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www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> C and C++ -> [beta testers needed] Cracker-ng
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[beta testers needed] Cracker-ng
PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:05 pm Reply with quote
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Advanced user
Joined: Jun 22, 2009
Posts: 66

Hi all,

I created a new tool: https://sourceforge.net/projects/cracker-ng/

-- What ----------------------------------------------------------------

Cracker-ng, a multiple file cracker.

What this tool does _not_:
1. call a tierce tool like unrar or unzip to check the password
2. compute permutations or create wordlists

What this tool does:
1. understand the data format (see modules/*)
2. check the password using the way official tool does
3. eventually use optimized routines
4. read passwords from STDIN:
1. crunch, jtr or whatever you want for bruteforce attacks
2. cat (or whatever you want) for wordlist attack

What this tool _will_ do:
1. use threads
1. use GPU (not planned for now)

-- Man -----------------------------------------------------------------

Usage: <module>cracker-ng <file>

Examples with ZIP module:
* wordlist attack:
cat wordlist.lst | zipcracker-ng file.zip

* bruteforce attack:
crunch 1 6 | zipcracker-ng file.zip

-- Why -----------------------------------------------------------------

I wrote this tool when I saw poor resources we have on *unix for ZIP and
RAR files password cracking. Hope it will be helpful.


Do not hesitate to contact me at <tiger-222@matriux.com> for critics,
suggestions, contributions (or whatever you want!).

I am waiting for beta testers, let me know if you have success or fails with one file (for now ony zip format is known).
If you find some bad issue, tell me and send me the file within the email.

I am curious to know if it compiles on MS Windows, Mac, BSD or Linux* like (Debian amd64 compiles well).

Thanks in advance and good tests!

PS: I am working on the RAR module, and will work on the PDF one and then excel. If you have idea do not hesitate Wink
PS2: I am working to add statistiques (pwd/sec).
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[beta testers needed] Cracker-ng
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