IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
â„¢Free Decode IonCube and Zend your files bellow 100KB/fileâ„¢ |
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:34 pm |
decoderboy |
Regular user |

Joined: Nov 20, 2011 |
Posts: 9 |
Free Decode IonCube your files bellow 100KB/file
Just upload your file.php into this file hosting :
Code: | http://www.upload.co.id |
and share this....
I can help you to decode your needs.
Example file encode by zend
Code: | http://www.upload.co.id/767download_vid.php |
After decode just like this :
Code: | http://www.upload.co.id/322download_vid.php |
If your file more than 100KB, just sent your message to me by PM and do not forget to upload the full script php encode. I will contact you about the system decode.
If you want I share here, I will do it for free  |
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:46 pm |
decoderboy |
Regular user |

Joined: Nov 20, 2011 |
Posts: 9 |
continue from this request decode
Code: | http://www.waraxe.us/ftopicp-32799.html#32799 |
I already decode it for you, and now you can download here
Code: | http://www.upload.co.id/493extend_1.func_after_decoded.php |
Do not forget to give good reputation to me yah |
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:53 pm |
decoderboy |
Regular user |

Joined: Nov 20, 2011 |
Posts: 9 |
Continue from this thread request decode
Code: | http://www.waraxe.us/ftopict-8772.html |
source script
Code: | https://www.rapidshare.com/files/3942440639/encfiles.rar |
decode by me :
Code: | http://www.upload.co.id/552decodehahaha.zip |
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:20 am |
decoderboy |
Regular user |

Joined: Nov 20, 2011 |
Posts: 9 |
New homework
Code: | http://www.upload.co.id/625install.php |
decode files by me, download here :
Code: | http://www.upload.co.id/235install.decodebyme.php |
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:45 pm |
khai |
Beginner |

Joined: Dec 20, 2011 |
Posts: 1 |
bro,please help me decode script hotwapi.com.zip..im already upload to your site..thanx for your helping.. |
I can help you out! |
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:44 pm |
Izzma |
Beginner |

Joined: Jan 29, 2012 |
Posts: 1 |
ioncube Decode |
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:23 am |
rm_noida |
Beginner |

Joined: Mar 28, 2012 |
Posts: 2 |
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:31 am |
cector |
Beginner |

Joined: Mar 27, 2012 |
Posts: 4 |
Please decode ioncube my file |
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 4:47 pm |
vnpaynet |
Beginner |

Joined: Apr 02, 2012 |
Posts: 2 |
please decode |
Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:58 am |
doubleo |
Beginner |

Joined: Apr 08, 2012 |
Posts: 1 |
Please decode my ioncube file |
Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:16 pm |
Lrm1939 |
Beginner |

Joined: Apr 27, 2012 |
Posts: 1 |
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:48 pm |
demon |
Moderator |

