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www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> Newbies corner -> lost data
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lost data
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:59 am Reply with quote
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Joined: Oct 23, 2005
Posts: 21

can anyone help, I'm really dumb! I had a huge folder on my desktop with 4 years of tutorials, forum backups, md5s and cracked passes. I think I had more hashes/passes than milworm! (dont ask, its sort of a hobby!)I was deleting some unrelated folders off my desk top and must have caught my 'hash' folder in the sweep, I didnt notice until my recycle bin took a while to empty. I have no backups and no saves. I have used a lot of the passes so I thought of retrieving some through cane protected storage, however it just gave me some of my own passes which I already know. there was one I need in there, cane gave me mail addy and username but the pass field was blank. i use IE and sometimes firefox as a browser, and I remember using some of my needed passes on both. i have looked on firefox password manager and retrieved about 3 useless ones, not sure about IE, where and if it stores them, is there any way at all of retrieving my lost data or at least some previously used passes from any stored cookies? and yes i already know I'm an idiot and should never have stored everything in folder on desktop. Please any advise you can give me will give you my grovelling gratitude.
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Re: lost data
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:27 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Dec 01, 2004
Posts: 181
Location: Cyprus

ladylearner wrote:
can anyone help, I'm really dumb! I had a huge folder on my desktop with 4 years of tutorials, forum backups, md5s and cracked passes. I think I had more hashes/passes than milworm! (dont ask, its sort of a hobby!)I was deleting some unrelated folders off my desk top and must have caught my 'hash' folder in the sweep, I didnt notice until my recycle bin took a while to empty. I have no backups and no saves. I have used a lot of the passes so I thought of retrieving some through cane protected storage, however it just gave me some of my own passes which I already know. there was one I need in there, cane gave me mail addy and username but the pass field was blank. i use IE and sometimes firefox as a browser, and I remember using some of my needed passes on both. i have looked on firefox password manager and retrieved about 3 useless ones, not sure about IE, where and if it stores them, is there any way at all of retrieving my lost data or at least some previously used passes from any stored cookies? and yes i already know I'm an idiot and should never have stored everything in folder on desktop. Please any advise you can give me will give you my grovelling gratitude.

Did you tried cain and abel ..? it may restore some saved passwords ..

Download it here

also there is a way to restore the data that you deleted .. If not all of them some of the with minipe live cd .. There are a lot of tools in it ..

who|grep -i blonde|talk; cd~;wine;talk;touch;unzip;touch; strip;gasp;finger;gasp;mount; fsck; more; yes; gasp; umount; make clean; sleep;wakeup;goto http://www.md5this.com
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Re: lost data
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:59 pm Reply with quote
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ladylearner wrote:
can anyone help, I'm really dumb! I had a huge folder on my desktop with 4 years of tutorials, forum backups, md5s and cracked passes. I think I had more hashes/passes than milworm! (dont ask, its sort of a hobby!)I was deleting some unrelated folders off my desk top and must have caught my 'hash' folder in the sweep, I didnt notice until my recycle bin took a while to empty. I have no backups and no saves. I have used a lot of the passes so I thought of retrieving some through cane protected storage, however it just gave me some of my own passes which I already know. there was one I need in there, cane gave me mail addy and username but the pass field was blank. i use IE and sometimes firefox as a browser, and I remember using some of my needed passes on both. i have looked on firefox password manager and retrieved about 3 useless ones, not sure about IE, where and if it stores them, is there any way at all of retrieving my lost data or at least some previously used passes from any stored cookies? and yes i already know I'm an idiot and should never have stored everything in folder on desktop. Please any advise you can give me will give you my grovelling gratitude.

First of all, when you unintentionally delete files or folders and want them to recover - then first thing is - turn off PC, by cutting the power (not "shut down" from windows). This can give you ~100% chance to recover. Now, if you have been using PC after the deletion, then files can be recovered partially, if you are lucky. There is whole software industry (having roots from DOS age), writing tools for undelete/unerase operations. And by the way undelete and slackfile/swapfile analyze is part of the IT forensics activity, so there are very good tools for this.

Looking to Google:




I hope, that you can recover you information successfully...
Good luck Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 7:11 pm Reply with quote
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Joined: Oct 23, 2005
Posts: 21

Thank you very much for your replies, active undelete had a limited file size, so I downloaded officerrecovery. unfortunatly it looks like my files are gone, all it found was some jpegs i deleted on the 16th and just a couple of package gaming files i deleted on the 20th. its not finding the files i accidently deleted on the 20th. does it make any difference that the files were all in folders (and sub folders and then some folders?) Thank you anyway for your help, I sure will take your advice in the future and will keep the programme incase im stupid enough to do the same accident ever again!

yes toxic, I tried cain, I clicked the protected storage and it gave me all my passes that i already know, I was hoping that some of the needed passes/usernames would have been stored there as I have used them before. there was one that I needed there, it had the mail addy and the username stored but the password field was blank.

Thanks for all your help anyway.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:32 pm Reply with quote
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If i understood correctly have you tried www.ontrack.com/easyrecoveryprofessional/
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:29 am Reply with quote
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Joined: Oct 23, 2005
Posts: 21

thanks for that, i just tried it and it just found a couple of jpegs i puposly deleted a few days ago. but thanks anyway
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lost data
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