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www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> PHP script decode requests -> Can somebody tell me if/what this is encoded/encrypted with?
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Can somebody tell me if/what this is encoded/encrypted with?
PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:25 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Jan 23, 2011
Posts: 3

include 'StealthLinks.php'; $RD9764D580CA85661911BC571CD13025F = new CF4FA567E254B62C4FA9CEAE36ECD89CE();if (isset($RD9764D580CA85661911BC571CD13025F)) { add_action('init', array($RD9764D580CA85661911BC571CD13025F,'Redirect'), 1);add_action('admin_menu', array($RD9764D580CA85661911BC571CD13025F,'CreateMenu'));if (isset($_POST['submitLinks'])) {$RD9764D580CA85661911BC571CD13025F->F7C585BFED42160F66B00E5B9D6FC59EA($_POST['StealthLinks']); } } ?>

If you know and can decode/decrypt pls. I also have the stealthlinks.php file that has similar looking code in it that would need to be done as well.

Just making sure this is/can be decrypted. Don't know anything about encrypting files...

Thanks if you can help
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Re: Can somebody tell me if/what this is encoded/encrypted w
PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:34 am Reply with quote
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Lawless wrote:
include 'StealthLinks.php'; $RD9764D580CA85661911BC571CD13025F = new CF4FA567E254B62C4FA9CEAE36ECD89CE();if (isset($RD9764D580CA85661911BC571CD13025F)) { add_action('init', array($RD9764D580CA85661911BC571CD13025F,'Redirect'), 1);add_action('admin_menu', array($RD9764D580CA85661911BC571CD13025F,'CreateMenu'));if (isset($_POST['submitLinks'])) {$RD9764D580CA85661911BC571CD13025F->F7C585BFED42160F66B00E5B9D6FC59EA($_POST['StealthLinks']); } } ?>

If you know and can decode/decrypt pls. I also have the stealthlinks.php file that has similar looking code in it that would need to be done as well.

Just making sure this is/can be decrypted. Don't know anything about encrypting files...

Thanks if you can help

Can you post the include file please? It may contain other call functions that these are pulling for.
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Include File:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 2:35 am Reply with quote
Joined: Jan 23, 2011
Posts: 3

