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md5 hashes...
PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:51 am Reply with quote
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Hey people!
I just tried to crack 2 hashes I got at random from two sites, i don't care to gain access to the site i'm just trying all this rainbow table stuff and seeing how md5 cracking works, setting it up etc

These two md5 hashes will NOT crack! I use rcrack and their hashes that come for testing and all 10 of them crack in less than 10 secs no problem, but for these 2 it says hex not found

Is my table too small?

The Md5 hashes are

md5 hash#1: a459cf1e32f9a6e2bcc7034b3926c449

md5 hash#2: 80fc28d856e67a8604aa446063d11be4

IF you do get the password for them, please tell me what you used / tables etc...thnx Smile
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:34 am Reply with quote
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Those hashes can be salted. It depends on the source, from where you got those md5 hashes.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:22 pm Reply with quote
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Here is one of your hashes and the other is cracking.

80fc28d856e67a8604aa446063d11be4 bequiet

As Waraxe stated that Salted hashes can only be brut forced but the hashes you submitted are normal MD5 hashes. One way to see this is that the standard MD5 hash is 32 bits long. I was able to crack the hashes with Rainbow tables from www.plain-text.info.


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:38 pm Reply with quote
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slimjim100 wrote:
Here is one of your hashes and the other is cracking.

80fc28d856e67a8604aa446063d11be4 bequiet

As Waraxe stated that Salted hashes can only be brut forced but the hashes you submitted are normal MD5 hashes. One way to see this is that the standard MD5 hash is 32 bits long. I was able to crack the hashes with Rainbow tables from www.plain-text.info.


Slimjim - salt can be stored elsewhere, like in database special field, and in this case salted md5 hash will look like normal md5 hash.

By the way - congrats for effective md5 cracking!
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 1:12 pm Reply with quote
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I just grabbed it from mysql, straight from mysql it's for phpbb database...maybe that's why it won't crack hehe. See I just made the accounts testing / learning how to crack md5's...guess there's lots that I don't know.

Would they be salted if they're straight from the mysql ( password ) database?

EDIT: SOrry plain-text.info i sa wrong page, you were able to crack these two hashes you said?
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 2:08 pm Reply with quote
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theOne wrote:
I just grabbed it from mysql, straight from mysql it's for phpbb database...maybe that's why it won't crack hehe. See I just made the accounts testing / learning how to crack md5's...guess there's lots that I don't know.

Would they be salted if they're straight from the mysql ( password ) database?

EDIT: SOrry plain-text.info i sa wrong page, you were able to crack these two hashes you said?

Phpbb is not using md5 salting. But for example vbulletin 3.x can use salted hashes:


`userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`usergroupid` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`membergroupids` char(250) NOT NULL default '',
`displaygroupid` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`username` char(50) NOT NULL default '',
`password` char(32) NOT NULL default '',
`passworddate` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
`email` char(100) NOT NULL default '',
`pmtotal` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`pmunread` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`salt` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (`userid`),
KEY `usergroupid` (`usergroupid`),
KEY `username` (`username`),
KEY `birthday` (`birthday`),
KEY `birthday_search` (`birthday_search`)

As you can see, salt is stored in field called (surprise ...) "salt".
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 4:07 pm Reply with quote
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the One,

Your hashes where cracked with Rainbow Tables!

md5 hash#1: a459cf1e32f9a6e2bcc7034b3926c449 = reece123

md5 hash#2: 80fc28d856e67a8604aa446063d11be4 = bequiet

I think Waraxe explained the rest.

Slimjim100 Smile

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:51 am Reply with quote
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Thnx guys for yoru replies!

Slimjim can you please tell me exactly what program / script+ files you used to crack those two hashes? Why did it say "hex not found" for mine?

Please let me know exactly what you used + options, because you got the passwords correct.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:22 am Reply with quote
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Well I have access to over 400 Gig of Rainbow Tables so I would guess your table sets are not able to handle 1-7 or 1-8 alpha-numeric password hashes. Rainbow crack is not just a little program to play with since it takes lots of time to make the tables. I am one of the Admin?s for www.plain-text.info and our team has spent over the last 2+ years building the tables we have with the help of many others. The best way to answer your question is for you to provide more information on the tables you have and them I could get an idea of why you tables could not find the hashes. Most basic sets of tables include around 5 tales and a charter set file. Feel free to e-mail me or keep posting here if you have more questions.


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md5 crack
PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:17 pm Reply with quote
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I tried to crack one md5 hash with Cain and I didn't make it.
Can you crack it ?
Hash: 3e3f62d3880114cff484a34334d0a43f
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:46 pm Reply with quote
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slimjim100 wrote:
the One,

Your hashes where cracked with Rainbow Tables!


Slimjim100 Smile

Hi slimjim100

Can you try to crack

md5 hash#1: 0ed3d3c5989a6f72d161d5ec153740b3
md5 hash#2: c8f290f6b439929a1a1c5e62afe5e0da

i tried with mdcrack http://membres.lycos.fr/mdcrack/ but i suppose that they are 7+ length...

Thank you Wink
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:20 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Jul 14, 2005
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Can you crack it ?

MD5 hash of password is: 36a1381f064db425b595a576e4a5a962
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 4:42 pm Reply with quote
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Thnx slim for your reply, i think i completely understand this hole thing now Smile I was never into md5 cracking etc, more into coding c / c++ finding vuln etc...

The table i'm using i believe is only 1 to 7 pass length ( it's about 122mbs ) took like 4hrs to make Smile


I think i need one with lower / numeric and caps with a higher length than 7 to be able to get the pass for the 2 hashes I posted for the test.

I'll make more tables, i know it takes a while Razz

I added you on MSN if you don't mind, don't worry i'm not those that asks "how how how teach me" lol just so we can dicuss security Smile

Peace and thnx all for the help!
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md5 hashes...
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