demon |
Moderator |

Joined: Sep 22, 2010 |
Posts: 485 |
Code: | <?php
function is_valid_licence( $data )
$key_info['key'] = $data;
$key_info['domain'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$serverurl = "";
$ch = curl_init( $serverurl );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $key_info );
$result = curl_exec( $ch );
$result = json_decode( $result, true );
if ( $result['valid'] == "true" )
return true;
return false;
require_once( "DefaultController.class.php" );
$config = MK_Config::getinstance( );
if ( $config->site->installed && ( !$config->licence->key || !is_valid_licence( $config->licence->key ) ) )
if ( !$config->licence->key )
$h1 .= "<p class=\"simple-message simple-message-warning\">Missing licence key</p>";
else if ( !is_valid_licence( $config->licence->key ) )
$h1 .= "<p class=\"simple-message simple-message-warning\">The licence key used it's not valid for this domain.</p>";
$form_settings = array(
"attributes" => array( "class" => "standard clear-fix large" )
$form_structure = array( );
$form_structure['licence_key'] = array(
"type" => "text",
"label" => "Licence Key",
"tooltip" => "This is licence key you have created for this domain at",
"fieldset" => "Input your licence key",
"value" => $config->licence->key
$form_structure['search_submit'] = array(
"type" => "submit",
"attributes" => array( "value" => "Save Key" )
$form = new MK_Form( $form_structure, $form_settings );
if ( $form->isSuccessful( ) )
$message = array( );
$config_data = array( );
$fields = $form->getFields( );
$config_data['licence.key'] = $form->getField( "licence_key" )->getValue( );
if ( $config->core->mode === MK_Core::MODE_DEMO )
$messages[] = new MK_Message( "warning", "Settings cannot be updated as <strong>".$config->instance->name."</strong> is running in demonstration mode." );
$messages[] = new MK_Message( "success", "Your licence settings have been updated. " );
MK_Utility::writeconfig( $config_data );
$licenceform = $form->render( );
print "\r\n\t\t\t<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"\">\r\n\r\n<html id=\"large\" xmlns=\"\">\r\n\r\n\t<head>\r\n\r\n\t\t<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\r\n\r\n\t\t<base href=\"".$config->site->url."admin/\" /><title>Dashboard / phpVibe</title> <link rel=\"shortcut icon\" type=\"image/x-icon\" href=\"application/views/mokoala-default/themes/default/img/icon.ico\" />\r\n\r\n\t\t<link type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"application/views/mokoala-default/themes/default/css/reset.css\" />\r\n\r\n\t\t<link type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"application/views/mokoala-default/themes/default/css/screen.css\" />\r\n\r\n\t\t<link type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"application/views/mokoala-default/themes/default/js/jquery.wysiwyg/jquery.wysiwyg.css\" />\r\n\r\n\t\t<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"application/views/mokoala-default/themes/default/js/jquery.js\"></script>\r\n\r\n\t\t<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"application/views/mokoala-default/themes/default/js/jquery.wysiwyg/jquery.wysiwyg.js\"></script>\r\n\r\n\t\t<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"application/views/mokoala-default/themes/default/js/jquery.wysiwyg/controls/\"></script>\r\n\r\n\t\t<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"application/views/mokoala-default/themes/default/js/main.js\"></script>\r\n\r\n\t</head>\r\n\r\n\t\r\n\r\n\t<body>\r\n\r\n\t\t <div id=\"content\" class=\"clear-fix\">\t \r\n\r\n\r\n <div class=\"block\">\t\r\n\t\t\t".$h1." <br />\r\n\t\t\t".$licenceform."\r\n\t\t\t</div>\r\n\t\t\t</div>\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t</body>\r\n</html>\t\t";
exit( );
class MK_DashboardController extends MK_DefaultController
public function _init( )
parent::_init( );
$this->getView( )->getHead( )->prependTitle( "Dashboard" );
public function sectionIndex( )
$config = MK_Config::getinstance( );
$message_list = array( );
if ( $config->core->mode == MK_Core::MODE_DEMO )
$message_list[] = array(
"type" => "warning",
"message" => "<strong>".$config->instance->name."</strong> is currently running in demonstration mode. Editing and deleting records is disabled. You can create records, however."
if ( empty( $config->licence->key ) )
$message_list[] = array(
"type" => "warning",
"message" => "<strong>".$config->instance->name."</strong> needs a serial key. Please get one from or the website will self-shutdown at some point.."
