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www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> Tools -> Encrypt HTML Pro 2.1.2
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Encrypt HTML Pro 2.1.2
PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 12:30 pm Reply with quote
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Encrypt HTML Pro is software to encrypt and protect your HTML pages in just a few clicks. It can prevent others from viewing and reusing your Web page source code, including HTML source code, JavaScript, VBScript, text, links and graphics, thus protecting your hard work and unique design on the Web. In addition to encrypting the source code and making it impossible for people to read, Encrypt HTML Pro also takes some additional measures to further protect your Web page, such as disable right mouse click, disable link display in status bar, disable text selection, disable offline use, disable page printing, disable IE6 image toolbar and smart tags, add referrer URL check, etc. Encrypt HTML Pro can encrypt and protect your entire HTML file or just desired part, such as body section, e-mail links only.

This new version supports load configuration, save configuration and load default configuration.



We would change the world, but God won't give us the sourcecode...
....Watch the master. Follow the master. Be the master....
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:27 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Jul 21, 2009
Posts: 375

Sorry for bringing up an old topic - came accross it whilst searching.

But just wanted to mention, not safe, decoded within a few seconds ^^

Example/Demo: http://www.mtopsoft.com/encryptpro/example1.htm

Decoded source of the example/demo page:

<!--Copyright mtopsoft.com, All Rights Reserved.-->
<head><META HTTP-EQUIV="ImageToolbar" CONTENT="No"><META NAME="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" CONTENT="True"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="0"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="No-Cache"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" CONTENT="No-Cache,Must-Revalidate,No-Store"><META NAME="Robots" CONTENT="NoIndex"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">wside=(window.sidebar)?true:false;var isOff=false;function mt_cm(){alert("This page is protected by Encrypt HTML Pro.");return false}function mt_md(e){mac=navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac')!=-1;if (document.all){if(event.button==2||(mac&&(event.ctrlKey||event.keyCode==91))){alert("This page is protected by Encrypt HTML Pro.");return false}}else{if(e.which==3||(mac&&(e.modifiers==2||e.ctrlKey))){alert("This page is protected by Encrypt HTML Pro.");return false}}}if(navigator.appName.indexOf('Internet Explorer')==-1||(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE')!=-1&&document.all.length!=0)){if(document.all){mac=navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac')!=-1;version=parseFloat('0'+navigator.userAgent.substr(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE')+5),10);if(!mac&&version>4){document.oncontextmenu=mt_cm}else{document.onmousedown=mt_md;document.onkeydown=mt_md}}else if(document.layers){window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN|Event.modifiers|Event.KEYDOWN);window.onmousedown=mt_md;window.onkeydown=mt_md}else if(document.getElementById&&!document.all){document.oncontextmenu=mt_cm}}function mt_dn(a){return false};function mt_de(e){return(e.target.tagName!=null&&e.target.tagName.search('^(INPUT|TEXTAREA|BUTTON|SELECT)$')!=-1)};function mt_md(e){if(e.which==1){window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);window.onmousemove=mt_dn}}function mt_mu(e){if(e.which==1){window.releaseEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);window.onmousemove=null}}if(navigator.appName.indexOf('Internet Explorer')==-1||(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE')!=-1&&document.all.length!=0)){if(document.all){document.onselectstart=mt_dn}else if(document.layers){window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP|Event.MOUSEDOWN);window.onmousedown=mt_md;window.onmouseup=mt_mu}else if(document.getElementById&&!document.all){document.onmousedown=mt_de}}function disdrag(){if(document.all){document.ondragstart= new Function("return false");for (i = 0;i< document.images.length;i++){z = document.images(i);z.galleryImg = 'no';}}};disdrag();if (top.location != self.location) {top.location = self.location;};function mt_nls(){window.status='';return true}function mt_nlsl(){mt_nls();setTimeout('mt_nlsl()',10)}if(document.layers)document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEOVER|Event.MOUSEOUT);document.onmouseover=mt_nls;document.onmouseout=mt_nls;mt_nlsl(); if(document.URL.substring(0,4)=='file'){window.location='about:blank';isOff=true}strLocation =document.URL.toLowerCase();if((strLocation.indexOf("http://www.mtopsoft.com")<0) && (isOff==false))this.location.href ="http://www.mtopsoft.com";</SCRIPT>
<title>Encrypt HTML Pro Example</title>

