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Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:44 pm |
tinman |
Active user |

Joined: May 11, 2008 |
Posts: 37 |
BIOS PW: 322232 32232 BCNDK1 ADMINBN99
DEFAULT PASSWORD (GUI) admin or adminbn99 (Listens on port 8000)
Barracuda Spam & Virus Firewall Notes - How to get full root access;
Log in using single users mode - to do this;
a. Power On/reboot
b. At lilo prompt (barracuda splash) quickly hit the tab key
c. Type: Barracuda init=/bin/bash
d. The password is: bimg
You are now booted into single user mode with full root access. Whist this is limited it will still allow you to remove the barracuda root password easily. This is done by simply removing it from the /etc/shadow file for the root user. It can easily be changed afterwards. Be aware that the Barracuda has a 'recovery' partion (3) and it will make sense to clear the password on this partion too.
Starting with partion 1 (the main 'running' partition). In single user mode it may not mount properly. It can often end up as read only yet mount -l it states rw. This causes all sorts of wiredness when writing files, so save any heartache and remount it rw like this;
mount -o remount, -rw /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0 /
{if you are using SATA drives they are probably going to be under /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/ or software raid /md}
The main /etc/shadow file gives write issues the file system is not properly mounted, so the root user is not able to force overwrite of the file. The above remount command fixes that. You can now edit it and force the writing with the ! operator.
Here is how to edit it;
vim /etc/shadow
move cursor to first line for the root user.
Switch to insert mode by pressing the [i] key
Put cursor at start of password and use the delete key to remove the encrypted password between the first and second colon - typically looking like this- $1$2NVlp7G0$EoDgfwGBkSb/LOe7VgfQP/
Make sure you leave the the two colons in place, so the line looks similar to this- root::12277:0:99999:7:::
Switch VIM to command mode by pressing [ESC]
Write the file with the override option by typing
Then quit
If you cant do this, check you remounted the file system correctly as detailed above.
Next we do the same for the recovery partition 3 /etc/shadow password file. Mount partition 3 so we can edit the file. The mount directory /mnt/hd should already exist from the building of the appliance (ls -l /mnt to check - if not mkdir /mnt/hd)
Mount it (again assuming IDE here - modify you path accordingly)
mount /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part3 /mnt/hd
Repeat the editing on this file /mnt/hd/etc/shadow
When you are done you can unmount it;
umount /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part3
Finally, stop the barracuda with this command:
halt -fp
When you reboot the unit normally you will be able to log in with username 'root' and no password at the Barracuda log-in prompt. To set a fresh root password after logging in as root, just issue the 'passwd' command and set it to something suitable. Upgrading firmware does not currenlty overwrite this hack so it's a set and forget (tested up to version
Your Barracuda is now fully open an unlocked for root access. What follows is a list of changes you can make and some security notifcations:
First of all Barracuda and the 'port 25' redirect. Old versions of the Barracuda left a nice back door open for support. Port 25 was redirected to port 22 SSH and 8000 for a Barracuda ranges. As you are not really likely to have port 25 closed it was a serious back door to leave open. This has been removed (other back doors may be open) but check by looking at this file:
You don't want to see this;
-A PREROUTING -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 22
-A PREROUTING -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8000
If you do comment them out with a #
Whilst in this file you can block all port 22 access from Barracuda by commenting (#) out:
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 --tcp-flags SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j ACCEPT
You can also alter the ranges to allow *you* port 22 ssh access from your local or remote network, just edit one of these line to suit or add your own;
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 --tcp-flags SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j ACCEPT
When updating firmware these changes are *lost* so don't forget to put them back if you don't want strangers poking aroung in your Barracuda.
To restart IP tables on the barracuda, just do this;
/etc/init.d/iptables stop; /etc/init.d/iptables start;
To read or reset the GUI password
config_read system_password
config_change system_password chosen_new_password
To add features to a lower spec machine GUI just 'touch' ' any of these files; This will add the feature.
touch /etc/barracuda/multiple_ip
/etc/barracuda/syslog (Advanced -> Syslog tab)
/etc/barracuda/explicit_user_config (Advanced -> Explicit Users tab)
/etc/barracuda/exchange_accelerator (MS Exchange Accelerator)
/etc/barracuda/trusted_relays (Advanced -> Rate Control tab)
/etc/barracuda/multiple_ip (Advanced -> Advance IP Configuration tab)
// static routes etc
/etc/barracuda/clustering (Advanced -> Clustering tab)
/etc/barracuda/auth (Advanced -> Single Sign-On)
/etc/barracuda/api (Basic -> Administration -> API/SNMP section)
/etc/barracuda/plugin (Basic -> Bayesian/Fingerprinting -> Mail plug-in)
/etc/barracuda/per_domain (Domains tab)
/etc/barracuda/per_user_scores (Per-User scoring)
/etc/barracuda/ldap_routing (Advanced -> LDAP Routing) (3.5.11 and
above only) (600s and above only)
To change the serial number / identity.