if ( !function_exists( "json_encode" ) )
$message_list[] = array( "type" => "warning", "message" => "Cannot find the function 'json_encode' - This is used for some extended JavaScript functionality." );
if ( !function_exists( "curl_init" ) )
$message_list[] = array( "type" => "warning", "message" => "cURL library not installed - This is used for downloading resources located remotely." );
if ( !class_exists( "ZipArchive" ) )
$message_list[] = array( "type" => "warning", "message" => "Cannot find the 'ZipArchive' library - This is used for performing a backup." );
if ( !ini_set( "memory_limit", "20M" ) )
$message_list[] = array( "type" => "warning", "message" => "Cannot use 'ini_set'." );
ini_restore( "memory_limit" );
if ( !is_writable( "../".$config->site->upload_path ) )
$message_list[] = array(
"type" => "warning",
"message" => "Uploads folder is not writable '../".$config->site->upload_path."' Please chmod to 0777."
if ( !is_writable( "../tpl/img/thumbs" ) )
$message_list[] = array( "type" => "warning", "message" => "Thumbs folder is not writable '../tpl/img/thumbs/' Please chmod to 0777." );
if ( !is_writable( "resources/backups" ) )
$message_list[] = array( "type" => "warning", "message" => "Backups folder is not writable 'resources/backups/' Please chmod to 0777." );
if ( !is_writable( "resources/restore" ) )
$message_list[] = array( "type" => "warning", "message" => "Restore folder is not writable 'resources/restore/' Please chmod to 0777." );
if ( !set_time_limit( 0 ) )
$message_list[] = array( "type" => "warning", "message" => "Cannot use 'set_time_limit'." );
ini_restore( "time_limit" );
$backup_type = MK_RecordModuleManager::getfromtype( "backup" );
$backup_search = array(
array( "literal" => "`date_time` > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 30 DAY)" )
$backup_records = $backup_type->searchRecords( $backup_search );
if ( count( $backup_records ) == 0 )
$message_list[] = array(
"type" => "warning",
"message" => "You have not <a href=\"".$this->getView( )->uri( array( "controller" => "dashboard", "section" => "backup" ) )."\">backed up</a> within the last 30 days."
if ( count( $message_list ) === 0 )
$message_list[] = array( "type" => "information", "message" => "There are currently no system notifications." );
$this->getView( )->message_list = $message_list;
public function sectionFileManager( )
$config = MK_Config::getinstance( );
$this->getView( )->getHead( )->prependTitle( "File Manager" );
$messages = array( );
$files = array( );
$files_to_delete = array( );
if ( $get_file = MK_Request::getquery( "file-select" ) )
$files_to_delete[] = $get_file;
else if ( $post_files = MK_Request::getpost( "file-select" ) )
$files_to_delete = $post_files;
if ( 0 < count( $files_to_delete ) )
foreach ( $files_to_delete as $file )
$file = "../".$config->site->upload_path.$file;
$current_file = new MK_File( $file );
$current_file->delete( );
$messages[] = new MK_Message( "success", "The selected files were successfully deleted. <a href=\"".$this->getView( )->uri( )."\">Return to file list</a>." );
if ( !is_readable( "../".$config->site->upload_path ) )
$messages[] = new MK_Message( "error", "The folder '../".$config->site->upload_path."' cannot be read. Please chmod this folder to 0777." );
$paginator = new MK_Paginator( );
$paginator->setPage( MK_Request::getparam( "page", 1 ) )->setPerPage( 10 );
$file_list = scandir( "../".$config->site->upload_path );
foreach ( $file_list as $file )
if ( $file === "index.php" )
$file = "../".$config->site->upload_path.$file;
if ( $file != "." && $file != ".." && !is_dir( $file ) )
$files[] = new MK_File( $file );
$paginator->setTotalRecords( count( $files ) );
$files = array_splice( $files, $paginator->getRecordStart( ), $paginator->getPerPage( ) );
$this->getView( )->paginator = $paginator->render( $this->getView( )->uri( array( "page" => "{page}" ) ) );
if ( count( $files ) === 0 )
$messages[] = new MK_Message( "information", "There are no files to display." );
$this->getView( )->files = $files;
$this->getView( )->messages = $messages;
public function sectionBackup( )
$config = MK_Config::getinstance( );
$this->getView( )->getHead( )->prependTitle( "Backup" );
$form_settings = array(
"attributes" => array( "class" => "standard clear-fix large" )
