IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
ionCube Decode Request :: Thank you in advance! |
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 2:58 am |
tess0101 |
Beginner |

Joined: Nov 26, 2012 |
Posts: 2 |
Need this decoded... assistance is much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Code: | http://pastebin.com/zSN7L2DT |
Here are you!!! |
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:58 pm |
aponte |
Active user |

Joined: Aug 03, 2012 |
Posts: 33 |
Take de code:
function get_keywords_caps( $title = "" )
return get_keywords( true );
function get_keywords( $caps = false )
$options = get_option( "AzonContentGenerator_options" );
if ( !is_array( $options ) )
$options = array( "DeleteSlugFromTheKeyword" => "" );
$DeleteSlugFromTheKeyword = $options['DeleteSlugFromTheKeyword'];
$test = substr( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1, strlen( $DeleteSlugFromTheKeyword ) );
if ( $test == $DeleteSlugFromTheKeyword )
$k = trim( preg_replace( "/\\W/", " ", urldecode( substr( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strlen( $DeleteSlugFromTheKeyword ) + 1 ) ) ) );
$k = trim( preg_replace( "/\\W/", " ", urldecode( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) );
if ( $caps )
return ucwords( $k );
return $k;
function search_redirector( )
if ( is_search( ) && strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "/wp-admin/" ) == false && strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "/search/" ) == false )
$not_utf8 = str_replace( "+", " ", urlencode( get_query_var( "s" ) ) );
$not_utf8 = mb_convert_encoding( $not_utf8, "UTF-8", mb_detect_encoding( $not_utf8 ) );
$getdata = htmlspecialchars( $not_utf8, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8" );
wp_redirect( home_url( "/".str_replace( array( " ", "%20", "'", "--", "---" ), "-", $getdata ) ) );
exit( );
function content_generator( $keyword, $OnlyRelatedPost = false, $additionalkeyword = "" )
$options = get_option( "AzonContentGenerator_options" );
if ( !is_array( $options ) )
$options = array( "GrabbingMethod" => "Snoopy >> Amazon API", "NoResultMessage" => "No Results" );
$GrabbingMethod = $options['GrabbingMethod'];
$NoResultMessage = $options['NoResultMessage'];
if ( $GrabbingMethod == "Amazon API >> Snoopy" )
$thecontent = content_api_generator( $keyword, $OnlyRelatedPost, $additionalkeyword );
if ( !$thecontent )
$thecontent = content_curl_generator( do_excerpt( $keyword, 1 ), $OnlyRelatedPost, $additionalkeyword );
$thecontent = content_curl_generator( do_excerpt( $keyword, 3 ), $OnlyRelatedPost, $additionalkeyword );
if ( !$thecontent )
$thecontent = content_curl_generator( do_excerpt( $keyword, 2 ), $OnlyRelatedPost, $additionalkeyword );
if ( !$thecontent )
$thecontent = content_curl_generator( do_excerpt( $keyword, 1 ), $OnlyRelatedPost, $additionalkeyword );
if ( !$thecontent && !$OnlyRelatedPost )
$thecontent = bing_image_generator( $keyword );
if ( !$OnlyRelatedPost )
$thecontent = NoResultMessage;
return $thecontent;
function add_post_content( $content )
if ( !is_feed( ) && !is_home( ) && 0 <= get_the_ID( ) )
$getproduct = get_post_custom_values( "Product" );
$keyword = $getproduct[0];
$additionalkeyword = $keyword;
if ( $keyword == "" )
$keyword = trim( get_keywords_caps( urldecode( get_keywords ) ) );
$content .= content_generator( $keyword, true, $additionalkeyword );
return $content;
function page_generator( $posts )
global $wp;
global $wp_query;
$options = get_option( "AzonContentGenerator_options" );
if ( !is_array( $options ) )
$options = array( "AmazonWebsite" => "amazon.com", "AssociateTag" => "", "AWSAccessKeyID" => "", "SecretAccessKey" => "", "DetailProductImageSize" => 80, "SpecialOffersTitle" => "Special Offers:", "DisplaySpecialOffers" => "yes", "DisplayAutoThumbnail" => "yes", "ReadMoreTitle" => "Read More", "ExtendAmazonCookies" => "yes", "DisplayRelatedProducts" => "yes", "MaximumProducts" => 5, "RelatedTitle" => "Related Products:", "NoResultMessage" => "No Results", "DisplayASINinURL" => "yes", "GrabbingMethod" => "Snoopy >> Amazon API", "DisplayDescriptionInSnoopy" => "no", "DeleteSlugFromTheKeyword" => "" );
