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i need to decode 2 files please |
Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 10:28 pm |
matrixcoon |
Regular user |

Joined: May 31, 2010 |
Posts: 5 |
Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 12:05 am |
suparman |
Active user |

Joined: Apr 18, 2010 |
Posts: 29 |
if (md5(md5(sha1(ereg_replace('www.', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))) ^ md5(('hyipguyzpayfeefirstsallyntwang'))) == $settings['pfftalcode']) {
function notify_about_addition($row)
global $settings;
$row['withdrawal_type'] = ($row['withdrawal_type'] == 1 ? 'Manual' : ($row['withdrawal_type'] == 2 ? 'Instant' : 'Automatic'));
send_mail('listing_added', $settings['admin_email'], $settings['system_email'], $row);
if ($frm['display'] == 'added') {
$smarty->assign('lid', $frm['lid']);
$smarty->assign('name', $frm['name']);
$smarty->assign('fee', $frm['fee']);
$smarty->assign('ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$smarty->assign('email', $frm['email']);
if ($frm['display'] == 'confirm') {
if ($frm['action'] == 'confirm') {
$success = 0;
if ($frm['code']) {
$q = 'select * from hl_listings where confirm = \'' . quote($frm['code']) . '\' limit 0, 1';
$sth = mysql_query($q);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sth);
if ($row['id']) {
$q = 'update hl_listings set confirm = \'0\' where confirm = \'' . quote($frm['code']) . '\'';
$sth = mysql_query($q);
$success = 1;
if ($settings['notify_about_addition']) {
$q = 'select * from hl_groups where id = ' . $row['group_id'];
($sth = mysql_query($q) or print mysql_error());
$group = mysql_fetch_array($sth);
$row['group'] = $group['name'];
$smarty->assign('success', $success);
$batch_no = intval($frm['batch_no']);
$groups = array();
$frm['type'] = intval($frm['type']);
$q = 'select * from hl_groups where status = 1 and reg_enabled = 1 and id = ' . $frm['type'];
($sth = mysql_query($q) or print mysql_error());
$group = mysql_fetch_array($sth);
if (!$group) {
header('Location: ?a=advertise');
$smarty->assign('group', $group);
$payments = preg_split('/\\s*,\\s*/', $settings['payments']);
$errors = array();
if ($frm['action'] == 'save') {
if (1 == 1) {
$batch = quote(intval($frm['batch']));
$q = 'select * from hl_batch where batchid="' . $batch . '"';
$sth = mysql_query($q);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sth);
if (mysql_num_rows($sth) == 0) {
array_push($errors, array('name' => 'wrong_type_batchno'));
} else {
$batchid = $row['batchid'];
$typeid = $row['type'];
$amountid = $row['amount'];
$usedid = $row['used'];
$fee2 = $settings[strtolower($group['type']) . 'monitorfees'] + $settings[strtolower($group['type']) . 'listingfees'];
$fee3 = $fee2 + $settings['paidsticky'];
if ($amountid == $fee3) {
$psy = 1;
if (intval($frm['type']) != $typeid) {
if ($typeid == 1) {
array_push($errors, array('name' => 'wrong_type_exclusive'));
if ($typeid == 2) {
array_push($errors, array('name' => 'wrong_type_premium'));
if ($typeid == 3) {
array_push($errors, array('name' => 'wrong_type_normal'));
if ($typeid == 4) {
array_push($errors, array('name' => 'wrong_type_trial'));
if ($usedid == 1) {
array_push($errors, array('name' => 'wrong_type_used'));
if (!(($fee2 == $amountid) || ($fee3 == $amountid))) {
array_push($errors, array('name' => 'wrong_type_amount'));
if (!$frm['name']) {
array_push($errors, array('name' => 'name'));
if (!$frm['url']) {
array_push($errors, array('name' => 'url'));
if (!$frm['email']) {
array_push($errors, array('name' => 'email'));
} else {
if (!preg_match('/^[^\\@]+\\@[^\\@]+\\.\\w{2,4}$/', $frm['email'])) {
array_push($errors, array('name' => 'invalid_email'));
if (!$errors) {
$inserts = array();
array_push($inserts, 'name = \'' . quote($frm['name']) . '\'');
array_push($inserts, 'group_id = \'' . intval($frm['type']) . '\'');
array_push($inserts, 'status = \'1\'');
array_push($inserts, 'hyip_status = \'2\'');
if ($psy) {
array_push($inserts, 'paidsticky = \'1\'');
array_push($inserts, 'paidsticky_date = \'' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime('31 days')) . '\'');
array_push($inserts, 'url = \'' . quote($frm['url']) . '\'');
array_push($inserts, 'percents = \'' . quote($frm['percents']) . '\'');
array_push($inserts, 'min_spend = \'' . quote($frm['min_spend']) . '\'');
array_push($inserts, 'max_spend = \'' . quote($frm['max_spend']) . '\'');
array_push($inserts, 'referral = \'' . quote($frm['referral']) . '\'');
array_push($inserts, 'withdrawal_type = \'' . intval($frm['withdrawal_type']) . '\'');