$form_structure = array(
"backup_confirm" => array(
"type" => "select",
"options" => array( 0 => "No", 1 => "Yes" ),
"label" => "Start backup?",
"validation" => array(
"boolean_true" => array( )
"backup_submit" => array(
"type" => "submit",
"attributes" => array( "value" => "Confirm" )
$form = new MK_Form( $form_structure, $form_settings );
$this->getView( )->form = $form->render( );
if ( $form->isSuccessful( ) )
$messages = array( );
if ( !class_exists( "ZipArchive" ) )
throw new MK_Exception( "Cannot find the 'ZipArchive' library - This is used for performing a backup." );
$this->getView( )->setDisplayPath( "dashboard/backup-processed" );
ini_set( "memory_limit", "200M" );
set_time_limit( 0 );
$config = MK_Config::getinstance( );
$zip = new MK_ZipArchive( );
$timestamp = time( );
$file_name = "resources/backups/backup-".$timestamp.".zip";
if ( $zip->open( $file_name, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE ) !== true )
throw new MK_Exception( "Could not create backup file '{$file_name}'. Please ensure this directory is writable." );
$message_list = array( );
( new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( ) );
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( "../tpl/uploads/" );
foreach ( $iterator as $key => $value )
$filename = basename( $key );
if ( !$zip->addFile( $key, "uploads/".$filename ) )
$messages[] = new MK_Message( "warning", "Cannot add file '{$key}' to archive - It may be corrupt or too large." );
$database_backup = "resources/backups/database-".$timestamp.".sql";
$mysql_dump = new MK_MySQLDump( $config->db->name, $database_backup, false, false );
$mysql_dump->doDump( );
if ( !$zip->addFile( $database_backup, "database/database.sql" ) )
$messages[] = new MK_Message( "warning", "Cannot add file 'database.sql' to archive - It may be corrupt or too large." );
unlink( $database_backup );
$backup_type = MK_RecordModuleManager::getfromtype( "backup" );
$new_backup = MK_RecordManager::getnewrecord( $backup_type->getId( ) );
$new_backup->setFile( "admin/".$file_name )->save( );
$this->getView( )->backup = $new_backup;
$messages[] = new MK_Message( "success", "Your backup has been successfully created. You can restore backups using the <a href=\"".$this->getView( )->uri( array( "controller" => "backups" ) )."\">backups module</a>." );
$zip->close( );
catch ( Exception $e )
$messages[] = new MK_Message( "error", $e->getMessage( ) );
$this->getView( )->messages = $messages;
public function sectionSettings( )
$config = MK_Config::getinstance( );
$this->getView( )->getHead( )->prependTitle( "Settings" );
$form_settings = array(
"attributes" => array( "class" => "standard clear-fix large" )
$form_structure = array( );
$form_structure['licence_key'] = array(
"type" => "text",
"label" => "Licence Key",
"tooltip" => "This is licence key you have created for this domain at",
"fieldset" => "Video Configs",
"value" => $config->licence->key
$form_structure['video_storage'] = array(
"type" => "select",
"options" => array( 1 => "Youtube only. Very lightweight", 2 => "Store videos data from Youtube" ),
"label" => "Video Storage",
"tooltip" => "Select how your video portal behaves. Selecting storage will allow counting views and display most viewed videos..but it will also use more server resources.",
"fieldset" => "Video Configs",
"value" => $config->video->storage
$form_structure['video_player'] = array(
"type" => "select",
"options" => array( 1 => "Use Youtube player", 2 => "Use JwPlayer" ),
"label" => "Video Player",
"tooltip" => "Select what video player your prefer.",
"fieldset" => "Video Configs",
"value" => $config->video->player
foreach ( $config->db->components as $component )
$module_settings = "resources/components/".$component."/settings.php";
if ( is_file( $module_settings ) )
require_once( $module_settings );
if ( $config->core->mode === MK_Core::MODE_FULL )
$form_structure['db_host'] = array(
"type" => "text",
"label" => "Host",
"fieldset" => "Database",
"value" => $config->db->host
$form_structure['db_username'] = array(
"type" => "text",
"label" => "Username",
"fieldset" => "Database",
"value" => $config->db->username
$form_structure['db_password'] = array(
"type" => "text",
"label" => "Password",
