this agreement is in any case limited to the amount actually paid by you for the program. The Foregoing limitations shall apply even if the above-stated warranty fails of its essential purpose. Some states do not allow limitation or exclusion of liability for consequential or incidental damages.<BR>
<span class="wiz_small_txt">&copy; 2002 SmartGuard. All rights reserved. End user license agreement. Revised , 2004 </span> <define>
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Please decode it...
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