IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
please decpde 2 file (ioncube) |
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:38 pm |
erick |
Regular user |

Joined: Aug 03, 2012 |
Posts: 9 |
Last edited by erick on Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:24 am; edited 1 time in total |
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:32 pm |
vv456 |
Advanced user |

Joined: Aug 24, 2012 |
Posts: 190 |
Hello my friend follows your files:
Code: | <?php
include( "lib.php" );
$lines = file( "/etc/danginx/data.conf" );
foreach ( $lines as $key )
$term = explode( ":", trim( $key ) );
if ( $term[0] == "LICENSE" )
$key = $term[1];
$licensekey = $key;
$localkey = shell_exec( "/bin/cat /etc/danginx/localkey.txt" );
$results = check_license( $licensekey, $localkey );
if ( $results['status'] == "Active" )
$vhostDate = "#Auto generated vhost configuration by Da Nginix. Any customization will be lost\n";
$DBINO = array( );
$GLOBIP = "";
if ( $handle = opendir( "/usr/local/directadmin/data/users" ) )
$_file_list = "";
while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $handle ) ) )
if ( $file != "." && $file != ".." )
$_file_list .= $file.":";
closedir( $handle );
$cPuser = explode( ":", $_file_list );
sort( $cPuser );
$ArrLen = count( $cPuser );
$cpUsernumber = $ArrLen - 1;
$i = 1;
while ( $i <= $cpUsernumber )
$USER = $cPuser[$i];
$domain = file( "/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/{$USER}/domains.list" );
$dom_count = count( $domain );
$j = 0;
while ( $j < $dom_count )
$DOMAIN = trim( $domain[$j] );
$ux = file( "/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/{$USER}/user.conf" );
foreach ( $ux as $line_num => $line )
if ( preg_match( "/^ip=/", $line ) )
$ipdata = explode( "=", $line );
$GLOBIP = trim( $ipdata[1] );
if ( file_exists( "/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/{$USER}/domains/{$DOMAIN}.conf" ) )
$uf = file( "/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/{$USER}/domains/{$DOMAIN}.conf" );
foreach ( $uf as $line_num => $line )
if ( preg_match( "/^ip=/", $line ) )
$ipdata = explode( "=", $line );
$DOMIP = trim( $ipdata[1] );
$DOMDOCROOT = "/home/{$USER}/domains/{$DOMAIN}/public_html";
$ACCESSLOG = "/var/log/httpd/domains/{$DOMAIN}.log";
if ( file_exists( "/etc/danginx/expires/{$DOMAIN}" ) && filesize( "/etc/danginx/expires/{$DOMAIN}" ) != 0 )
$exp_line = file( "/etc/danginx/expires/{$DOMAIN}" );
$EXPIRE = trim( $exp_line[0] );
$EXPIRE = "24h";
if ( file_exists( "/etc/danginx/custom/{$DOMAIN}" ) && filesize( "/etc/danginx/custom/{$DOMAIN}" ) != 0 )
$CUSTOM = "include \"/etc/danginx/custom/".$DOMAIN."\"";
$CUSTOM = "#include \"/etc/danginx/custom/".$DOMAIN."\"";
$fval = "{$DOMAIN}"."|"."{$DOMIP}"."|"."{$DOMDOCROOT}"."|"."{$ACCESSLOG}"."|"."{$EXPIRE}"."|"."{$CUSTOM}";
$DBINO[] = $fval;
$POINTERFILE = "/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/{$USER}/domains/{$DOMAIN}.pointers";
if ( file_exists( $POINTERFILE ) && filesize( "{$POINTERFILE}" ) != 0 )
$PDOMAIN = array( );
$pfile = file( $POINTERFILE );
foreach ( $pfile as $line_num => $line )
$tmx = explode( "=alias", $line );
$PDOMAIN[$line_num] = trim( $tmx[0] );
foreach ( $PDOMAIN as $XDOMAIN )
$fval = "{$XDOMAIN}"."|"."{$DOMIP}"."|"."{$DOMDOCROOT}"."|"."{$ACCESSLOG}"."|"."{$EXPIRE}"."|"."{$CUSTOM}";
$DBINO[] = $fval;
if ( file_exists( "/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/{$USER}/domains/{$DOMAIN}.subdomains" ) )
$subdomain = file( "/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/{$USER}/domains/{$DOMAIN}.subdomains" );
$subdom_count = count( $subdomain );
if ( 0 < $subdom_count )
$k = 0;
while ( $k < $subdom_count )
$sub = trim( $subdomain[$k] );
$SUBDOMAIN = "{$sub}"."."."{$DOMAIN}";
$SUBDOCROOT = "/home/{$USER}/domains/{$DOMAIN}/public_html/{$sub}";
$SUBACCESSLOG = "/var/log/httpd/domains/{$DOMAIN}.{$sub}.log";
if ( file_exists( "/etc/danginx/expires/{$SUBDOMAIN}" ) && filesize( "/etc/danginx/expires/{$Var_8904}" ) != 0 )
$exp_line = file( "/etc/danginx/expires/{$SUBDOMAIN}" );
$EXPIRE = trim( $exp_line[0] );
$EXPIRE = "24h";
if ( file_exists( "/etc/danginx/custom/{$SUBDOMAIN}" ) && filesize( "/etc/danginx/custom/{$SUBDOMAIN}" ) != 0 )
