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IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
Injectable? |
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 7:25 am |
e-rased |
Beginner |

Joined: Jan 13, 2006 |
Posts: 2 |
There's a popular mod-addon out for IBStore(Invision Power Board mod) called Transactions Mod...I looked the source over and some of the sql query values aren't checked or sanitized...Can anyone look it over and tell me what you could do with it? I imagine union would be of use but I'm new to exploits...
Code: |
$idx = new trans;
class trans
var $output = "";
var $page_title = "";
var $nav = array();
var $html = "";
function trans()
global $ibforums, $forums, $DB, $std, $print, $skin_universal;
$ibforums->lang = $std->load_words($ibforums->lang, 'lang_trans', $ibforums->lang_id );
$this->html = $std->load_template('skin_trans');
$this->base_url = $ibforums->base_url;
//// $this->output = $this->html->test();
////Here we build the transactions page.
////right here i'm checking to see if the $_GET[] vars are defined. if they aren't, i define them.
if ( ! isset( $ibforums->input['method'] ) )
$ibforums->input['method'] = "global";
$method = "global";
$method = $ibforums->input['method'];
if ( ! isset( $ibforums->input['current'] ) )
$ibforums->input['current'] = "0";
$current = 0;
$current = $ibforums->input['current'];
///We're done checking our get vars.
///Here i'm going to switch() on the case of $method
case "global";
$sql_count = "SELECT * from ipb_store_logs";
////get the number of rows
$total_rows = mysql_num_rows($therows= mysql_query($sql_count));
////get the total amount of pages, round up
$totalpages = floor($total_rows/50);
////total items
$totalled_items = $totalpages * 50;
////the current page number
$curpage = ceil(($current) / 50);
$the_tmp .= "<br />";
$the_tmp .= "<form action=\"index.php?act=trans&method=search\" method=\"GET\">Search for a user's transactions:
<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"trans\" name=\"act\">
<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"search\" name=\"method\">
<input type=\"text\" name=\"user\" value=\"$user\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Search\"></form>";
$the_tmp .= "<center>";
$the_tmp .= "<br />";
///Before pages
$thetmpshow = $curpage + 1;
$the_tmp .= "<b>Current: $thetmpshow</b><br />";
$the_tmp .= "<a href=\"index.php?act=trans¤t=0\"><<[</a> ";
$page_min = $curpage - 11;
$page_min = 0;
$page_num = 1;
$page_min = $page_min - 1;
$page_num = 1;
$page_num = $page_min+1;
$itmp = ($page_min*50);
while($itmp<($curpage*50) AND $page_num>$page_min) {
$the_tmp .= "<a href=\"index.php?act=trans¤t=$itmp\"> $page_num</a> ";
$itmp = $itmp + 50;
$page_num = $page_num + 1;
$the_tmp .= "<b>$thetmpshow</b> ";
///after pages
$page_max = $curpage + 11;
$page_max = $totalpages;
$page_num = $curpage + 1;
$items_max = $pages_max * 50;
$itmp = $page_num * 50;
while($page_num < $page_max) {
$page_num = $page_num + 1;
$the_tmp .= "<a href=\"index.php?act=trans¤t=$itmp\">$page_num</a> ";
$itmp = $itmp + 50;
$the_tmp .= "<a href=\"check.php?current=$totalled_items\">]>></a>";
$the_tmp .= "</center>";
$the_tmp .= "<br />";
$query = "SELECT * FROM ipb_store_logs ORDER by lid DESC LIMIT $current, 50";
$pigfuck = mysql_query($query);
$the_tmp .= "<br><br>";
$the_tmp .= "<div align=\"right\"></div>";