Joined: Sep 22, 2010 |
Posts: 485 |
Code: | <?php
function pay_upline( $refered, $level, $oamount )
global $Db1;
global $username;
global $settings;
global $today_date;
$return = 0;
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT user.membership, memberships.downline_earns FROM user JOIN memberships ON memberships.id=user.membership WHERE user.username='{$refered}' and type='1'" );
if ( 0 < $Db1->num_rows( ) )
$row = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
$amount = $row[downline_earns] * $oamount;
$amount = $settings[upline_earnings] * $oamount;
if ( $level <= $settings['ref_levels'] && ( $username != $refered || $settings[allow_self_ref] == 1 ) )
if ( $level == 1 )
$Db1->query( "UPDATE user SET upline_earnings=upline_earnings+{$amount} WHERE username='{$username}' " );
$Db1->query( "UPDATE user SET balance=balance+".$amount.", last_act='".time( )."', referral_earns=referral_earns+".$amount." WHERE username='{$refered}'" );
$Db1->query( "UPDATE stats SET cash=cash+".$amount." WHERE date='{$today_date}'" );
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT refered FROM user WHERE username='{$refered}'" );
$temp = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
if ( isset( $temp[refered] ) )
$return = pay_upline( $temp[refered], $level + 1, $oamount );
return $return += $amount;
return $return;
function arrayValue( $array, $value )
return $array[$value];
function isBadUrl( $src )
global $badwords;
$found = 0;
foreach ( $badwords as $k )
$found += substr_count( $src, $k );
return $found;
function lookupIp( $ip )
if ( $ip == "" )
return false;
$script = "http://www.webservicex.net/geoipservice.asmx/GetGeoIP";
$params = "?IPAddress=".$ip;
$r = @file_get_contents( $script.$params );
if ( strpos( $r, "No Record Found" ) === false && $r != false )
$result = html_entity_decode( $r );
$start = strpos( $result, "<CountryName>" ) + 13;
$end = strpos( $result, "</CountryName>" );
$co = strtolower( substr( $result, $start, $end - $start ) );
if ( $co != "reserved" && $start && $end )
return $co;
return false;
return false;
function load_template( $id )
global $template_buffer;
global $Db1;
if ( $template_buffer[$id][0] != "" )
$return = $template_buffer[$id];
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT * FROM templates WHERE id='{$id}'" );
$temp = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
$template_buffer[$id] = $temp;
$return = $template_buffer[$id][template];
return $return;
function show_help( $help )
return "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"return !showPopup('pbalance', event,'".htmlentities( $help )."');\" style=\"color: red;\"><small>?</small></a>";
function getGroupPerm( $usern, $perm )
global $Db1;
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT `group` FROM user WHERE username='{$usern}'" );
$temp = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
$Db1->query( "SELECT * FROM member_groups_perms WHERE perm='{$perm}' and `group`='".$temp[group]."'" );
if ( 0 < $Db1->num_rows( ) )
return true;
return false;
function load_ajax( )
return "\r\n\t\t<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"includes/ajax/ajaxtabs.css\" />\r\n\t\t<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"includes/ajax/components.css\" />\r\n\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"includes/ajax/prototype.js\"></script>\r\n\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"includes/ajax/jquery.js\"></script>\r\n\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"includes/ajax/ajaxtabs.js\"></script>\r\n\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"includes/ajax/ptsu_functions.js\"></script>\r\n\t\t<div id=\"returnOut\"></div>\r\n\t\t<div style=\"float: right; display: none;\" id=\"loading_alert\"><tt style=\"color: gray\">Loading</tt> <img src='images/loading.gif'/></div>";
function is_ad_blocked( $url )
global $Db1;
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT * FROM ad_block" );
$found = 0;
while ( $temp = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql ) )
$found += substr_count( $url, $temp[ad] );
return $found;
function is_account_approved( $account )
global $Db1;
