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Q : How to bypass Directory Protection |
Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:56 am |
d3vilbox |
Beginner |

Joined: May 02, 2005 |
Posts: 3 |
sup guyz ?
There is so many dynamic pages for managing and implementing file-download (ex:download.php).
if there is no local file permission set and name of file which should be pased by dynamic page to user is passed to dynamic page by user`s request ,It`s possible to inject ../ and ... at the beggining of file name and change file name to download server side codes of dynamic pages ( ASPX,ASP,PHP etc)
Web developers filter user`s requested file-name and check if it has malicious characters ( .. or %2e%2e , etc ) or not.
there is many ways to bypass such chr-filtering :
1) ..
2) %2e%2e ( hex encoded )
3) %2e.
4) .%2e
5) / ( and hex endcoded)
6) \ ( and hex endcoded)
there is some methods at ASP.NET and ASP to bypass such filtering :
1)using %00 (null) to change signiture of threat (injected file-name)
2)encoding characters by their Unicode format ( \u## \u####,\u######)
Q : is it possible to bypass download.php?filename=[Directory traversal]
which uses # 1,2,3,4 ( but not 5,6) filtering ?
Q : why download.php?filename=[Directory traversal] changes %00 (null) to \ when using injected-path ?
Q : is Unicode encoding (\u#### etc) possible at PHP or not ?
Q: any other idea ?
Sorry 4 my bad english
PS: oh I forgot , I`m working on new method of Security-analyzing at web applications to find security-vulnerablities and i could test it on some popular PHP web portals and got some SQL-Injection and ... bugs , i need parthner to help me, there are some SQl statements which i cannot write exploit for them ( d3vilbox [a .. t] yahoo d0t com )
tnx |
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