$CUSTOM = "include \"/etc/danginx/custom/".$SUBDOMAIN."\"";
$CUSTOM = "#include \"/etc/danginx/custom/".$SUBDOMAIN."\"";
$fval = "{$SUBDOMAIN}"."|"."{$DOMIP}"."|"."{$SUBDOCROOT}"."|"."{$SUBACCESSLOG}"."|"."{$EXPIRE}"."|"."{$CUSTOM}";
$DBINO[] = $fval;
$vhlines = file( "/etc/danginx/vhost.conf" );
$PROXYCONF = "\n";
foreach ( $vhlines as $key )
$PROXYCONF .= " ".$key;
$linesext = file( "/etc/danginx/fileextensions.txt" );
foreach ( $linesext as $key )
if ( preg_match( "/\\|/", $key ) )
$file_est = trim( $key );
foreach ( $DBINO as $DB )
$tmpar = explode( "|", $DB );
$DOMAIN = $tmpar[0];
$DOMIP = $tmpar[1];
$DOMDOCROOT = $tmpar[2];
$ACCESSLOG = $tmpar[3];
$EXPIRETIME = $tmpar[4];
$CUSTOMINCLUDE = $tmpar[5];
if ( !file_exists( "/etc/danginx/direct/{$DOMAIN}" ) )
$Var_12000 .= "#################################################################\n########### Vhost configuration of {$DOMAIN}\n#################################################################\nserver {\naccess_log off;\nerror_log logs/vhost-error_log warn;\nlisten 80;\nserver_name {$DOMAIN} www.{$DOMAIN};\nlocation ~* ^.+.({$file_est})$ {\n expires {$EXPIRETIME};\n root {$DOMDOCROOT};\n error_page 404 = @apache;\n access_log {$ACCESSLOG};\n log_not_found off;\n }\nlocation ~ /\\.ht {\n deny all;\n }\n\nlocation / {\n log_not_found off;\n{$PROXYCONF}\n proxy_redirect http://www.{$DOMAIN}:8888 http://www.{$DOMAIN};\n proxy_redirect http://{$DOMAIN}:8888 http://{$DOMAIN};\n proxy_pass http://{$DOMIP}:8888/;\n proxy_set_header Host \$host;\n proxy_set_header X-Real-IP \$remote_addr;\n proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;\n }\nlocation @apache {\n internal;\n{$PROXYCONF}\n proxy_redirect http://{$DOMAIN}:8888 http://{$DOMAIN};\n proxy_pass http://{$DOMIP}:8888;\n proxy_set_header Host \$host;\n proxy_set_header X-Real-IP \$remote_addr;\n proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;\n }\n{$CUSTOMINCLUDE};\n}\n";
$vhostDate .= "#################################################################\n########### Vhost configuration of {$DOMAIN} in Direct Proxy\n#################################################################\nserver {\naccess_log off;\nerror_log logs/vhost-error_log warn;\nlisten 80;\nserver_name {$DOMAIN} www.{$DOMAIN};\nlocation ~ /\\.ht {\n deny all;\n }\nlocation / {\n log_not_found off;\n{$PROXYCONF}\n proxy_redirect http://www.{$DOMAIN}:8888 http://www.{$DOMAIN};\n proxy_redirect http://{$DOMAIN}:8888 http://{$DOMAIN};\n proxy_pass http://{$DOMIP}:8888/;\n proxy_set_header Host \$host;\n proxy_set_header X-Real-IP \$remote_addr;\n proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;\n }\n{$CUSTOMINCLUDE};\n\n}\n";
$fh = fopen( "/usr/local/nginx/conf/vhost.conf", "w" );
fwrite( $fh, $vhostDate );
fclose( $fh );
system( "/etc/init.d/nginx reload" );
if ( $results['localkey'] )
$localkeydata = $results['localkey'];
$cachekeyfile = "/etc/danginx/localkey.txt";
if ( !( $fh = fopen( $cachekeyfile, "w" ) ) )
exit( "can't open file" );
$stringData = $localkeydata;
fwrite( $fh, $stringData );
fclose( $fh );
else if ( $results['status'] == "Invalid" )
print "License key not found. If you already have the license key, please update the key ";
$fh = fopen( "/usr/local/nginx/conf/vhost.conf", "w" );
fwrite( $fh, "#Invalid license" );
fclose( $fh );
if ( $results['status'] == "Expired" )
print "Your License key Expired . Please purchase the key and reactivate it.";
$fh = fopen( "/usr/local/nginx/conf/vhost.conf", "w" );
fwrite( $fh, "#License Expired" );
fclose( $fh );
if ( $results['status'] == "Suspended" )
print "Your License key is Suspended. Please contact our support team from https://portal.syslint.com/supporttickets.php";
$fh = fopen( "/usr/local/nginx/conf/vhost.conf", "w" );
fwrite( $fh, "#License Suspended" );
fclose( $fh );
Code: | <?php
function check_license( $licensekey, $localkey )
$chy = curl_init( );
curl_setopt( $chy, CURLOPT_URL, "http://portal.syslint.com/modules/servers/licensing/wimip.php" );
curl_setopt( $chy, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
$ip = curl_exec( $chy );
$HIP = $ip;
curl_close( $chy );
$whmcsurl = "http://portal.syslint.com/";