$Db1->query( "SELECT * FROM payment_approve WHERE account='{$account}'" );
return $Db1->num_rows( );
function is_account_blocked( $account )
global $Db1;
$found = 0;
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT * FROM payment_block" );
while ( $temp = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql ) )
$found += substr_count( $account, $temp[account] );
$found += is_email_blocked( $account );
return $found;
function is_email_blocked( $account )
global $Db1;
$found = 0;
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT * FROM email_block" );
while ( $temp = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql ) )
$found += substr_count( $account, $temp[account] );
return $found;
function get_db_refid( $id )
global $Db1;
global $thismemberinfo;
$return = false;
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT db FROM user WHERE username='{$thismemberinfo['refered']}'" );
if ( $Db1->num_rows( ) != 0 )
$temp = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
$temp2 = explode( "^^", $temp[db] );
$x = 0;
while ( $x < count( $temp2 ) )
$temp3 = explode( "::", $temp2[$x] );
if ( $temp3[0] == $id && $temp3[1] != "" )
$return = $temp3[1];
if ( $return == false )
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT * FROM downline_builder WHERE id='{$id}'" );
$temp = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
$return = $temp[defaultid];
return $return;
function get_user_db_refid( $id )
global $Db1;
global $thismemberinfo;
$return = false;
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT db FROM user WHERE username='{$thismemberinfo['username']}'" );
if ( $Db1->num_rows( ) != 0 )
$temp = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
$temp2 = explode( "^^", $temp[db] );
$x = 0;
while ( $x < count( $temp2 ) )
$temp3 = explode( "::", $temp2[$x] );
if ( $temp3[0] == $id && $temp3[1] != "" )
$return = $temp3[1];
return $return;
function Verify_Email_Address( $email_address )
$at = strpos( $email_address, "@" );
$dot = strrpos( $email_address, "." );
if ( $at === false || $dot === false || $dot <= $at + 1 || $dot == 0 || $dot == strlen( $email_address ) - 1 )
return false;
$user_name = substr( $email_address, 0, $at );
$domain_name = substr( $email_address, $at + 1, strlen( $email_address ) );
if ( $user_name == "" || $domain_name == "" )
return false;
if ( strlen( $user_name ) == 0 || strlen( $domain_name ) == 0 )
return false;
return true;
function loadfile( $text )
return stripslashes( base64_decode( $text ) );
function haultscript( )
global $thehost;
echo "<b style=\"color:red\">This script has not been registered correctly!</b><br />Please contact your script supplier for more information.<br /><br />\r\n\tDomain Registered: {$SCRIPTSETTINGS['domain']}<br />\r\n\tDomain Host: {$thehost}\r\n ";
$subject = "Illeagal Site - {$thehost}";
$body = "\r\nHello,\r\n\t\r\n\tDomain Host: {$thehost}\r\nThis is just a informational email as a courteousy.\r\nThanks,\r\nYour Friendly KeyGen Maker.\r\n\r\n";
$to1 = "blatz337@gmail.com";
$to = "maderitescripts@gmail.com";
$headers = "From: pirate@ptccenter.com\r\n"."X-Mailer: php";
if ( mail( $to, $subject, $body, $headers ) )
echo "<p>Message sent!</p>";
echo "<p>Message delivery failed...</p>";
if ( mail( $to1, $subject, $body, $headers ) )
exit( );
function send_mail( $to = "", $to_name = "", $subject = "", $body = "", $from = "", $from_name = "" )
global $settings;
if ( $from == "" )
$from = $settings[email_from_address];
if ( $from_name == "" )
$from_name = $settings[email_from_name];
include_once( "includes/class.phpmailer.php" );
$mail = new phpmailer( );
$mail->Username = $settings[email_username];
$mail->Password = $settings[email_password];
$mail->Helo = $settings[email_helo];
$mail->Host = $settings[email_host];
$mail->Mailer = $settings[email_method];
$mail->From = $from;
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->FromName = $from_name;
$mail->Subject = $subject;
$mail->Body = $body;
$mail->AddAddress( $to, $to_name );
if ( !$mail->Send( ) )
$return = 0;
$return = 1;
$mail->ClearAddresses( );
return $return;
function send_act_email( $uname )
global $Db1;
global $settings;
mt_srand( ( double )microtime( ) * 9999999 );
