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PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:04 am Reply with quote
Joined: Dec 23, 2008
Posts: 1


Wouldn't ask, if I had the capabilities to do it on my own... Crying or Very sad

Thanks in advance!
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 4:31 am Reply with quote
Valuable expert
Valuable expert
Joined: Nov 19, 2008
Posts: 261

Chb wrote:
cusco wrote:
hi! I posted this in the md5-hases-help thread but I should have posted it here insead:

Hash: 3434f9b82292dc4ce442ebc7c0e73e42
Salt: $)*hf

How do you unsalt it? I have John running on the md5 hash, but I don't understand the use of the salt

You actually aren't able to "unsalt" something. Salting means, that the salt changes the way of encryption. In case of DES for example, it changes the initialization-parameters of the algorithm (if I recall right), in case of MD5 it is mostly in front of the password.

Little example:
Password: bar
Salt: foo
Password to hash: foobar

So if you want to crack the hash, you'll have to put "foo" in front of the password you're trying.
That's not exactly right. Salting means that there is an extra level of security thrown into the hashing process so that, in the event of retrieving some passwords from a forum or something else, it is much harder to crack the passwords.

Example: 5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592 -> hello
You can try googling this hash and you will almost certainly find it in its unhashed form. Not hard right?

Now try: 2c2280813654075fed0b359d12856099
You can't right this online if you google it, though the password inside of it is still 'hello'. Why? Because I hashed the password twice, the second time with a certain small string on the end (e.g. the salt). This is how vBulletin hashes it's passwords in its databases.

The only way to unhash a salted password is to a) know the salt and b) know the salting scheme.

Invision Power Salt Scheme: MD5(MD5(salt).MD5(password))
vBulletin Salt Scheme: MD5(MD5(password).salt)

So then to decrypt them you have to account for these factors and then run a program to hash 'test' passwords in the same manner and check to see if the hash then is equal to the one you have. If it is, you have found a 'collison', and thus, the password.*

* In exceedingly rare circumstances, a collison may not be the password but rather another string combination that produces the same hash.
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Hash + SALT from IPB ..:)
www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> All other hashes
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