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Please decode this encrypted file.. |
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:48 pm |
Ashu |
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Joined: Jan 25, 2013 |
Posts: 4 |
Re: Please decode this encrypted file.. |
Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:16 am |
vv456 |
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Joined: Aug 24, 2012 |
Posts: 190 |
Ashu wrote: | Here is the link to file
I think this file is encrypted with php-crypt.com
Thanks in advance.
Regards, |
Code: | <?php
if(!function_exists("rotencode")){function rotencode($string,$amount) { $key = substr($string, 0, 1); if(strlen($string)==1) { return chr(ord($key) + $amount); } else { return chr(ord($key) + $amount) . rotEncode(substr($string, 1, strlen($string)-1), $amount); }}}
?> |
Re: Please decode this encrypted file.. |
Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 12:14 pm |
Ashu |
Beginner |

Joined: Jan 25, 2013 |
Posts: 4 |
vv456 wrote: |
Code: | <?php
if(!function_exists("rotencode")){function rotencode($string,$amount) { $key = substr($string, 0, 1); if(strlen($string)==1) { return chr(ord($key) + $amount); } else { return chr(ord($key) + $amount) . rotEncode(substr($string, 1, strlen($string)-1), $amount); }}}
?> |
sorry mate this is not the full code and i think you have tried to decode it with http://ddecode.com/phpdecoder/ which gives same result to me every time i try to decode any file....lol |
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:06 am |
Ashu |
Beginner |

Joined: Jan 25, 2013 |
Posts: 4 |
So many views and no one able to decode... this please help!!! |
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:41 am |
vince213333 |
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Joined: Aug 03, 2009 |
Posts: 737 |
Location: Belgium |
Have fun with it
Code: | <?php
if( ! defined( 'DATALIFEENGINE' ) ) {
die( "Hacking attempt!" );
include ENGINE_DIR . '/data/searchclouddata.php';
require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/classes/search.class.php';
$search = new Searchcloud();
if (!$tpl->result['search_cloud']) {
$counts = array();
$tags = array();
$list = array();
$sizes = array( "clouds_xsmall", "clouds_small", "clouds_medium", "clouds_large", "clouds_xlarge" );
$min = 1;
$max = 1;
$range = 1;
if($searchcloud['order'] == "1"){
$order = "datetime DESC";
if($searchcloud['order'] == "2"){
$order = "tag DESC";
} if($searchcloud['order'] == "3"){
$order = "RAND()";
$db->query("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS tag, COUNT(*) AS count FROM " . PREFIX . "_search GROUP BY tag ORDER BY {$order} LIMIT 0,{$searchcloud['limit']}");
while($row = $db->get_row()){
$tags[$row['tag']] = $row['count'];
$counts[] = $row['count'];
if (count($counts)) {
$min = min($counts);
$max = max($counts);
$range = ($max-$min);
if (!$range)
$range = 1;
foreach ($tags as $tag => $value) {
$list[$tag]['tag'] = $tag;
$list[$tag]['size'] = $sizes[sprintf("%d", ($value-$min)/$range*4 )];
$list[$tag]['count'] = $value;
$char_mixed = $search->ddlrandom($searchcloud['alpha'], $searchcloud['numeric'], $search->CHAR_ALPHA . $search->CHAR_NUMERIC, $list);
$list[$tag]['mixed'] = $char_mixed;
$tags = array();
foreach ($list as $value) {
if( dle_strlen( $value['tag'], $config['charset'] ) > $searchcloud['urllimit'] )
$title = dle_substr( $value['tag'], 0, $searchcloud['urllimit'], $config['charset'] ) . " ...";
$title = $value['tag'];
if (!$searchcloud['urlpath']) {
$urlpath = "";
} else {
$urlpath = $searchcloud['urlpath']."/";
if ($searchcloud['random'] != "no") {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . $urlpath. $value['mixed'] ."/". $search->dleUrlEncode($value['tag']) . ".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . $urlpath. $search->dleUrlEncode($value['tag']) . ".html";
if (trim($value['tag']) != "" ) {
if ($config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes")
$tags[] = "<a href=\"" . $full_link . "\" title=\"".mb_convert_case($value['tag'], MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8")."\">".mb_convert_case($title, MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8")."</a>";
$tags[] = "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?do=search&subaction=search&story=".$search->dleUrlEncode($value['tag'])."&searchterm=tag\" title=\"".$lang['tags_count']." ".$value['count']."\">".mb_convert_case($title, MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8")."</a>";
$tpl->result['search_cloud'] = implode(", ", $tags);
$row = $db->super_query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as count");
if ($row['count'] >= $searchcloud['limit']) {
if ($config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes")
$tpl->result['search_cloud'] .= ", ...<a href=\"".$config['http_home_url']."searchs\">» Show all search results</a><span style=\"display:none;\"><a href=\"http://www.ddl-turkey.net\">DataLife Engine English Support</a></span>";
$tpl->result['search_cloud'] .= ", ...<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?do=allsearchs\">» Show all search results</a><span style=\"display:none;\"><a href=\"http://www.ddl-turkey.net\">DataLife Engine English Support</a></span>";
if ($do == "allsearchs") {
$tpl->result['content'] = dle_cache("allsearchs", $config['skin']);
if (!$tpl->result['content']) {
$counts = array();
$tags = array();
$list = array();
$sizes = array( "clouds_xsmall", "clouds_small", "clouds_medium", "clouds_large", "clouds_xlarge" );
$min = 1;
$max = 1;
$range = 1;
$db->query("SELECT tag, COUNT(*) AS count FROM " . PREFIX . "_search GROUP BY tag");
while($row = $db->get_row()){
$tags[$row['tag']] = $row['count']; $counts[] = $row['count'];
if (count($counts)) {
$min = min($counts);
$max = max($counts);
$range = ($max-$min);
if (!$range)
$range = 1;
foreach ($tags as $tag => $value) {
$list[$tag]['tag'] = $tag;
$list[$tag]['size'] = $sizes[sprintf("%d", ($value-$min)/$range*4 )];
$list[$tag]['count'] = $value;
$char_mixed = $search->ddlrandom($searchcloud['alpha'], $searchcloud['numeric'], $search->CHAR_ALPHA . $search->CHAR_NUMERIC, $list);
$list[$tag]['mixed'] = $char_mixed;
$tags = array();
foreach ($list as $value) {
if (!$searchcloud['urlpath']) {
$urlpath = "";
} else {
$urlpath = $searchcloud['urlpath']."/";
if ($searchcloud['random'] != "no") {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . $urlpath. $value['mixed'] ."/". $search->dleUrlEncode($value['tag']) . ".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . $urlpath. $search->dleUrlEncode($value['tag']) . ".html";
if (trim($value['tag']) != "" ) {
if ($config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes")
$tags[] = "<a href=\"" . $full_link . "\" class=\"{$value['size']}\" title=\"".$lang['tags_count']." ".$value['count']."\">". mb_convert_case($value['tag'], MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8") ."</a>";
$tags[] = "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?do=search&subaction=search&story=".$search->dleUrlEncode($value['tag'])."&searchterm=tag\" class=\"{$value['size']}\" title=\"".$lang['tags_count']." ".$value['count']."\">".mb_convert_case($value['tag'], MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8")."</a>";
$tags = implode(", ", $tags);
$tpl->set('{tags}', $tags . '<p align="center" style="padding-top:24px;"><a href="http://www.ddl-turkey.net">Powered by Engine</a></p>');
create_cache ("allsearchs", $tpl->result['content'], $config['skin']);
?> |
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:35 pm |
Ashu |
Beginner |