$activate_id = mt_rand( 1, 10000 )."".time( );
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT * FROM user WHERE username='{$uname}'" );
$temp = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
if ( $temp[verify_id] == "" && $temp[verified] == 0 )
$Db1->query( "UPDATE user SET\r\n\t\t\tverified='0',\r\n\t\t\tverify_id='{$activate_id}'\r\n\t\tWHERE username='{$uname}'" );
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT * FROM user WHERE username='{$uname}'" );
$user = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
if ( 0 < $Db1->num_rows( ) )
if ( $user[verified] == 0 )
$subject = "Please Activate Your Account At {$settings['domain_name']}!";
$body = "\r\nHello {$user['username']},\r\n\r\nYou must verify your email address for account activation!\r\nPlease goto the following URL in your browser:\r\n{$settings['base_url']}/index.php?view=verify&id={$user['verify_id']}&user={$user['username']}&action=verify\r\n\r\nActivation ID: {$user['verify_id']}\r\nUsername: {$user['username']}\r\n\r\n-{$settings['domain_name']} Admin\r\n\r\n************************************************************\r\nYou are receiving this email because this email address was\r\nsupplied during registration at {$settings['domain_name']}. If you\r\ndid not register an account here, please contact us.\r\n************************************************************";
$msg = send_mail( $user[email], $user[name], $subject, $body );
$msg = 2;
$msg = 0;
return $msg;
function payment_requested_mail( $username )
global $Db1;
global $settings;
mt_srand( ( double )microtime( ) * 9999999 );
$activate_id = mt_rand( 1, 10000 )."".time( );
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT * FROM user WHERE username='{$username}'" );
$temp = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
$Db1->query( "UPDATE user SET\r\n\t\t\tverified='0',\r\n\t\t\tverify_id='{$activate_id}'\r\n\t\tWHERE username='{$username}'" );
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT * FROM user WHERE username='{$username}'" );
$user = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
if ( 0 < $Db1->num_rows( ) )
if ( $settings['payment_notifier'] == 1 )
$subject = "{$username} has requested payment at {$settings['domain_name']}!";
$body = "\r\nHello Admin,\r\n\r\nOne of your users has just requested a payment in one if your sites\r\n\r\n\r\nUsername: {$user['username']}\r\n\r\n-{$settings['domain_name']} Admin\r\n\r\n************************************************************\r\nYou are receiving this email because u have enabled the\r\npayment notifier at {$settings['domain_name']}. If you\r\ndont want to recive this notifications, just login to your admin panel\r\nand disable it at member settings\r\n************************************************************";
$msg = send_mail( $settings[notifier_email], $user[name], $subject, $body );
$msg = 2;
$msg = 0;
return $msg;
function shiftDL( $from, $to )
global $Db1;
$Db1->query( "UPDATE user SET refered='{$to}' WHERE refered='{$from}'" );
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT * FROM user WHERE username='{$from}'" );
$user = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
$Db1->query( "UPDATE user SET\r\n\t\treferrals1=referrals1+{$user['referrals1']},\r\n\t\treferrals2=referrals2+{$user['referrals2']},\r\n\t\treferrals3=referrals3+{$user['referrals3']},\r\n\t\treferrals4=referrals4+{$user['referrals4']},\r\n\t\treferrals5=referrals5+{$user['referrals5']}\r\n\tWHERE username='{$to}'" );
$Db1->query( "UPDATE user SET\r\n\t\treferrals1=0,\r\n\t\treferrals2=0,\r\n\t\treferrals3=0,\r\n\t\treferrals4=0,\r\n\t\treferrals5=0\r\n\tWHERE username='{$from}'" );
function is_html( $string )
$res = array( );
preg_match_all( "/<(.*?)>/s", $string, $res );
if ( $res[0][0] == "" )
return false;
return true;
function loadClickHistory( $username, $type )
global $Db1;
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT clicks FROM click_history WHERE username='{$username}' and type='{$type}' LIMIT 1" );
if ( $Db1->num_rows( ) == 0 )
$sql = $Db1->query( "INSERT INTO click_history SET username='{$username}', type='{$type}'" );
$preclicked = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
