icenix |
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Joined: May 13, 2004 |
Posts: 106 |
Location: Australia |
Welcome to Security Forum!
This is not a hacking forum and its purpose is to openly discuss security issues / exploits in a variety of forms.
We do not condone nor support the malicious abuse of computer systems or web services / sites. The site is to be used as a learning resource and nothing else.
Now, on to some specifics:
Information Disclosure and Privacy Policy:
1) No Posting of IP Addresses or Vulnerable WebSites in the forum
1a) When posting an IP address of a machine when discussing an issue should be done as follows.
1b) For Tutorials / Sections / Summarys or Open discussion, you are allowed to "rename" the IP Address or Website, ie: and or and
2) Requesting someone else to execute / do something for you
2a) By all means ask how to do something, but dont expect someone to do it for you. Ask them how to do it so you can do it
ie. Can someone help me find out what version is on ?
Use of Language and Posts Guidelines
2) Appropriate Posts and Use of Language is Mandatory
2a) Extreme profanity is not acceptable in this board. There is no word filter installed on the site to censor users, and we would prefer to leave it that way. The users on the site should be able to use good judgment when posting.
2b) Spamming of the boards will not be tolerated, if you wish to post something about your site or of a project you are doing, please give the detailed explanation so that people may learn from it. Posting of one line sentences with URL will be considered spam.
2c) Member names should not contain profanity, nor insults to other members.
2d) Avoid any kind of offensive/abusive, racial, derogatory or inflammatory comments - of course, jokes within limits are acceptable, we are just like you too!
2e) Please speak to others as you would if you were talking face to face, this means no l33t sp34k (replacing letters with numbers) unless it is for comedy value, we all add the odd h4x0r in now and then
2f) When posting please take CARE with your posts, double check the spelling and grammar don't use abbreviations like "ur" and "iz" and "da" as it's annoying and childish and your posts will be removed.
This is a professional forum and I'm afraid we won't tolerate sloppy posting, English may not be your first language, and its easy to tell the ones who tried and the ones who just try to be annoying.
2g) If you are not sure what a term or acronym is, please look it up HERE before asking, if you can't find it feel free to ask.
2h) Please refrain from cross-posting (Posting the same question in different topics) It is likely that your posts will be removed
2i) If a topic gets locked by a mod or an admin, please do not restart the same topic in another thread. It probably means the question has been answered. If not, PM The user who started it for detailed information. If need be, PM an Admin / Moderator to restart it (last resort)
2j) You don't have to post in every thread you see. If you can't be helpful or add something positive/informative/humorous please don't post. This means NOT posting "Thanks" at the bottom of a thread or "Yeah, I agree" or anything of that nature.
2k) Do not post lengthy cut and paste articles in the middle of a thread. Posting a link will be fine, just let people know what to expect when they click on it.
2l) If you don't like a subject, a poster or a moderator or something/someone gets on your nerves, stay away. Don't wreck the thread or start a flame war.
2m) When posting massive cut and pastes PLEASE PLEASE format them properly or we will just delete them, it takes us a lot of time to format them, if you are willing to post it, then format it. (Introduction / etc..)
Not an essay, just keep it neat.
3) When posting someone else's material please include them as a source at the bottom both for acknowledgements of their work and for any copyright issues.
Avatars / Signatures
4a) As of this time signature blocks can contain URLs to your own personal site. The size of your signature block should not be extreme as to attract from forum posts.
4b) NO animated Avatars.
4c) Nothing offensive/overtly or deemed of bad taste (outside the realms of common decency) will be allowed. We reserve the right to edit any Avatar or Signature without prior warning if it's against the forum guidelines.
Advertising / SPAM
5a) We operate a STRICT no spamming policy, we will not tolerate blatant spamming of any commercial sites, affiliate schemes, xxx, warez or any other money making schemes.
Final Notes
We're (largely) volunteers. We take time out of busy lives to answer questions, and at times we're overwhelmed with them.
So we filter ruthlessly. In particular, we throw away questions from people who appear to be losers in order to spend our question-answering time more efficiently, on winners. (analogy)
If you decide to come to us for help, you don't want to be one of the losers. You don't want to seem like one, either. The best way to get a rapid and responsive answer is to ask it like a winner ? to ask it like a person with smarts, confidence, and clues who just happens to need help on one particular problem.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt" |