The backend Barracuda system is really lame at this time. Almost like it was written by a couple of dickheads in their dens. This means you can pretty much try random five and six figure serial numbers and get free updates when you hit a good one. TIP; keep a lookout on eBay for people stupid enough to sell them showing the serial number and advertising them with a remaining subscription. Forget matching up the MAC address to the system - they managed to screw that notion up. The PHYSICAL MAC is never properly recorded (and at Jan of 2009 still was not). This is read from a text file that can be set to anything you like. The only real restriction comes from a simple geo lookup on your IP when you connect to Barracuda. Domestic US units being used outside of the USA will fail with CODE -4 (you can always try an HTTP proxy or another serial number). Changing the password involves changing a few files and a couple of database entries. This is easy to script with this tested perl script that also backs up the current settings:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use DBI;
my $newserial = "12";
my $newmodel = "120";
my $newmac = "GG:GG:GG:GG:GG:GG";
my $current_model = "";
my $keypress = "";
my @oldmachine =();
my @machinearray =();
my @result= ();
my $dsn = "";
my $dbn = "";
my $sth = "";
my $sql = "";
my $a1 = 0;
my $xx = 0;
my $shell_command ="";
my $count = 0;
my $database = "config";
my $hostname = "localhost";
my $port = "3306";
my $db_username = "root";
my $db_password = "none";
print "\n*************************************************\n";
print "* Barracuda Serial Number & Model Changer v1 *\n";
print "*************************************************\n";
while (1) {
print "\nenter new serial (or k to keep existing | x to exit): ";
$keypress = <STDIN>;
chomp ($keypress);
if ($keypress =~ /\D/){
if (($keypress eq "k") || ($keypress eq "K")) {
if (($keypress eq "x") || ($keypress eq "X")) {
print "\n! Error ! - numeric input only please\n";
if ($keypress >99 && $keypress < 1000000) {
$newserial = $keypress;
} else {
print "\n! Error ! - check serial number is within correct range\n";
while (1) {
print "\nenter new model (or k to keep existing | x to exit): ";
$keypress = <STDIN>;
chomp ($keypress);
if ($keypress =~ /\D/){
if (($keypress eq "k") || ($keypress eq "K")) {
if (($keypress eq "x") || ($keypress eq "X")) {
print "\n! Error ! - model number is bad try again\n";
if ($keypress ==100 || $keypress ==200 || $keypress ==300 || $keypress ==400 || $keypress ==600 || $keypress ==800) {
$newmodel = $keypress;
} else {
print "\n! Error ! - check model number is within correct range\n";
while (1) {
print "\nenter new mac (or k to keep existing | x to exit):";
$keypress = <STDIN>;
chomp ($keypress);
if ($keypress =~ /[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]\:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]\:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]\:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]\:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]\:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]/){
$newmac = $keypress;
} else {
if (($keypress eq "k") || ($keypress eq "K")) {
if (($keypress eq "x") || ($keypress eq "X")) {
print "\n! Error ! - check mac address and try again\n";
print "\n*************************************************\n";
print "* Checking current config and updating....... *\n";
print "*************************************************\n";
$dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$hostname;port=$port";
$dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $db_username ) or die("fatal error - could not connect to backend database.");
$sql="SELECT * FROM config WHERE variable like 'system_serial';";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute or die "SQL Error: $DBI::errstr\n";
if ($sth->rows) {
@row = $sth->fetchrow_array;
if (@row) {
push(@oldmachine, $row[1]);
print "CURRENT DATABASE SERIAL: " . $oldmachine[0] . "\n";
} else {
die("fatal error - unable to find current serial number in databasee.")