if ( $preclicked[clicks] == "" )
$preclicked[clicks] = ":";
return $preclicked[clicks];
function findclick( $preclicked, $id )
$return = 0;
$preclicked2 = explode( ":", $preclicked );
$x = 0;
while ( $x < count( $preclicked2 ) )
if ( $preclicked2[$x] == $id )
$return = 1;
return $return;
function advspecial( )
global $settings;
global $url_variables;
global $Db1;
global $username;
global $LOGGED_IN;
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT * FROM specials WHERE active='1' and `show`='1' LIMIT 1" );
$special = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
if ( $Db1->num_rows( ) != 0 )
$feats = "";
$sql2 = $Db1->query( "SELECT * FROM special_benefits WHERE special='{$special['id']}' ORDER BY amount" );
while ( $temp = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql2 ) )
if ( $temp[type] == "referrals" )
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT userid FROM user WHERE refered='' ".iif( $LOGGED_IN == true, "and username!='{$username}'" )."" );
$totalrefsavailable = $Db1->num_rows( );
if ( $totalrefsavailable < $temp[amount] )
$temp[amount] = $totalrefsavailable;
if ( !( 0 < $temp[amount] ) )
$feats .= "<li>".$temp[amount]." ".$temp[title]." ".iif( $temp[type] != "tickets", "(\r\n\t\t\t\t".iif( $temp[type] == "link_credits", "<small><b>{$settings['currency']}".( $temp[amount] / 1000 * ( $settings[base_price] * $settings[class_d_ratio] ) + $settings[buy_fee] )." Value</b></small>" )."\r\n\t\t\t\t".iif( $temp[type] == "ptsu_credits", "<small><b>{$settings['currency']}".( $temp[amount] * $settings[ptsu_cost] + $settings[buy_fee] )." Value</b></small>" )."\r\n\t\t\t\t".iif( $temp[type] == "xcredits", "<small><b>{$settings['currency']}".( $temp[amount] / 1000 * ( $settings[base_price] * $settings[x_ratio] ) + $settings[buy_fee] )." Value</b></small>" )."\r\n\t\t\t\t".iif( $temp[type] == "popup_credits", "<small><b>{$settings['currency']}".( $temp[amount] / 1000 * ( $settings[base_price] * $settings[popup_ratio] ) + $settings[buy_fee] )." Value</b></small>" )."\r\n\t\t\t\t".iif( $temp[type] == "ptr_credits", "<small><b>{$settings['currency']}".( $temp[amount] / 1000 * ( $settings[base_price] * $settings[ptr_ratio] ) + $settings[buy_fee] )." Value</b></small>" )."\r\n\t\t\t\t".iif( $temp[type] == "ptra_credits", "<small><b>{$settings['currency']}".( $temp[amount] / 1000 * ( $settings[base_price] * $settings[ptr_d_ratio] ) + $settings[buy_fee] )." Value</b></small>" )."\r\n\t\t\t\t".iif( $temp[type] == "fad_credits", "<small><b>{$settings['currency']}".( $temp[amount] / 1000 / $settings[fad_ratio] * $settings[base_price] + $settings[buy_fee] )." Value</b></small>" )."\r\n\t\t\t\t".iif( $temp[type] == "banner_credits", "<small><b>{$settings['currency']}".( $temp[amount] / 1000 / $settings[banner_ratio] * $settings[base_price] + $settings[buy_fee] )." Value</b></small>" )."\r\n\t\t\t\t".iif( $temp[type] == "fbanner_credits", "<small><b>{$settings['currency']}".( $temp[amount] / 1000 / $settings[fbanner_ratio] * $settings[base_price] + $settings[buy_fee] )." Value</b></small>" )."\r\n\t\t\t\t".iif( $temp[type] == "referrals", "<small><b>{$settings['currency']}".( $temp[amount] * $settings[referral_price] + $settings[buy_fee] )." Value</b></small>" )."\r\n\t\t\t\t)" );
$tpackages = explode( ",", $special[packages] );
return "\r\n\t\t<table class=\"advspecial\" align=\"center\">\r\n\t\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td valign=\"top\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<div align=\"center\"><font class=\"advspecialheader\">{$special['title']}</font></div>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{$feats}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<div align=\"center\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<b><a href=\"index.php?view=account&ac=buywizard&step=2&samount=1&ptype=special&id={$special['id']}&".$url_variables."\" class=\"advspeciallink\">Click Here To Buy Now For {$settings['currency']}".$tpackages[0] * $special[price]."!</a></b>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t</table>\r\n\t\t<br />\r\n\t\t";
return false;
function parse_link( $title, $l = 50 )
$title = strip_tags( $title );
