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SEC Consult SA-20250226-0 :: Multiple vulnerabilities in Siemens A8000 CP-8050 & CP-8031 PLC
Re: MitM attack against OpenSSH's VerifyHostKeyDNS-enabled client
MitM attack against OpenSSH's VerifyHostKeyDNS-enabled client
Self Stored XSS - acp2sev7.2.2
Python's official documentation contains textbook example of insecure code (XSS)
Re: Netgear Router Administrative Web Interface Lacks Transport Encryption By Default
Monero 18.3.4 zero-day DoS vulnerability has been droppedpublicly on social network.
Netgear Router Administrative Web Interface Lacks Transport Encryption By Default
[CVE-2024-54756] GZDoom <= 4.13.1 Arbitrary Code Execution viaMalicious ZScript
Re: Text injection on https://www.google.com/so rry/index via ?q parameter (no XSS)
SEC Consult SA-20250211-0 :: Multiple vulnerabilities in Wattsense Bridge
APPLE-SA-02-10-2025-2 iPadOS 17.7.5
APPLE-SA-02-10-2025-1 iOS 18.3.1 and iPadOS 18.3.1
CVE-2024-55447: Access Control in Paxton Net2 software (update)
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some links
PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 4:15 pm Reply with quote
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Joined: May 22, 2008
Posts: 65

I am quite new in security business, and I guess you know some more sides that explain how hackers work, so I can prevent myself and also others from being hacked. I would be very pleased if you can give my some links to tutorials or pages where to search fir such things.

what I know so far is:

and this forum Wink but I guess there are a lot more, so please tell me. Or even better create a section where users can present sides they found.

Regrades Snoop1990


"I don't hack, I only surf the web to search for security holes ! To prevent my clients and me from being hacked !"
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PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 7:00 pm Reply with quote
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I suggest to buy books or download e-books. There are so many great stuff written in this days ...
For example look here:


And if you prefer warez or just want to try this knowledgeware before actual buying, then use p2p (emule, torrents) - hundreds of gigabytes pdf-files are waiting for readers.
Or search for web resources:





[DIR] Parent Directory -
[ ] (MSPress) Writing Secure Code.pdf 05-Dec-2006 20:30 4.0M
[ ] 0072260858.Mcgraw-Hill Osborne Media.19 Deadly Sins of Software Security (Security One-off).chm 20-Mar-2007 23:38 1.4M
[ ] 0131482092.Prentice Hall Ptr.Solaris(TM) Internals- Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris Kernel Architecture (2nd Edition) (Solaris Series).chm 14-Mar-2007 17:53 8.6M
[ ] 0201549794.Addison-Wesley Professional.The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System (Unix and Open Systems Series.).pdf 14-Mar-2007 19:24 22M
[ ] 1931769494.A-List Publishing.Hacker Web Exploitation Uncovered.chm 20-Feb-2007 00:37 555K
[ ] 1931769508.A-List Publishing.Hacker Linux Uncovered.chm 20-Feb-2007 00:39 4.5M
[ ] A.LIST.Publishing.Hacker.Disassembling.Uncovered.eBook-LiB.chm 30-May-2005 23:30 4.7M
[ ] A_Buffer_Overflow_Study_-_Attacks_and_Defenses__2002_.pdf 20-Aug-2005 21:29 470K
[ ] Addison.Wesley,.Advanced.Programming.in.the.UNIX.Environment.(2005),.2Ed.BBL.LotB.chm 05-Dec-2006 20:22 3.2M
[ ] Addison.Wesley,.Software.Security.Building.Security.In.(2006).BBL.chm 13-Nov-2006 15:09 3.8M
[ ] Addison.Wesley.Advanced.Programming.In.The.Unix.Environment.(2005).2Ed.pdf 05-Dec-2006 20:19 10M
[ ] Addison.Wesley.Compilers.Principles.Techniques.and.Tools.2nd.Edition.Aug.2006.pdf 09-Nov-2007 23:56 48M
[ ] Addison.Wesley.Professional.Rootkits.Subverting.the.Windows.Kernel.chm 20-Aug-2005 21:32 1.6M
[ ] Addison.Wesley.Pub.Exploiting.Software.How.to.Break.Code.eBook-kB.pdf 31-May-2005 16:08 7.6M
[ ] Addison Wesley - Hack I.T. Security Through Penetration Testing.chm 31-May-2005 16:46 4.6M
[ ] Addison Wesley - Secure Programming with Static Analysis - 2007.pdf 25-Sep-2007 12:36 4.7M
[ ] Art.of.Software.Security.Assessment.chm 13-Nov-2006 15:18 4.5M
[ ] Auerbach.Publications,.The.Security.Risk.Assessment.Handbook.(2005).DDU.LotB.pdf 05-Dec-2006 20:03 6.4M
[ ] C++ and Assembly Language Reference.pdf 25-Sep-2007 12:05 1.2M
[ ] Cisco.Press.Penetration.Testing.and.Network.Defense.Nov.2005.FIXED.eBook-DDU.chm 08-Nov-2005 19:54 15M
[ ] Code_Complete.A_Practical_Handbook_of_Software_Construction.2ndEditionDraft.McConnell.pdf 05-Dec-2006 19:57 5.1M
[ ] Computer Security Art And Science.chm 05-Dec-2006 20:32 2.6M
[ ] Computer_Vulnerability_March_9_2000_.pdf 20-Aug-2005 21:49 390K
[ ] Ebook - Windows - Programming .NET Security.chm 05-Dec-2006 19:51 2.7M
[ ] John.Wiley.and.Sons.The.Art.of.Intrusion.The.Real.Stories.Behind.the.Exploits.of.Hackers.Intruders.and.Deceivers.pdf 31-May-2005 16:20 3.1M
[ ] McGraw.Hill.HackNotes.Web.Security.Portable.Reference.eBook-DDU.pdf 31-May-2005 15:42 3.4M
[ ] McGraw.Hill.HackNotes.Windows.Security.Portable.Reference.eBook-DDU.pdf 31-May-2005 15:57 4.8M
[ ] McGraw.Hill.Osborne.Media.XML.Security.eBook-TLFeBOOK.pdf 15-Jul-2005 17:47 3.8M
[ ] Microsoft.Press.Hunting.Security.Bugs.ebook-Spy.chm 08-Feb-2007 15:29 22M
[ ] Microsoft.Press.Improving.Web.Application.Security.Threats.and.Countermeasures.eBook-LiB.chm 05-Dec-2006 19:48 6.1M
[ ] Microsoft.Press.The.Security.Development.Lifecycle.Jun.2006.chm 20-Feb-2007 00:41 3.3M
[ ] OReilly - Oracle.Security.OReilly.1998.chm 31-May-2005 16:48 1.3M
[ ] Oreilly.Security.Warrior.eBook-DDU.chm 31-May-2005 00:36 4.5M
[ ] Prentice.Hall.PTR.Internet.Denial.of.Service.Attack.and.Defense.Mechanisms.Dec.2004.eBook-DDU.chm 15-Jul-2005 17:46 2.1M
[ ] Sams.Inside.Network.Security.Assessment.Guarding.Your.IT.Infrastructure.Nov.2005.chm 05-Dec-2006 19:39 1.9M
[ ] Sams.Maximum.Security.Fourth.Edition.chm 30-May-2005 23:32 2.9M
[ ] Secure Coding Principles and Practices.pdf 05-Dec-2006 19:37 2.1M
[ ] Software Vulnerability Analysis.pdf 05-Dec-2006 19:35 2.8M
[ ] Strengthening Network Security With Web-Based Vulnerability Assessment.pdf 05-Dec-2006 19:33 243K
[ ] THE SHELLCODER'S HANDBOOK.pdf 02-Jun-2005 17:13 8.2M
[ ] The.Art.of.Exploitation-FOS.chm 31-May-2005 16:26 1.4M
[ ] The.Ethical.Hack.A.Framework.for.Business.Value.Penetration.Testing.eBook-EEn.pdf 08-Nov-2005 19:11 3.9M
[ ] The.International.Handbook.of.Computer.Security.eBook-EEn.pdf 31-May-2005 17:06 1.8M
[ ] The.Oracle.Hackers.Handbook.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL.chm 09-Jun-2007 13:10 484K
[ ] The Art Of Computer Virus Research And Defense.chm 08-Feb-2007 15:33 6.7M
[ ] The Database Hacker's Handbook - Defending Database Servers.chm 29-May-2007 17:39 1.1M
[ ] The_Art_of_Deception_by_Kevin_Mitnick.pdf 20-Aug-2005 21:59 5.2M
[ ] The_Art_of_Intrusion.pdf 20-Aug-2005 21:48 3.1M
[ ] The_ Assembly_ Programming_ Master_ Book.chm 18-Dec-2006 22:37 10M
[ ] Wiley, The Shellcoder's Handbook Discovering and Exploiting Security (2004) spy LotB.rar 30-Aug-2005 18:38 2.1M
[IMG] Wiley - How Debuggers Work.djvu 05-Dec-2006 19:28 2.6M
[ ] Wiley.The.CISSP.Prep.Guide.Gold.Edition.eBook-kB.pdf 02-Aug-2005 17:08 9.3M
[ ] Wiley.The.Shellcoders.Handbook.2nd.Edition.Aug.2007(2).rar 12-Oct-2007 12:36 3.0M
[ ] [eBook - Eng] Penetration Tester's - Open Source Toolkit.pdf 25-Sep-2007 15:54 34M
[ ] [eBook] Addison Wesley - Enterprise Java 2 Security Building Secure and Robust J2EE Applications (2004).chm 05-Dec-2006 20:26 3.9M
[ ] data-compression-the-complete-reference.9781846286025.27230.pdf 25-Sep-2007 14:58 8.8M
[ ] ebook - Designing and Writing Secure Application Code.pdf 05-Dec-2006 19:52 688K
[ ] network-protocols-handbook.9780974094526.27099.pdf 07-Jun-2007 10:18 5.0M
[ ] programing - Windows.System.Programming.Third.Edition.chm 05-Dec-2006 19:41 2.3M
[ ] tlf-spusd.pdf 13-Jun-2005 09:55 3.8M
[ ] windowskernel.rar

And test stuff on your home PC!! Use VMware! try various *nix and windows versions, try metasploit and try to exploit localhost!
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PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 7:03 pm Reply with quote
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Joined: May 22, 2008
Posts: 65

thank you very much, now I have something to read before going to bed Very Happy
Regrades Snoop1990
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PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:03 am Reply with quote
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Posts: 65

I also found a nice collection:

Here !


"I don't hack, I only surf the web to search for security holes ! To prevent my clients and me from being hacked !"
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