"fieldset" => "Database",
"value" => $config->db->password,
"attributes" => array( "type" => "password" )
$form_structure['db_name'] = array(
"type" => "text",
"label" => "Database name",
"fieldset" => "Database",
"value" => $config->db->name
$form_structure['site_facebook_app_id'] = array(
"type" => "text",
"label" => "Facebook App ID",
"fieldset" => "External Services",
"value" => $config->site->facebook->app_id
$form_structure['site_facebook_app_secret'] = array(
"type" => "text",
"label" => "Facebook App Secret",
"fieldset" => "External Services",
"value" => $config->site->facebook->app_secret
$form_structure['site_facebook_login'] = array(
"type" => "select",
"options" => array( 0 => "No", 1 => "Yes" ),
"label" => "Facebook Login",
"tooltip" => "Can users login to the site using their Facebook account?",
"fieldset" => "External Services",
"value" => $config->site->facebook->login
$form_structure['site_twitter_app_key'] = array(
"type" => "text",
"label" => "Twitter App Key",
"fieldset" => "External Services",
"value" => $config->site->twitter->app_key
$form_structure['site_twitter_app_secret'] = array(
"type" => "text",
"label" => "Twitter App Secret",
"fieldset" => "External Services",
"value" => $config->site->twitter->app_secret
$form_structure['site_twitter_login'] = array(
"type" => "select",
"options" => array( 0 => "No", 1 => "Yes" ),
"label" => "Twitter Login",
"tooltip" => "Can users login to the site using their Twitter account?",
"fieldset" => "External Services",
"value" => $config->site->twitter->login
$form_structure['site_name'] = array(
"type" => "text",
"label" => "Name",
"fieldset" => "Website",
"validation" => array(
"instance" => array( )
"value" => $config->site->name
$form_structure['site_timezone'] = array(
"type" => "select",
"options" => MK_Utility::gettimezonelist( ),
"label" => "Timezone",
"fieldset" => "Website",
"validation" => array(
"instance" => array( )
"value" => $config->site->timezone
$form_structure['site_valid_file_extensions'] = array(
"type" => "textarea",
"label" => "File extensions",
"tooltip" => "The following file types can be uploaded to the site. Separate with a comma ','.",
"fieldset" => "Website",
"validation" => array(
"instance" => array( )
"value" => implode( ", ", ( array )$config->site->valid_file_extensions )
$form_structure['site_email'] = array(
"type" => "text",
"label" => "Email address",
"fieldset" => "Website",
"validation" => array(
"email" => array( ),
"instance" => array( )
"value" => $config->site->email
$form_structure['email_signature'] = array(
"type" => "textarea",
"attributes" => array( "class" => "input-textarea-small" ),
"label" => "Email signature",
"tooltip" => "This will be appended to the bottom of any emails sent to users. This field is HTML.",
"fieldset" => "Website",
"value" => $config->site->email_signature
$form_structure['site_url'] = array(
"type" => "text",
"label" => "URL",
"fieldset" => "Website",
"validation" => array(
"url" => array( ),
"instance" => array( )
"value" => $config->site->url
$form_structure['site_date_format'] = array(
"type" => "text",
"label" => "Date format",
"validation" => array(
"instance" => array( )
"fieldset" => "Website",
"value" => $config->site->date_format
$form_structure['site_time_format'] = array(
"type" => "text",
"label" => "Date format",
"validation" => array(
"instance" => array( )
"fieldset" => "Website",
"value" => $config->site->time_format
$form_structure['site_template'] = array(
"type" => "select",
"options" => array( ),
"label" => "Template",
"fieldset" => "Website",
"value" => $config->template."/".$config->template_theme
$form_structure['user_timeout'] = array(
"type" => "text",
"label" => "User login time",
"validation" => array(
"instance" => array( ),
"integer" => array( )
"tooltip" => "This field defines how long users will be signed in for (in seconds). After this period users will need to login again.",
"fieldset" => "Website",
"value" => $config->site->user_timeout
$form_structure['search_submit'] = array(
"type" => "submit",
"attributes" => array( "value" => "Save Changes" )
$handle = scandir( "application/views" );
$components_core = array( );
$components_optional = array( );
foreach ( $handle as $template_folder )