$the_tmp .= "<table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\" Cellpaddinng=\"2\">";
$the_tmp .= "<th width=\"5%\" nowrap>ID</th>";
$the_tmp .= "<th width=\"50%\" nowrap>Message</th>";
$the_tmp .= "<th width=\"10%\" nowrap>Username</th>";
$the_tmp .= "<th width=\"10%\" nowrap>Action</th>";
$the_tmp .= "<th width=\"25%\">Time</th>";
while($query_data = mysql_fetch_array($pigfuck)) {
$lid = $query_data["lid"];
$lmessage = $query_data["lmessage"];
$luserid = $query_data["luserid"];
$ltype = $query_data["ltype"];
$ltime = $query_data["ltime"];
$midgettoss = date('r',$ltime);
$midgettoss = str_replace(',','',$midgettoss);
$midgettoss = explode("-", $midgettoss);
if($ltype == "donate_m"){
$ltype = "Donated";
if($ltype == "bought_item"){
$ltype = "Purchase";
if($ltype == "titleeffect"){
$ltype = "Title";
$dirt = "SELECT name FROM ipb_members WHERE id = '$luserid'";
$whore = mysql_query($dirt);
$try = mysql_fetch_array($whore);
$tip = $try["name"];
$tip = "Unkown user?!";
$the_tmp .= "<TR>\n";
$the_tmp .= "<TD width=\"5%\" align=\"center\">$lid</td>\n";
$the_tmp .= "<TD width=\"50%\" align=\"center\">$lmessage</td>\n";
$the_tmp .="<TD width=\"10%\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"index.php?showuser=$luserid\">$tip</a></td>\n";
$the_tmp .= "<TD width=\"10%\" align=\"center\">$ltype</td>\n";
$the_tmp .= "<TD width=\"25%\" align=\"center\">$midgettoss[0]</td>\n";
$the_tmp .= "</tr>\n";
$the_tmp .= "</table>";
$the_tmp .= "<br /> <br />";
$the_tmp .= "<center>";
$the_tmp .="<a href=\"index.php?act=trans¤t=0\"><<[</a> ";
///Before pages
$page_min = $curpage - 11;
$page_min = 0;
$page_num = 1;
$page_min = $page_min - 1;
$page_num = 1;
$page_num = $page_min + 1;
$itmp = ($page_min*50);
while($itmp<($curpage*50) AND $page_num>$page_min) {
$the_tmp .= "<a href=\"index.php?act=trans¤t=$itmp\"> $page_num</a> ";
$itmp = $itmp + 50;
$page_num = $page_num + 1;
$the_tmp .= "<b>$thetmpshow</b> ";
///after pages
$page_max = $curpage + 11;
$page_max = $totalpages;
$page_num = $curpage + 1;
$items_max = $pages_max * 50;
$itmp = $page_num * 50;
while($page_num < $page_max) {
$page_num = $page_num + 1;
$the_tmp .= "<a href=\"index.php?act=trans¤t=$itmp\">$page_num</a> ";
$itmp = $itmp + 50;
$the_tmp .= "<a href=\"check.php?current=$totalled_items\">]>></a>";
$the_tmp .= "</center>";
/////YAY !!!!1!~1`1!1 We're done with the global case!
echo "</center>";
$this->output = $the_tmp;
$print->do_output( array( 'TITLE' => $ibforums->lang['page_title'], 'JS' => 0, NAV => array( $ibforums->lang['page_title'] ) ) );
$current is never checked, and it directly queries the database without any 'sanitisation'...any ideas? |
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:53 pm |
Pi3cH |
Regular user |

Joined: Dec 15, 2005 |
Posts: 7 |
could give me live example?
the $curpage limited at this line of code:
$curpage = ceil(($current) / 50); |
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 8:33 pm |
e-rased |
Beginner |

Joined: Jan 13, 2006 |
Posts: 2 |
$query = "SELECT * FROM ipb_store_logs ORDER by lid DESC LIMIT $current, 50";
$curpage is just a var for rendering the before/after links...current isn't touched |
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:24 pm |
Pi3cH |
Regular user |

Joined: Dec 15, 2005 |
Posts: 7 |
oh! i dont see the left part of =,
could you give live example? |
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