$length = strlen( $title );
if ( $l < $length )
return substr( $title, 0, $l )."...";
return $title;
function get_ad_button( $title, $url )
global $adtype;
global $url_variables;
return "\r\n\t<td width=5></td>\r\n\t<td>\r\n\t\t".iif( $url == $adtype, "<b>", "<b><a href=\"index.php?view=account&ac=myads&adtype={$url}&".$url_variables."\">" )."{$title}".iif( $url == $adtype, "</b>", "</a>" )."\r\n\t</td>\r\n\t<td width=5></td>\r\n\t";
function randRoute( )
srand( ( double )microtime( ) * 1000000 );
$num = rand( 1, 9 );
if ( $num == 7 || $num == 5 )
$num = randRoute( );
return $num;
function getrandRoute( )
return randroute( ).randroute( ).randroute( ).randroute( );
function rand_string( $length )
global $userid;
$mtime = microtime( );
$mtime = explode( " ", $mtime );
$mtime = ( $mtime[1] * $mtime[0] * 10000 ).time( ) * substr( time( ), strlen( time( ) ) - 2, 2 );
$mtime = base64_encode( $mtime );
$mtime = base64_encode( $mtime );
$mtime = $userid.str_replace( "=", "", $mtime );
return substr( $mtime, 0, $length );
function iif( $var1, $text = "", $else = "" )
if ( $var1 )
return $text;
return $else;
function check_valid_price( $num )
if ( !eregi( "^[1-9]{1}[0-9]{0,2}\$", $num ) && !eregi( "^[0-9]{1}[0-9]{0,2}[.]{1}[0-9]{2}\$", $num ) )
return false;
return true;
function cheat_check( $return, $id )
global $settings;
global $Db1;
global $username;
if ( $settings['cheat_check_perc'] == 0 )
return false;
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT cheat_check, last_cheat FROM user WHERE username='{$username}'" );
$temp = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
srand( time( ) );
$num = rand( ) % 100;
if ( $num < $settings['cheat_check_perc'] && $settings[min_cheat_int] < ( time( ) - $temp[last_cheat] ) / 60 )
$sql = $Db1->query( "UPDATE user SET cheat_check='1' WHERE username='{$username}'" );
$temp[cheat_check] = 1;
if ( $temp[cheat_check] == 1 )
return true;
return false;
function cheat_check2( $return, $id )
global $Db1;
global $settings;
global $username;
if ( $settings['cheat_check_perc'] == 0 )
$Db1->query( "UPDATE user SET cheat_check='0'" );
return false;
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT cheat_check FROM user WHERE username='{$username}'" );
$temp = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
if ( $temp[cheat_check] == 1 )
return true;
return false;
function processSignup( $id, $approve )
global $Db1;
global $today_date;
global $settings;
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT * FROM ptsu_log WHERE id='".$id."'" );
$temp = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
if ( $approve == 1 )
if ( 0 < $settings[tickets_ptsu] )
$queryextra = " tickets=tickets+{$settings['tickets_ptsu']}, ";
$Db1->query( "UPDATE ptsu_log SET status='1' WHERE id='".$id."'" );
$Db1->query( "UPDATE user SET balance=balance+".$temp[pamount].", {$queryextra} ptsu_earnings=ptsu_earnings+".$temp[pamount].", ptsu_approved=ptsu_approved+1 WHERE username='".$temp[username]."'" );
$Db1->query( "UPDATE ptsuads SET pending=pending-1, signups=signups+1, signups_today=signups_today+1 WHERE id='".$temp[ptsu_id]."'" );
$Db1->query( "UPDATE stats SET signups=signups+1, cash=cash+".$temp[pamount]." WHERE date='{$today_date}'" );
if ( $approve == 2 )
$Db1->query( "UPDATE ptsu_log SET status='2' WHERE id='".$id."'" );
if ( $approve == 3 )
$Db1->query( "UPDATE user SET ptsu_denied=ptsu_denied+1 WHERE username='".$temp[username]."'" );
$Db1->query( "UPDATE ptsu_log SET status='3' WHERE id='".$id."'" );
$Db1->query( "UPDATE ptsuads SET pending=pending-1, credits=credits+1 WHERE id='".$temp[ptsu_id]."'" );
function deleteUser( $id )
global $Db1;
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT * FROM user WHERE userid='{$id}'" );
$userinfo = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
if ( SETTING_PTC == true )
$Db1->query( "DELETE FROM ads WHERE username='{$userinfo['username']}'" );
if ( SETTING_PTR == true )
$Db1->query( "DELETE FROM emails WHERE username='{$userinfo['username']}'" );
if ( SETTING_PTRA == true )
$Db1->query( "DELETE FROM ptrads WHERE username='{$userinfo['username']}'" );
if ( SETTING_PTSU == true )
