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www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> PhpNuke -> Who is JackFromWales4u2?
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Who is JackFromWales4u2?
PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:25 am Reply with quote
Joined: Sep 05, 2004
Posts: 4

I had a random user JackFromWales4u2 register on one of my phpnuke sites. At first I was annoyed at the random registration, but then paranoia took hold. I checked the logs for any obvious or glaring exploits, but I did not see anything.

I then checked the various phpnuke security sites. I was surprised to see that JackFromWales4u2 was also the latest signup at a forum moderator's site.

I then ran a google search on JackFromWales4u2, and google returned 18600 Shocked hits!

From a random check of the various google hits, it seems that JackFromWales4u2 has been very busy with a great number of registrations at these various phpnuke and phpbb sites within a span of a couple of days -- September 1-2, 2004.

Now this screams of an exploit/vulnerability! Is there a script or exploit/vulnerability that is out in the wild that is yet unpatched?

Or am I just being paranoid here?
p.s. you might want to check your own phpnuke sites to see if you've had a visit from JackFromWales4u2, too.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:10 pm Reply with quote
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oprime2001 >>> 1,470 results Laughing
I dont think that that is bot,because every member must click on activation link (in mail)..Try contact him,maybe he is just a computer freak Laughing Laughing


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 8:25 pm Reply with quote
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Posts: 4

But if you take a look at the google hits for oprime2001, most of the hits are on a couple of English sites -- mostly NukeCops, ravenphpscripts and a couple of other phpnuke-related sites.

In contrast, the google search for JackFromWales4u2 returns (now) 24,400 hits over numerous (hundreds? thousands?) different sites using various different languages on all kinds of topics. Furthermore, most of the google results are for registration/profile info -- not regular postings.

What is more disconcerting is what you brought up -- that
every member must click on activation link (in mail)
yet most of the JackFromWales4u2 php-nuke memberships seem to have been registered and activated within a very short period of time (september 1-2, 2004). How?

I could just be too paranoid having websites previously defaced, but things seem fishy. Why the mass registrations on different website topics of different languages within a short period of time? Question
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add user with POST method
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:26 am Reply with quote
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see :


the POST method more nice to check the HTTP respons of the target.

the GET method more difficult to parsing the HTTP respons.

so someone now can write a little script to add user admin to the phpnuke
with more powerfull parsing of target's HTTP respons !!!

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 10:37 am Reply with quote
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Thats exploits can only add or del admin account..
We are talking about user account..


We would change the world, but God won't give us the sourcecode...
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add user admin
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 10:58 am Reply with quote
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SteX wrote:
Thats exploits can only add or del admin account..
We are talking about user account..

plz read carefully, do u ???

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:25 pm Reply with quote
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What can i say, is:

1. PhpBB and PhpNuke registration is complete (activated) after
activation email reply. It's not hard to write script or program, which
first does google search for nuke and phpbb, then registers at all the
sites, next logs in to pop3/imap account and retrieves all the emails,
then parses them and finally activates all the accounts.
Only problem i see, is that "turing number" stuff, which is meant to
protect against automated clients (bots). If that image is not enough
"fuzzy" (like in the case of the most nuke installations), then OCR
software can be used and then nothing can stop automated registrations.

2. What's the goal for doing such "spamming"? One reason can be
"googlespam" for trying to elevate some website's pagerank.
But as far as i know, google is allready aware of such attempts and
this kind of "links" does not count for pagerank.
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Re: Who is JackFromWales4u2?
PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 8:59 am Reply with quote
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oprime2001 wrote:
I then ran a google search on JackFromWales4u2, and google returned 18600 Shocked

Now the sites are 44300 Shocked
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JackFromWales4u2 == spammer >> persona non grata
PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 1:34 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Sep 05, 2004
Posts: 4

waraxe wrote:
What can i say, is:
2. What's the goal for doing such "spamming"? One reason can be
"googlespam" for trying to elevate some website's pagerank.
But as far as i know, google is allready aware of such attempts and
this kind of "links" does not count for pagerank.

It seems that waraxe was on to something with the above comments. I posted the original post in the security forum at NukeCops. A couple of users there are now reporting that the JackFromWales4u2 account is being used to spam news articles on phpnuke websites with comments with a link to (presumably, their) website.

However, what is more disconcerting is that these users are reporting that ALL of their articles/news were spammed! Again, if that doesn't smell of a script/bot, I don't know what does. I don't see a legitimate reason to keep this JackFromWales4u2 account on your site! Evil or Very Mad
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Who is JackFromWales4u2?
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