$licensing_secret_key = "cs+PWxyjyprot4pc4xebwzkbf";
$checkdate = date( "Ymd" );
$usersip = $ip;
$localkeydays = 7;
$allowcheckfaildays = 2;
$localkeyvalid = false;
if ( $localkey )
$localkey = str_replace( "\n", "", $localkey );
$localdata = substr( );
$md5hash = substr( $localkey, strlen( $localkey ) - 32 );
if ( $md5hash == md5( $localdata.$licensing_secret_key ) )
$localdata = strrev( $localdata );
$md5hash = substr( $localdata, 0, 32 );
$localdata = substr( $localdata, 32 );
$localdata = base64_decode( $localdata );
$localkeyresults = unserialize( $localdata );
$originalcheckdate = $localkeyresults['checkdate'];
if ( $md5hash == md5( $originalcheckdate.$licensing_secret_key ) )
$localexpiry = date( "Ymd", mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( "m" ), date( "d" ) - $localkeydays, date( "Y" ) ) );
if ( $localexpiry < $originalcheckdate )
$localkeyvalid = true;
$results = $localkeyresults;
$validdomains = explode( ",", $results['validdomain'] );
if ( !in_array( $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $validdomains ) )
$localkeyvalid = false;
$localkeyresults['status'] = "Invalid";
$results = array( );
$validips = explode( ",", $results['validip'] );
if ( !in_array( $usersip, $validips ) )
$localkeyvalid = false;
$localkeyresults['status'] = "Invalid";
$results = array( );
if ( $results['validdirectory'] != dirname( __FILE__ ) )
$localkeyvalid = false;
$localkeyresults['status'] = "Invalid";
$results = array( );
if ( !$localkeyvalid )
if ( isset( $_SERVER['HOSTNAME'] ) )
$hostname = trim( $_SERVER['HOSTNAME'] );
$hostname = "localhost";
$postfields['licensekey'] = $licensekey;
$postfields['domain'] = $hostname;
$postfields['ip'] = $HIP;
$postfields['dir'] = "/usr/local/directadmin/plugins/danginx";
if ( function_exists( "curl_exec" ) )
$ch = curl_init( );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $whmcsurl."modules/servers/licensing/verify.php" );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1 );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postfields );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30 );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
$data = curl_exec( $ch );
curl_close( $ch );
$fp = fsockopen( $whmcsurl, 80, $errno, $errstr, 5 );
if ( $fp )
$querystring = "";
foreach ( $postfields as $k => $v )
$querystring .= "{$k}=".urlencode( $v )."&";
$header = "POST ".$whmcsurl."modules/servers/licensing/verify.php HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$header .= "Host: ".$whmcsurl."\r\n";
$header .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$header .= "Content-length: ".@strlen( @$querystring )."\r\n";
$header .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
$header .= $querystring;
$data = "";
@stream_set_timeout( @$fp, 20 );
@fputs( @$fp, @$header );
$status = @socket_get_status( @$fp );
while ( !feof( @$fp ) && $status )
$data .= @fgets( @$fp, 1024 );
$status = @socket_get_status( @$fp );
@fclose( @$fp );
if ( !$data )
$localexpiry = date( "Ymd", mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( "m" ), date( "d" ) - ( $localkeydays + $allowcheckfaildays ), date( "Y" ) ) );
if ( $localexpiry < $originalcheckdate )
$results = $localkeyresults;
$results['status'] = "Remote Check Failed";
return $results;
preg_match_all( "/<(.*?)>([^<]+)<\\/\\1>/i", $data, $matches );
$results = array( );
foreach ( $matches[1] as $k => $v )
$results[$v] = $matches[2][$k];
if ( $results['status'] == "Active" )
$results['checkdate'] = $checkdate;
$data_encoded = serialize( $results );
$data_encoded = base64_encode( $data_encoded );
$data_encoded = md5( $checkdate.$licensing_secret_key ).$data_encoded;
$data_encoded = strrev( $data_encoded );
$data_encoded = $data_encoded.md5( $data_encoded.$licensing_secret_key );
$data_encoded = wordwrap( $data_encoded, 80, "\n", true );
$results['localkey'] = $data_encoded;
$results['remotecheck'] = true;
unset( $postfields );
unset( $data );
unset( $matches );
unset( $whmcsurl );
unset( $licensing_secret_key );
unset( $checkdate );
unset( $usersip );
unset( $localkeydays );
unset( $allowcheckfaildays );
unset( $md5hash );
return $results;
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