if ( $template_folder != "." && $template_folder != ".." && is_dir( "application/views/".$template_folder ) )
$template_details = simplexml_load_file( "application/views/".$template_folder."/details.xml" );
$template_name = ( boolean )$template_details->name;
$form_structure['site_template']['options'][$template_name] = array( );
$theme_handle = scandir( "application/views/".$template_folder."/themes" );
foreach ( $theme_handle as $theme_folder )
if ( $theme_folder != "." && $theme_folder != ".." && is_dir( "application/views/".$template_folder."/themes/".$theme_folder ) )
$theme_details = simplexml_load_file( "application/views/".$template_folder."/themes/".$theme_folder."/details.xml" );
$form_structure['site_template']['options'][$template_name][$template_folder."/".$theme_folder] = ( boolean )$theme_details->name." - By ".( boolean )$theme_details->author;
$form = new MK_Form( $form_structure, $form_settings );
if ( $form->isSuccessful( ) )
$message = array( );
$config_data = array( );
$fields = $form->getFields( );
$config_data['licence.key'] = $form->getField( "licence_key" )->getValue( );
$config_data[''] = $form->getField( "video_storage" )->getValue( );
$config_data['video.player'] = $form->getField( "video_player" )->getValue( );
$config_data['licence.checked'] = time( );
if ( $config->core->mode === MK_Core::MODE_FULL )
$config_data[''] = $form->getField( "db_host" )->getValue( );
$config_data[''] = $form->getField( "db_name" )->getValue( );
$config_data['db.username'] = $form->getField( "db_username" )->getValue( );
$config_data['db.password'] = $form->getField( "db_password" )->getValue( );
$config_data['site.facebook.app_id'] = $form->getField( "site_facebook_app_id" )->getValue( );
$config_data['site.facebook.app_secret'] = $form->getField( "site_facebook_app_secret" )->getValue( );
$config_data['site.facebook.login'] = $form->getField( "site_facebook_login" )->getValue( );
$config_data['site.twitter.app_key'] = $form->getField( "site_twitter_app_key" )->getValue( );
$config_data['site.twitter.app_secret'] = $form->getField( "site_twitter_app_secret" )->getValue( );
$config_data['site.twitter.login'] = $form->getField( "site_twitter_login" )->getValue( );
$valid_file_extensions = explode( ",", $form->getField( "site_valid_file_extensions" )->getValue( ) );
$valid_file_extensions = array_map( "trim", $valid_file_extensions );
$valid_file_extensions = array_filter( $valid_file_extensions );
$valid_file_extensions = array_unique( $valid_file_extensions );
$config_data['site.valid_file_extensions'] = implode( ",", $valid_file_extensions );
$config_data[''] = $form->getField( "site_name" )->getValue( );
$config_data['site.timezone'] = $form->getField( "site_timezone" )->getValue( );
$config_data[''] = $form->getField( "site_email" )->getValue( );
$config_data['site.email_signature'] = $form->getField( "email_signature" )->getValue( );
$config_data['site.url'] = $form->getField( "site_url" )->getValue( );
$config_data['site.date_format'] = $form->getField( "site_date_format" )->getValue( );
$config_data['site.time_format'] = $form->getField( "site_time_format" )->getValue( );
$config_data['site.template'] = $form->getField( "site_template" )->getValue( );
$config_data['user.timeout'] = $form->getField( "user_timeout" )->getValue( );
foreach ( $fields as $field_key => $field_value )
list( $config_area, $config_section, $config_node ) = config_area if ( $config_area === "extensions" )
$config_data["extensions.".$config_section.".".$config_node] = $field_value->getValue( );
if ( $config->core->mode === MK_Core::MODE_DEMO )
$messages[] = new MK_Message( "warning", "Settings cannot be updated as <strong>".$config->instance->name."</strong> is running in demonstration mode." );
$messages[] = new MK_Message( "success", "Your settings have been updated. <a href=\"".$this->getView( )->uri( array( "controller" => "dashboard", "section" => "settings" ) )."\">Make more changes</a> or <a href=\"".$this->getView( )->uri( array( "controller" => "dashboard", "section" => "settings" ) )."\">return to the dashboard</a>." );
MK_Utility::writeconfig( $config_data );
$this->getView( )->messages = $messages;
$this->getView( )->setDisplayPath( "dashboard/settings-processed" );
$this->getView( )->form = $form->render( );