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PHP-Nuke <= 7.9 Search module "author" SQL Inje |
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:18 pm |
Paisterist |
Valuable expert |

Joined: Oct 23, 2006 |
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Location: Argentina |
[N]eo [S]ecurity [T]eam [NST] - Advisory 28 - 2006-10-25
Program: PHP-Nuke
Homepage: http://www.php.net
Vulnerable Versions: PHP-Nuke <= 7.9
Risk: Medium
Impact: Medium Risk
-==PHP-Nuke <= 7.9 Search module "author" SQL Injection vulnerability==-
- Description
PHP-Nuke is a news automated system specially designed to be used in Intranets and Internet. The Administrator has total control of his web site, registered users, and he will have in the hand a powerful assembly of tools to maintain an active and 100% interactive web site using databases.
- Tested
localhost & many sites
- Vulnerability Description
In /modules/Search/index.php the "author" variable is not sanitized correctly. Here is the vulnerable code:
==[ /modules/Search/index.php 196-198 ]==========================
if (!empty($author)) $q .= "AND s.aid='$author' ";
if (!empty($topic)) $q .= "AND s.topic='$topic' ";
if (!empty($days) && $days!=0) $q .= "AND TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(time) <= '$days' ";
==[ end /modules/Search/index.php ]==============================
magic_quotes_gpc php directive must be turned Off so the simple quotes (') are not filtered. Also we have to know the prefix
used for the database tables ("nuke_" by default).
In this way, bypassing the SQL Injection Protection, like using someone like '/**/UNION ' and not ' UNION ' in our sql injections, we can get the admin md5 hash without any problems.
==Pseudo-Code Proof of Concept exploit==
Neo Security Team - Pseudo-Code Proof of Concept Exploit
$fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30);
$data=""; /* Here the variables, like "query", "topic" and "author" with the SQL Injection */
if ($fp) {
/* we put the POST request on $p variable, sending the data saved on $data. */
fwrite($fp, $p);
while (!feof($fp)) {
$content .= fread($fp, 4096);
preg_match("/([a-zA-Z0-9]{32})/", $content, $matches);
if ($matches[0])
print "<b>Hash: </b>".$matches[0];
==Pseudo-Code Proof of Concept exploit==
Whit this PoC code i get the md5 hash of the first admin (God) of the nuke_authors table.
- How to fix it? More information?
You can found a patch on http://www.neosecurityteam.net/foro/
Also, you can modify the line 197 of /modules/Search/index.php, adding slashes before the simple quotes with the addslashes() function:
==[ /modules/Search/index.php 196-198 ]==========================
if (!empty($author)) $q .= "AND s.aid='$author' ";
if (!empty($topic)) $q .= "AND s.topic='" . addslashes($topic) . "' ";
if (!empty($days) && $days!=0) $q .= "AND TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(time) <= '$days' ";
==[ end /modules/Search/index.php ]==============================
That's a momentary solution to the problem. I recommend to download the PHP-Nuke 8.0 version in the next days... it is not
free at the moment.
- References
- Credits
Search module SQL Injection discovered by Paisterist -> paisterist[dot]nst [at] gmail[dot]com
[N]eo [S]ecurity [T]eam [NST] - http://www.neosecurityteam.net/
- Greets
Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay EXISTS!!
'@@'@@@@@@''@@@@@@ @@@'''''@@@
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