Joined: Jan 25, 2013 |
Posts: 4 |
vince213333 wrote: | Have fun with it
You are the superman mate... Thank you Very Very much for this....
you too have fun...haha |
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:50 pm |
vince213333 |
Advanced user |

Joined: Aug 03, 2009 |
Posts: 737 |
Location: Belgium |
Haha my pleasure. Nothing better than a good manual decoding ^^ |
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:55 am |
Beginner |

Joined: Jan 26, 2013 |
Posts: 3 |
vince213333 wrote: | Haha my pleasure. Nothing better than a good manual decoding ^^ |
Can you teach us the basics or provide some s/w  |
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:28 am |
vince213333 |
Advanced user |

Joined: Aug 03, 2009 |
Posts: 737 |
Location: Belgium |
Well most encodings just use a neat combination of the base64 encoding and the eval function, which takes PHP code as a string and executes it. So most of the times, decoding is just decoding the base64 and look what it says. Then use that outcome and replace the eval function with an echo or highlight_string. |
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:30 am |
vv456 |
Advanced user |

Joined: Aug 24, 2012 |
Posts: 190 |
vince213333 wrote: | Well most encodings just use a neat combination of the base64 encoding and the eval function, which takes PHP code as a string and executes it. So most of the times, decoding is just decoding the base64 and look what it says. Then use that outcome and replace the eval function with an echo or highlight_string. |
would have an example to share with us? |
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:33 am |
vince213333 |
Advanced user |

Joined: Aug 03, 2009 |
Posts: 737 |
Location: Belgium |
Well for example, here's how I decoded this file:
First I changed the first eval into highlight_string and put a die() after that line to prevent further execution of the script. This step revealed a function declaration of "rotencode", probably used later on.
Then I wanted to know what the $OO000OO000OO variable contained, when it is used in the second and last eval. So I just put echo $OO000OO000OO; die(); before the last eval, which revealed that $OO000OO000OO contains "gzinfla2e". Though this cannot be correct because gzinfla2e is not a PHP function, but gzinflate is. The 2 probably slipped in as an error due to character encoding issues considering the line $keystroke2 = $O0O0O0O0O0O0("„q>BF?~Anâ€r‡D…pt{sl??E{y‚xCwuov|@?z}", -13); contains a lot of non-ascii characters. So I replaced "eval($OO000OO000OO" with "highlight_string(gzinflate(". This revealed another encoded string:
Code: | eval($OO000OO000OO(base64_decode('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'))); |
Now just keep replacing the "eval($OO000OO000OO" with "highlight_string(gzinflate" and the original script will eventually come up. This was just encoded multiple times in the same way. |
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