$AmazonWebsite = $options['AmazonWebsite'];
$AssociateTag = $options['AssociateTag'];
$AWSAccessKeyID = $options['AWSAccessKeyID'];
$SecretAccessKey = $options['SecretAccessKey'];
$DetailProductImageSize = $options['DetailProductImageSize'];
$SpecialOffersTitle = $options['SpecialOffersTitle'];
$DisplaySpecialOffers = $options['DisplaySpecialOffers'];
$DisplayAutoThumbnail = $options['DisplayAutoThumbnail'];
$ReadMoreTitle = $options['ReadMoreTitle'];
$ExtendAmazonCookies = $options['ExtendAmazonCookies'];
$DisplayRelatedProducts = $options['DisplayRelatedProducts'];
$MaximumProducts = $options['MaximumProducts'];
$RelatedTitle = $options['RelatedTitle'];
$RelatedTitle = $options['RelatedTitle'];
$NoResultMessage = $options['NoResultMessage'];
$DisplayASINinURL = $options['DisplayASINinURL'];
$GrabbingMethod = $options['GrabbingMethod'];
$DisplayDescriptionInSnoopy = $options['DisplayDescriptionInSnoopy'];
$DeleteSlugFromTheKeyword = $options['DeleteSlugFromTheKeyword'];
$test = substr( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1, strlen( $DeleteSlugFromTheKeyword ) );
if ( $test == $DeleteSlugFromTheKeyword )
$not_utf8 = urldecode( substr( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strlen( $DeleteSlugFromTheKeyword ) + 1 ) );
$not_utf8 = urldecode( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
$not_utf8 = mb_convert_encoding( $not_utf8, "UTF-8", mb_detect_encoding( $not_utf8 ) );
$page_title = htmlspecialchars( $not_utf8, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8" );
$page_title = ucwords( str_replace( array( "/", "-", "--", "---" ), " ", $page_title ) );
$keyword = trim( get_keywords_caps( urldecode( get_keywords ) ) );
$getaddtionalkeyword = explode( "ASIN", $keyword );
$additionalkeyword = trim( $getaddtionalkeyword[0] );
$position = strpos( $page_title, "ASIN", 0 );
if ( 0 < $position )
$getasin = explode( "ASIN", $page_title );
$getasin[1] = str_replace( "/", "", $getasin[1] );
$keyword = trim( $getasin[1] );
$page_title = $getasin[0];
$not_utf8 = urldecode( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
$not_utf8 = mb_convert_encoding( $not_utf8, "UTF-8", mb_detect_encoding( $not_utf8 ) );
$page_slug = htmlspecialchars( $not_utf8, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8" );
$page_slug = ucwords( str_replace( array( " " ), array( "-" ), $page_slug ) );
if ( substr( $page_slug, 0, 1 ) == "/" )
$page_slug = substr( $page_slug, 1 );
if ( substr( $page_slug, strlen( $page_slug ) - 1, 1 ) == "/" )
$page_slug = substr( $page_slug, 0, strlen( $page_slug ) - 1 );
if ( count( $posts ) == 0 )
$post = new stdClass( );
$post->post_author = 1;
$post->cat_ID = 0;
$post->post_name = $page_slug;
$post->guid = get_bloginfo( "wpurl".( "/" ).$page_slug );
$post->post_title = $page_title;
$post->post_content = content_generator( $keyword, false, $additionalkeyword );
$post->ID = 0 - 42;
$post->post_status = "static";
$post->comment_status = "closed";
$post->ping_status = "closed";
$post->comment_count = 0;
$post->post_date = current_time( "mysql" );
$post->post_date_gmt = current_time( "mysql", 1 );
$posts = NULL;
$posts[] = $post;
$wp_query->is_page = true;
$wp_query->is_singular = true;
$wp_query->is_home = false;
$wp_query->is_archive = false;
$wp_query->is_category = false;
unset( $Var_6816['error'] );
$wp_query->query_vars['error'] = "";
$wp_query->is_404 = false;
return $posts;
function ringkaskanlah( $str, $n, $delim = "" )
$len = strlen( $str );
if ( $n < $len )
preg_match( "/(.{".$n."}.*?)\\b/", $str, $matches );
return rtrim( $matches[1] ).$delim;
return $str;
function content_api_generator( $keyword, $OnlyRelatedPost = false, $additionalkeyword = "" )
$options = get_option( "AzonContentGenerator_options" );
if ( !is_array( $options ) )
$options = array( "AmazonWebsite" => "amazon.com", "AssociateTag" => "", "AWSAccessKeyID" => "", "SecretAccessKey" => "", "DetailProductImageSize" => 80, "SpecialOffersTitle" => "Special Offers:", "DisplaySpecialOffers" => "yes", "DisplayAutoThumbnail" => "yes", "ReadMoreTitle" => "Read More", "ExtendAmazonCookies" => "yes", "DisplayRelatedProducts" => "yes", "MaximumProducts" => 5, "RelatedTitle" => "Related Products:", "NoResultMessage" => "No Results", "DisplayASINinURL" => "yes", "GrabbingMethod" => "Snoopy >> Amazon API", "DisplayDescriptionInSnoopy" => "no", "DeleteSlugFromTheKeyword" => "" );