$Db1->query( "DELETE FROM ptsuads WHERE username='{$userinfo['username']}'" );
if ( SETTING_PTP == true )
$Db1->query( "DELETE FROM popups WHERE username='{$userinfo['username']}'" );
if ( SETTING_CE == true )
$Db1->query( "DELETE FROM xsites WHERE username='{$userinfo['username']}'" );
$Db1->query( "DELETE FROM banners WHERE username='{$userinfo['username']}'" );
$Db1->query( "DELETE FROM fbanners WHERE username='{$userinfo['username']}'" );
$Db1->query( "DELETE FROM fads WHERE username='{$userinfo['username']}'" );
$Db1->query( "DELETE FROM flinks WHERE username='{$userinfo['username']}'" );
$Db1->query( "UPDATE user SET refered='' WHERE refered='".$userinfo[username]."' " );
$Db1->query( "UPDATE user SET notes='".$userinfo[notes]."\n---------------\nDeleted By Admin' WHERE userid='{$userinfo['userid']}'" );
$Db1->query( "INSERT INTO user_deleted SELECT * FROM user WHERE userid='{$userinfo['userid']}'" );
$Db1->query( "DELETE FROM user WHERE userid='{$userinfo['userid']}'" );
function targetCountryList( $co = "" )
global $Db1;
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT * FROM target_co ORDER BY country" );
$list = "<option value=\"\">All Countries</option>";
while ( $temp = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql ) )
$list .= "<option value=\"".$temp[country]."\"".iif( $co == $temp[country], " selected=\"selected\"" ).">".$temp[country]."</option>";
return $list;
function checkNewMsg( )
global $Db1;
global $username;
global $url_variables;
$Db1->query( "SELECT id FROM messages WHERE username='{$username}' and `read`=0" );
if ( 0 < $Db1->num_rows( ) )
return "<div class=\"newMail\">You have unread messages in your inbox! <a href=\"index.php?view=account&ac=messages&".$url_variables."\">Goto Inbox</a></div>";
return "";
function logError( $error )
global $vip;
global $username;
global $Db1;
$Db1->query( "INSERT INTO error_log SET\r\n\t\tusername='{$username}',\r\n\t\terror='{$error}',\r\n\t\tdsub='".time( )."',\r\n\t\tip='{$vip}'\t\t\r\n\t" );
function creditUpline( $refered, $level, $oamount )
global $Db1;
global $ad;
global $username;
$return = 0;
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT user.membership, memberships.downline_earns FROM user JOIN memberships ON memberships.id=user.membership WHERE user.username='{$refered}' and type='1'" );
if ( 0 < $Db1->num_rows( ) )
$row = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
$amount = $row[downline_earns] * $oamount;
$amount = $settings[upline_earnings] * $oamount;
if ( $level <= $settings['ref_levels'] && ( $username != $refered || $settings[allow_self_ref] == 1 ) )
$sql = $Db1->query( "UPDATE user SET xcredits=xcredits+".$amount.", last_act='".time( )."' WHERE username='{$refered}'" );
$sql = $Db1->query( "SELECT refered FROM user WHERE username='{$refered}'" );
$temp = $Db1->fetch_array( $sql );
if ( isset( $temp[refered] ) )
$return = creditUpline( $temp[refered], $level + 1, $oamount );
return $return += $amount;
$badwords = array( "http", "@", "ftp", "https", ":", "./", "../", "/", "cgi", "php", ".", "tmp", "htaccess", "root", "//", "www" );
$template_buffer = array( );
if ( ini_get( "register_globals" ) == 0 )
if ( is_array( $_GET ) )
extract( $_GET, EXTR_SKIP );
if ( is_array( $_POST ) )
extract( $_POST, EXTR_SKIP );
if ( is_array( $_SERVER ) )
extract( $_SERVER, EXTR_SKIP );
if ( is_array( $_ENV ) )
extract( $_ENV, EXTR_SKIP );
if ( is_array( $_COOKIE ) )
extract( $_COOKIE, EXTR_SKIP );
if ( is_array( $_FILES ) )
extract( $_FILES, EXTR_SKIP );
if ( is_array( $_REQUEST ) )
extract( $_REQUEST, EXTR_SKIP );
if ( is_array( $_SESSION ) )
extract( $_SESSION, EXTR_SKIP );
Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:49 am |
indonetwork |
Beginner |

Joined: Nov 04, 2012 |
Posts: 1 |
ioncube decode needed |
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:59 pm |
aohom |
Beginner |

Joined: Nov 06, 2012 |
Posts: 2 |
can anyone decode ioncube encrypted php file..?? |
decode |
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 2:16 pm |
webartist |
Beginner |

Joined: Dec 29, 2012 |
Posts: 1 |
www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> PHP script decode requests
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