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Need Java Help |
Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:27 pm |
slimjim100 |
Valuable expert |

Joined: Jun 09, 2004 |
Posts: 208 |
Location: USA |
Hey guys,
A firend of mine e-mailed me asking a question about a Java script of his. I don't do java but maybe someone here can answer his question. Here is the e-mail:
Code: |
Ok I guess it?s time for you to tap some resources for me. Here is a snippet of the code I?m having difficulty with. I created a cycling banner with 3 banners, that part is done. The annoying part is adding the links, I?ve created the array to call the links but I haven?t figured out how to set the array index Goto[0] not go anywhere. All of the books I?ve read say if I have 3 elements in the first array I will have to have 3 elements for the second array, obviously the empty quotes will not work. Any suggestions?
Code: |
<title>Ski Montana</title>
<Script Language="Javascript">
<!--Hide from old browsers
var banners = new Array ("bannerad1.jpg","bannerad2.jpg", "bannerad3.jpg")
var Goto = new Array ("", "bigmtn.com", "bridgerbowl.com")
var bnrCntr= 0
function bancycle() {
bnrCntr = bnrCntr + 1
if(bnrCntr == 3) {
bnrCntr = 0
document.banner.src = banners[bnrCntr]
setTimeout("bancycle()", 2000)
function newLocation() {
document.location.href =
"http://www." + Goto[bnrCntr]
<Body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onload="setTimeout('bancycle()', 2000)">
<A HREF="javascript:newLocation()">
<IMG SRC="bannerad1.jpg" Width=503 Height=68 Name="banner"></A>
Slimjim100  |
Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 3:08 am |
Torian |
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Joined: May 26, 2006 |
Posts: 8 |
sorry cant help you, java and javascript are different.
might as well close this after 2 years anyway  |
www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> Java
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