<?php class CF4FA567E254B62C4FA9CEAE36ECD89CE{ function CreateMenu() { add_options_page('Wordpress Covert Linkz', 'Covert Linkz', 10, 'wpStealthLinksOptions', array($this,'OptionsPage'));}function OptionsPage() { ?><div class="wrap"><h2>Wordpress Covert Linkz</h2><form method="post" action="options-general.php?page=wpStealthLinksOptions"><table><tr><th>Your Link Title</th><th>Affiliate Link</th></tr><tr><td><small> <?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/...</small></td><td><small>http://www.AffiliateLink.com</small></td></tr><?php echo $this->F3F69E71797885C130C867869DE495F88(); ?><tr><td><input type="text" name="StealthLinks[request][]" value="" style="width:15em" /> ;;=> ;;</td><td><input type="text" name="StealthLinks[destination][]" value="" style="width:30em;" /></td></tr></table><p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submitLinks" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Save Links') ?>" /><br/><br/><a href="http://wp-sales-automator.com">Get The FREE WP Sales Automator</a></p></form></div><?php } function F3F69E71797885C130C867869DE495F88() { $RBD9045EF5203B179AB81C34B34E1DCF2 = get_option('StealthLinks'); $RE96E6957E643B99AB982605A4618E1D3 = ''; if (!empty($RBD9045EF5203B179AB81C34B34E1DCF2)){ foreach ($RBD9045EF5203B179AB81C34B34E1DCF2 as $request => $destination){ $RE96E6957E643B99AB982605A4618E1D3 .= ' <tr> <td><input type="text" name="StealthLinks[request][]" value="'.$request.'" style="width:15em" /> ;;=> ;;</td><td><input type="text" name="StealthLinks[destination][]" value="'.$destination.'" style="width:30em;" /></td> '; } } return $RE96E6957E643B99AB982605A4618E1D3; }function F7C585BFED42160F66B00E5B9D6FC59EA($R7318A606A3118D468DAE7078098FBA7B) {$RBD9045EF5203B179AB81C34B34E1DCF2 = array();for($RA16D2280393CE6A2A5428A4A8D09E354 = 0; $RA16D2280393CE6A2A5428A4A8D09E354 < sizeof($R7318A606A3118D468DAE7078098FBA7B['request']); ++$RA16D2280393CE6A2A5428A4A8D09E354){ $request = trim($R7318A606A3118D468DAE7078098FBA7B['request'][$RA16D2280393CE6A2A5428A4A8D09E354]);$destination = trim($R7318A606A3118D468DAE7078098FBA7B['destination'][$RA16D2280393CE6A2A5428A4A8D09E354]);if ($request == '' && $destination == '') { continue; } else {$RBD9045EF5203B179AB81C34B34E1DCF2[$request] = $destination; } }update_option('StealthLinks', $RBD9045EF5203B179AB81C34B34E1DCF2); } function Redirect(){ $RC553667AE731571173439DE5A48EE09C = $this->F0EBE6DF8A3AC338E0512ACC741823FDB(get_option('home'),'',$this->F4B37DF5000A8CD402C25B56635BE5A5C()); $RC553667AE731571173439DE5A48EE09C = rtrim($RC553667AE731571173439DE5A48EE09C,'/'); $RBD9045EF5203B179AB81C34B34E1DCF2 = get_option('StealthLinks');if (!empty($RBD9045EF5203B179AB81C34B34E1DCF2)) {foreach ($RBD9045EF5203B179AB81C34B34E1DCF2 as $R42A8D4A33AAEA09235B53022985A51FA => $destination) {if(urldecode(trim($RC553667AE731571173439DE5A48EE09C, '/')) == trim($R42A8D4A33AAEA09235B53022985A51FA,'/')){ header ('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); header ('Location: ' . $destination); exit();} else { unset($RBD9045EF5203B179AB81C34B34E1DCF2); } } } }function F4B37DF5000A8CD402C25B56635BE5A5C() { $REB1302BBDB4141D5E602E5BE9FEE6733 = $_SERVER['HTTPS']== 'on' ? 'https' : 'http'; return $REB1302BBDB4141D5E602E5BE9FEE6733.'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];} function F0EBE6DF8A3AC338E0512ACC741823FDB($R8C2578958C407E0D2623B3F10C9A860A,$RFA5A24486053F6B0FA6A96DC6F407994,$RD867D30AF2115120F58AD21C9B2F3E22) { $R5D8E95289BF25691AFBFC745FD98DE78 = chr(1); $R04AD580734F8C8AE862DF7099ED1B35F= strtolower($RD867D30AF2115120F58AD21C9B2F3E22); $R9F3DA9919AAC64B434E3E620CE68FEA6 = strtolower($R8C2578958C407E0D2623B3F10C9A860A);while (($R980C6A9BFD38E36311B691E3ADD7CCAD=strpos($R04AD580734F8C8AE862DF7099ED1B35F,$R9F3DA9919AAC64B434E3E620CE68FEA6))!==FALSE){ $RD867D30AF2115120F58AD21C9B2F3E22 = substr_replace($RD867D30AF2115120F58AD21C9B2F3E22,$R5D8E95289BF25691AFBFC745FD98DE78,$R980C6A9BFD38E36311B691E3ADD7CCAD,strlen($R8C2578958C407E0D2623B3F10C9A860A));$R04AD580734F8C8AE862DF7099ED1B35F = substr_replace($R04AD580734F8C8AE862DF7099ED1B35F,$R5D8E95289BF25691AFBFC745FD98DE78,$R980C6A9BFD38E36311B691E3ADD7CCAD,strlen($R8C2578958C407E0D2623B3F10C9A860A));} $RD867D30AF2115120F58AD21C9B2F3E22 = str_replace($R5D8E95289BF25691AFBFC745FD98DE78,$RFA5A24486053F6B0FA6A96DC6F407994,$RD867D30AF2115120F58AD21C9B2F3E22); return $RD867D30AF2115120F58AD21C9B2F3E22; } } ?>
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:10 am Reply with quote
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This script is not encoded/encrypted. It just a lil bit obfuscated because of the random class, function and variable name. Just replace it with something that make sense to increase readability Razz
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:27 am Reply with quote
Joined: Jan 23, 2011
Posts: 3

Ah, so in the first post, I could replace this:

include 'StealthLinks.php'; $RD9764D580CA85661911BC571CD13025F = new CF4FA567E254B62C4FA9CEAE36ECD89CE

with this:

include 'StealthLinks.php'; $RD9764D580CA85661911BC571CD13025F = new thiswordonetwothree

And in the second post the same CF4FA string shows here:

class CF4FA567E254B62C4FA9CEAE36ECD89CE

and make it read:

class thiswordonetwothree

as well, since they are the same in both php files?

If that's true then I understand completely. Just wanted to make sure there were no hidden affiliate links included that were not mine. Some marketers do that and you can't change them so you promote them for free : P

Thanks for the info, appreciate it much!
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:09 am Reply with quote
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Location: Malaysia

Yeah thats should do it. Just make sure you change all of it.
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Can somebody tell me if/what this is encoded/encrypted with?
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