$shell_command = `ifconfig -a`;
if(($shell_command =~ /eth\d.*HWaddr.*\d/)){
$shell_command =~ m/\b..\:..\:..\:..\:..\:..\b/;
$shell_command = uc($&);
} else {
$shell_command = "UNKNOWN";
push(@oldmachine, $shell_command);
print "CURRENT ACTUAL MAC: " . $oldmachine[1] . "\n";
if (-e "/home/remote/backup") {
unless (-d "/home/remote/backup") {
die "MCF File exists but is not directory";
else {
mkdir("/home/remote/backup", 0777) or die "Can't make directory: $!";
if (-e "/root/machine$oldmachine[0]") {
print "\nMachine File found - backing up;\n";
$shell_command = `cp /root/machine$oldmachine[0] /home/remote/backup/`;
open (FILE, "/root/machine$oldmachine[0]");
while (<FILE>) {
chomp; #cut off /n newlines from the end of each line
next unless /\S/; # if the file line is blank move on - we don't need blank lines
$member = $_;
print $member . "\n";
if (($member =~ /serial_number/) && ($newserial ne "12")){
push (@machinearray, "serial_number $newserial");
if (($member =~ /mac_address/) && ($newmac ne "GG:GG:GG:GG:GG:GG")){
push (@machinearray, "mac_address $newmac");
if($member =~ /model \d\d\d/) {
$current_model = $member;
$current_model =~ /\d\d\d/;
$current_model = $&;
if($newmodel ne "120"){
push (@machinearray, "model $newmodel");
push (@machinearray, $member);
close (FILE);
# now write the new machine file
foreach $member(@machinearray)
$fileout .= "$member\n";
print $fileout;
open FILE, ">/root/machine$newserial";
print FILE "$fileout";
close (FILE);
if (-e "/etc/barracuda/serial") {
print "\nBarracuda Serial File found - backing up\n";
$shell_command = `cp /etc/barracuda/serial /home/remote/backup/`;
open (FILE, "/etc/barracuda/serial");
while (<FILE>) {
next unless /\S/;
print $_ . "\n";
close (FILE);
if($newserial ne "12") {
print "\ndebug - newserial is NOT EQUAL to 12 :>$newserial<:\n";
open FILE, ">/etc/barracuda/serial";
print FILE "$newserial\n";
close (FILE);
print "Overwritten /etc/barracuda/serial with:\n";
open (FILE, "/etc/barracuda/serial");
while (<FILE>) {
next unless /\S/;
print $_ . "\n";
close (FILE);
if (-e "/etc/barracuda/model") {
print "\nBarracuda model File found - backing up\n";
$shell_command = `cp /etc/barracuda/model /home/remote/backup/`;
open (FILE, "/etc/barracuda/model");
while (<FILE>) {
next unless /\S/;
print $_ . "\n";
close (FILE);
if($newmodel ne "120") {
open FILE, ">/etc/barracuda/model";
print FILE "$newmodel\n";
close (FILE);
print "Overwritten /etc/barracuda/model with:\n";
open (FILE, "/etc/barracuda/model");
while (<FILE>) {
next unless /\S/;
print $_ . "\n";
close (FILE);
if (-e "/etc/cudamodel") {
print "\nBarracuda cudamodel found - backing up\n";
$shell_command = `cp /etc/cudamodel /home/remote/backup/`;
#read serial file
print "CONTENTS OF cudamodel: ";
open (FILE, "/etc/cudamodel");
while (<FILE>) {
next unless /\S/;
print $_ . "\n";
close (FILE);
if($newmodel ne "120") {
open FILE, ">/etc/cudamodel";
print FILE "$newmodel\n";
close (FILE);
print "Overwritten /etc/cudamodel with:\n";
open (FILE, "/etc/cudamodel");
while (<FILE>) {
next unless /\S/;
print $_ . "\n";
close (FILE);
$shell_command = `mysqldump --user root config >/home/remote/backup/database.sql`;
if ($newserial ne "12") {
$sql="update config set value = ". $newserial . " where variable like 'system_serial';";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute or die "SQL Error: $DBI::errstr\n";
print "\nUPDATE DATABASE with query: $sql:\n";
$sql="update config set value = ". $newserial . " where variable like 'user_quarantine_server%' and value = " . $oldmachine[0] . ";";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute or die "SQL Error: $DBI::errstr\n";
print "\nUPDATE DATABASE with query: $sql:\n";
$sql="update last_notified set server = ". $newserial . " where server like '" . $oldmachine[0] . "';";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute or die "SQL Error: $DBI::errstr\n";
print "\nUPDATE DATABASE with query: $sql:\n";
$sql="select value from config where variable like 'cluster_systems_serial';";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute or die "SQL Error: $DBI::errstr\n";
if ($sth->rows) {
@row = $sth->fetchrow_array;
if (@row) {
print "\nCurrent Clustered Serial Numbers\n";
@clustermembers = split(/\n/, $row[0]);
foreach $cluster(@clustermembers)
print "Cluster Member:|> " . $cluster . " <|";
#print it
if ($cluster eq $oldmachine[0]){
$oldmachine[2] = $newserial;
} else {
$oldmachine[2] .= "\n" . $cluster;
print "\n";
print "\nUPDATE CLUSTER DATABASE - run following sql:\n";
$sql = "update config set value='" . $oldmachine[2] . "' where variable like'cluster_systems_serial';";
print "$sql\n";
} else {
die("fatal error - unable to find current cluster serial.")
