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Help with IPB database |
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:16 pm |
mehu |
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Joined: Sep 23, 2008 |
Posts: 12 |
When extracting tables with usernames/hashes/salts from IPB database I have found that the passwords and salts are in two different tables. The problem is I can only get either username:email:hash or email:hash:salt. But for cracking purposes It would be best to have username:hash:salt. Is there a table I've missed where I could get that info or is there any other way to get username:hash:salt directly from the db?
Also another problem I've come across is the dbextractors I'am using are messing up some salts. Particularly salts with : or ' in them won't be copied normally. Are is there any way I could fix this problem? |
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 4:17 pm |
pexli |
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Joined: May 24, 2007 |
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Give me column names from both table's.I write you SQL query. |
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:49 pm |
mehu |
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Joined: Sep 23, 2008 |
Posts: 12 |
Table 'ibf_members' column 'name'
Table 'ibf_members_converge' columns 'converge_pass_hash' 'converge_pass_salt' |
Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:38 am |
pexli |
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Joined: May 24, 2007 |
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Location: Bulgaria |
All names dude,not only 4. |
Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:09 pm |
mehu |
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Joined: Sep 23, 2008 |
Posts: 12 |
Table ibf_members
id, name, mgroup, email, joined, ip_address, posts, title, allow_admin_mails, time_offset, hide_email, email_pm, email_full, skin, warn_level, warn_lastwarn, language, last_post, restrict_post, view_sigs, view_img, view_avs, view_pop, bday_day, bday_month, bday_year, new_msg, msg_total, show_popup, misc, last_visit, last_activity, dst_in_use, view_prefs, coppa_user, mod_posts, auto_track, temp_ban, sub_end, login_anonymous, ignored_users, mgroup_others, org_perm_id, member_login_key, member_login_key_expire, subs_pkg_chosen, has_blog, has_gallery, members_markers, members_editor_choice, members_auto_dst, members_display_name, members_created_remote, members_cache, members_disable_pm, members_l_display_name, members_l_username, failed_logins, failed_login_count, members_profile_views, legacy_password, market_points, gallery_perms, point, ibspeak_isbanned, challengepoints, hidden_date, hidden_check, challenge_won, challenge_spent, challenge_posts, hilow_trys, hilow_wins, hilow_draw, challenges_won, challenges_lost, hilow_per_day, points, army_points, army2_race, army2_turns, army2_fort, army2_siege, army2_prod, army2_covertlvl, army2_attack, army2_defence, army2_soldier, army2_mattack, army2_mdefence, army2_msoldier, army2_spies, army2_sentry, army2_attacked, army2_attacked_times, army2_spied, army2_spied_times, army2_inactive, army2_last_activity, army2_vacation, market_has_user_store, market_user_store_name, market_user_store_opened, arcade_ban, arcade_activity, arcade_activitywon, times_played, is_arcade_mod, fav_games, user_sort, user_order, user_g_pp, user_s_pp, user_r_pp, def_g_cat, game_skin, arcade_mod_privs, arcade_gtype, arcade_sess_gid, arcade_sess_start, arcade_b_challenges, arcade_usepm, arcade_challenge_banned, arcade_challengeid, arcade_challenge, arcade_u_cha, arcade_session, arcade_time_spent, jackpots_won, jackpots_points, arcade_won, user_u_columns, arcade_spent, arcade_downloads, arcade_colamount, arcade_sngsess, arcade_sngact, arcade_columnsol, arcade_sng_wins, arcade_postcount, user_arcade_ng, user_arcade_pg, user_arcade_rg, user_arcade_nwch, user_arcade_ltsc, icon_ol, gow_score, gow_date, arcade_points, gname, gow_wins, gow_points, msg_msg_id, msg_from_id, can_create_tourney, arcade_sess_gow, arcade_lastplay, arcade_highscores, arcade_twon, arcade_chwon, user_columns_nocollapse, arcade_skin, arcade_posts, converted_points, arcade_pass, arcade_pass_time, arcade_pass_type, arcade_pass_percent, hp, maxhp, str, maxstr, exp, next_lvl, level, frags, attack_ban, money, inventory, gu_affil, gu_rank, gu_title, attacker, attacked, attacker_success, attacked_success, clone_protect, atk_kills, atk_deaths, suicides, attack_quit, attack_pm, attack_expire, market_access, mood, mpage
Table ibf_members_converge
converge_id, converge_email, converge_joined, converge_pass_hash, converge_pass_salt |
Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:26 pm |
pexli |
Valuable expert |

Joined: May 24, 2007 |
Posts: 665 |
Location: Bulgaria |
SELECT concat(name,":",converge_pass_hash,":",converge_pass_salt) from ibf_members , ibf_members_converge where email = converge_email |
Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:57 pm |
mehu |
Regular user |

Joined: Sep 23, 2008 |
Posts: 12 |
Works like a charm. Thanks!  |
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