<meta name="description" content="Encrypt HTML Pro: Encrypt HTML source code from unauthorized copy in just a few clicks.">
<meta name="keywords" content="encrypt html, html encrypt, protect web page, disable right mouse click, disable page printing">
<meta name="abstract" content="Encrypt HTML Pro: Encrypt HTML source code from unauthorized copy in just a few clicks.">
<meta name="robots" content="FOLLOW,INDEX">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
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<style media='print'>body {display:none}</style><link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='mt_null.css'>

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Best Webmaster Software Tools for Website Building!</p></td>






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<td height="47" width="1091"><a name="top" href="../index.htm">Products</a>

&gt; <a href="index.htm">Encrypt HTML Pro</a></td>



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<td align="left" height="41" width="15"> ;; </td>

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<td background="../res/line_pixel_black.gif" height="4" width="1091"></td>



<td height="299" width="15"> ;;</td>

<td height="299" width="1091"><p class="smalltitle" align="left">Encrypt

HTML files, protect your web pages from unauthorized copy.</p>

<ul type="square">

<li>Encrypt HTML source code with strong encryption algorithm.


<li>Prevent others from viewing and reusing your web page

source code, include HTML source code, JavaScript, VBScript,

text, links and graphics .</li>

<li>The protected page will have the same appearance as

the original one.</li>

<li>Prevent spam robots from extracting email addresses

from your web pages.</li>

<li>Prevent others from downloading your entire web site

on their local hard disk. </li>

<li>Keep away all web content filters.<img src="res/ehp1small.jpg" align="right" border="0"></li>

<li>Disable right mouse click.</li>

<li>Disable text selection.</li>

<li>Disable page printing.</li>

<li>Disable off-line page viewing.</li>

<li>Disable link address in status bar.</li>

<li>Disable IE6 image toolbar and smart tags.</li>

<li>Support referrer URL check, keep your web page being

visited from specific URL.</li>


<p align="center"> ;;</p></td>



<td height="126" width="15"> ;; </td>

<td height="126" width="1091"> <p class="smalltitle">With

easy to use wizard, you can protect your HTML source code

step by step in just a few clicks.</p>

<ul type="square">


<p class="smallbody">No need to learn complicated perl,

php, ASP, no need to learn profound encryption algorithm

, no need to write a piece of CGI or JavaScript code,

Encrypt HTML Pro wizard will guide you protect ;;

HTML source code in just a few clicks. </p>





<td height="138" width="15"> ;; </td>

<td height="138" width="1091"> <p class="smalltitle">The protected

page works any where!</p>

<ul type="square">


<p class="smallbody">Works with any modern web browser,

no additional browser extension software is needed.




<p class="smallbody">Supports all kinds of hosting server,

no CGI, ASP, PHP, Web DB or any special web software

is needed. </p>



<p class="smallbody">Support publish your protected

web pages on CD, DVD or any other media. </p>





<td height="149" width="15"> ;; </td>

<td height="149" width="1091"> <p class="smalltitle">Many

other useful features ......</p>

<ul type="square">


<p class="smallbody">Support restore from backup files.




<p class="smallbody">Support encrypt entire page or

just body section. You can also select to protect

email links, scripts or all links. </p>



<p class="smallbody">...... </p>





<td align="center" height="126" width="15"> ;; </td>

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</body></html><!--Protected by Encrypt HTML Pro, MTop, Software Inc.-->
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:00 pm Reply with quote
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Practically all such scrambled, obfuscated, encoded pages can be reversed without much effort.
Encrypted data needs decryption key, but in case of webpages or software on client computer such keys can be intercepted/found/reverse engineered and decryption is still possible.
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