$shell_command = `rm -f /root/machine$oldmachine[0]`;
$dbh-> disconnect;
What else can you do?
View the logs:
less /mail/log/info (mail log)
less /mail/log/gui (what has done on the gui)
run diagnose.sh and get a look at what is wrong
Read database values such as domain controller/ad login credentials with config_read %ldap% and a plethora of other useful information
postsuper -r ALL
postsuper -c /home/emailswitch/code/firmware/current/etc_outbound -r ALL
postcat <path_to_message>
postcat -q <queue_id>
postqueue -c /home/emailswitch/code/firmware/current/etc/ -p
find /mail/email/deferred -type f -exec ls -l {} \; | wc -l
******** THIS WILL GIVE QUEUE ERRORS ************
find /mail/email/defer -type f -exec head {} \;
******** THIS WILL GIVE QUEUE ERRORS ************
postqueue -c /home/emailswitch/code/firmware/current/etc_outbound/ -p
find /mail/email_outbound/deferred -type f -exec ls -l {} \; | wc -l //show how many
find /mail/email_outbound/defer -type f -exec head {} \;
In spam firewall v3.5.12.010 there is a new deliver_mstore that will find messages even if they are further then the previous 250,000 message limit.
It does require full timestamps when specifying date ranges. yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss
For example:
"2007-04-10T04:00:00:00/2007-04-12T00:00:00" or "2007-05-16T10:40:53/T17:03:00"
Start or end may be omitted: "2007-01-20T00:00:00/"
deliver_mstore.pl -d "2007-10-09T11:47/2007-10-09T11:48"
2007 - Year
10 - Month
09 – Day
T11:47 – Time from
T11:48 – Time To
Use the FILTER to narrow down the delivery
-d, --time=s
(Must specify) A date/time range, specified as start/end dates
and times of day in the ISO 8601 extended format (e.g.,
"2007-04-10T04:00/2007-04-12" or
"2007-05-16T10:40:53/T17:03:00".). Start or end may be omitted,
as "2007-01-20T00:00/".
-f, --from=s
The mail envelope sender.
-t, --to=s
The mail envelope recipient.
-c, --action=s
The action taken for the message. Either a number, or one of:
allowed, aborted, blocked, quarantined, tagged,
deferred, pu-quarantine, or whitelisted.
-r, --reason=i
The reason for the action taken for the message. A number.
-e, --extra=s
Additional details on the reason for the action taken for the
message. An exact string match.
-s, --subject=s
Substring search within subject.
-b, --body-text
A regular expression to match against the message content
(header & body). WARNING: use of this option will incur extra
overhead, as it requires that all mail content be decoded and
OR the previous filter option with the following one
(otherwise, they are ANDed).
Use regexes for filters, instead of matches.
Negate the sense of the following filter option.
(, )
Used to group options together. Note that you will need to
escape these within the shell: \( \) or '(' ')'.
Example (per-user email address): this will redeliver from Date (-d), Action (-c) and To Email (-t)
# deliver_mstore.pl -d "2008-03-13T01:00/2008-03-15T01:00" -c "allowed" -t "test_cuda@twonks.com"
Example (per domain): this will redeliver from Date (-d), Action (-c) and To domain (-t) (note: --regex must be there)
#deliver_mstore.pl -d "2008-02-20/2008-03-18" --regex -c "0" -t "*.@barracuda.com" |
Barracuda 300 VM |
Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:50 pm |
dmacd007 |
Beginner |

Joined: Jun 06, 2011 |
Posts: 1 |
Any one managed to get " full " root access to the Virutal appliance,
almost the same as the physical Barracuda 300.
However things have changed, I can hit " edit " on the boot screen, add init=/bin/bash,
It boots but no single user mode.
I confirmed that edit works by removing " quiet " on the end of the line, it boots showing a linux like boot process, but no single user mode.
Any experts managed to get to single user on the VM?
dmacd007 |
HDD image |
Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 8:12 pm |
goofy |
Beginner |

Joined: May 31, 2016 |
Posts: 1 |
Is anybody have an HDD image of a barracuda spam firewall 300? Mine is 6 years old and I can’t go higher than 5.1.
If you have an image, contact me at nicomicro@gmail.com
Thanks |
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