array_push($inserts, 'email = \'' . quote($frm['email']) . '\'');
array_push($inserts, 'support_email = \'' . quote($frm['support_email']) . '\'');
array_push($inserts, 'support_form = \'' . quote($frm['support_form']) . '\'');
array_push($inserts, 'support_forum = \'' . quote($frm['support_forum']) . '\'');
array_push($inserts, 'support_phone = \'' . quote($frm['support_phone']) . '\'');
array_push($inserts, 'support_aim = \'' . quote($frm['support_aim']) . '\'');
array_push($inserts, 'date_added = now()');
array_push($inserts, 'date_closed = \'0000-00-00\'');
array_push($inserts, 'expiration = \'' . abs(intval($group['expiration'])) . '\'');
$add_payments = array();
if ($frm['payments']) {
foreach (array_keys($frm['payments']) as $paysystem) {
if (in_array($paysystem, $payments)) {
array_push($add_payments, $paysystem);
$frm['pay_systems'] = join(',', $add_payments);
array_push($inserts, 'pay_systems = \'' . quote($frm['pay_systems']) . '\'');
array_push($inserts, 'description = \'' . quote($frm['description']) . '\'');
array_push($inserts, 'date_updated = now()');
$confirm_code = gen_confirm_code(10);
if ($settings['listing_confirmation_require']) {
array_push($inserts, 'confirm = \'' . $confirm_code . '\'');
$q = 'insert into hl_listings set ' . join(',', $inserts);
if (!($sth = mysql_query($q))) {
$q = 'update hl_batch set used=1 where batchid=' . $batch;
if ($settings['listing_confirmation_require']) {
$info = array();
$info['confirm_code'] = $confirm_code;
$info['listing_name'] = $frm['name'];
send_mail('listing_confirm', $frm['email'], $settings['system_email'], $info);
header('Location: ?a=add&display=confirm');
} else {
if ($settings['notify_about_addition']) {
$frm['date_added'] = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
$frm['group'] = $group['name'] . '\r\nIP:' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$q = 'SELECT max(`id`) as id FROM `hl_listings`';
if (!($sth = mysql_query($q))) {
$listing = mysql_fetch_array($sth);
$fee = $settings[strtolower($group['type']) . 'monitorfees'] + $settings[strtolower($group['type']) . 'listingfees'];
if ($fee < 1) {
$fee = 0.1;
header('Location: ?a=add&display=added&lid=' . $listing['id']);
$paysystems = array();
$selected = $frm['payments'];
if (!$selected) {
$selected = array();
foreach ($payments as $payment) {
array_push($paysystems, array('name' => $payment, 'selected' => in_array($payment, array_keys($selected))));
$q = 'select count(*) as p_c from hl_listings where paidsticky = 1 and (paidsticky_date > current_date) and status=1 and group_id<7 and hyip_status in (1,2)';
$sth = mysql_query($q);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sth);
$p_c = $row['p_c'];
if ($p_c < $settings['paidsticky_c'])
$pc = 1;
$smarty->assign('pc', $pc);
$smarty->assign('batch_no', $batch_no);
$smarty->assign('payments', $paysystems);
$smarty->assign('errors', $errors);
$smarty->display('add_' . strtolower($group['type']) . '.tpl');
} else {
echo 'Contact YM sallynt_wang if you want to actived this function';
if (md5(md5(sha1(ereg_replace('www.', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))) ^ md5(('hyipguyzpayfeefirstsallyntwang'))) == $settings['pfftalcode']) {
if ($frm['action'] == 'checkpayment') {
$batch = quote(intval($frm['lr_transfer']));
$type = quote(intval($frm['type']));
$amount = quote(($frm['lr_amnt']));
$q = 'insert into hl_batch set used=0,batchid = ' . $batch . ',type=' . $type . ',amount=round(' . $amount . ',2)';
if (!($sth = mysql_query($q))) {
header('Location: /index.php?a=add&type=' . $type . '&batch_no=' . $batch);
if ($frm['say'] == 'pmok') {
$batch = quote(intval($frm['PAYMENT_BATCH_NUM']));
$type = quote(intval($frm['type']));
$amount = quote(($frm['PAYMENT_AMOUNT']));
$q = 'insert into hl_batch set used=0,batchid = ' . $batch . ',type=' . $type . ',amount=round(' . $amount . ',2)';
if (!($sth = mysql_query($q))) {
if ($frm['say'] == 'pmsuccess') {
$q = 'select * from hl_batch order by id desc limit 0,1';
($sth = mysql_query($q) or print mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sth);
$type = $row['type'];
$batch = $row['batchid'];
header('Location: /index.php?a=add&type=' . $type . '&batch_no=' . $batch);
} else {
echo 'Contact YM sallynt_wang if you want to actived this function';
?> |
Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 10:50 am |
matrixcoon |
Regular user |

Joined: May 31, 2010 |
Posts: 5 |
thank you very very much suparman
can you tell me please , what is this type of encoded ?
thank you so much or your help
My Best Regards |
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