$AmazonWebsite = $options['AmazonWebsite'];
$AssociateTag = $options['AssociateTag'];
$AWSAccessKeyID = $options['AWSAccessKeyID'];
$SecretAccessKey = $options['SecretAccessKey'];
$DetailProductImageSize = $options['DetailProductImageSize'];
$SpecialOffersTitle = $options['SpecialOffersTitle'];
$DisplaySpecialOffers = $options['DisplaySpecialOffers'];
$DisplayAutoThumbnail = $options['DisplayAutoThumbnail'];
$ReadMoreTitle = $options['ReadMoreTitle'];
$ExtendAmazonCookies = $options['ExtendAmazonCookies'];
$DisplayRelatedProducts = $options['DisplayRelatedProducts'];
$MaximumProducts = $options['MaximumProducts'];
$RelatedTitle = $options['RelatedTitle'];
$NoResultMessage = $options['NoResultMessage'];
$DisplayASINinURL = $options['DisplayASINinURL'];
$GrabbingMethod = $options['GrabbingMethod'];
$DisplayDescriptionInSnoopy = $options['DisplayDescriptionInSnoopy'];
$DeleteSlugFromTheKeyword = $options['DeleteSlugFromTheKeyword'];
$Timestamp = gmdate( "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z" );
$String = "AWSAccessKeyId={$AWSAccessKeyID}&AssociateTag={$AssociateTag}&"."Keywords={$keyword}&Operation=ItemSearch&"."ResponseGroup=Large,OfferFull,Offers,OfferSummary,Reviews,Similarities,Variations&"."SearchIndex=All&Service=AWSECommerceService&"."Timestamp={$Timestamp}&Version=2011-08-01";
$String = preg_replace( "/[\\r\\n]/", "", $String );
$String = str_replace( "%3D", "=", str_replace( "%26", "&", rawurlencode( $String ) ) );
$url = "GET\nwebservices.".$AmazonWebsite."\n/onca/xml\n".$String;
$Signature = rawurlencode( base64_encode( hash_hmac( "sha256", $url, $SecretAccessKey, True ) ) );
$data = "http://webservices.".$AmazonWebsite."/onca/xml?".$String."&Signature=".$Signature;
$hasil = simplexml_load_file( $data );
$detail = $hasil->Items->Item->DetailPageURL;
$title = $hasil->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Title;
$gambar = $hasil->Items->Item->ImageSets->ImageSet->LargeImage->URL;
$deskripsi = $hasil->Items->Item->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview->Content;
$offer = $hasil->Items->Item->Offers->Offer->OfferListing->Price->FormattedPrice;
$lowestprice = $hasil->Items->Item->OfferSummary->LowestNewPrice->FormattedPrice;
$asin = $hasil->Items->Item->ASIN;
if ( $gambar )
switch ( $AmazonWebsite )
case "amazon.com" :
$button = "buy-from-amazon-us.gif";
case "amazon.co.uk" :
$button = "buy-from-amazon-uk.gif";
case "amazon.ca" :
$button = "buy-from-amazon-ca.gif";
case "amazon.fr" :
$button = "buy-from-amazon-fr.gif";
case "amazon.de" :
$button = "buy-from-amazon-de.gif";
case "amazon.it" :
$button = "buy-from-amazon-it.gif";
case "amazon.es" :
$button = "buy-from-amazon-es.gif";
case "amazon.co.jp" :
$button = "buy-from-amazon-jp.gif";
case "amazon.cn" :
$button = "buy-from-amazon-cn.gif";
$imagepath = WP_PLUGIN_URL."/".str_replace( basename( __FILE__ ), "", plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) )."images/";
if ( !$OnlyRelatedPost )
$thecontent = "<h2><a href=\"".$detail."\">".$title."</a></h2>"."<center><img style=\"width:".$DetailProductImageSize."%;padding:5px;\" src=\"".$gambar."\"></center>"."<p><strong>".$title."</strong> ".$deskripsi."</p>"."<h3><strong>".$SpecialOffersTitle."</strong> ".$offer."</h3>";
if ( $ExtendAmazonCookies == "yes" )
$thecontent .= "<form method=\"GET\" action=\"http://www.".$AmazonWebsite."/gp/aws/cart/add.html\" target=\"_blank\">"."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"AssociateTag\" value=\"".$AssociateTag."\"/>"."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SubscriptionId\" value=\"".$AWSAccessKeyID."\"/>"."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ASIN.1\" value=\"".$asin."\"/>"."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Quantity.1\" value=\"1\"/>"."<input type=\"image\" name=\"add\" value=\"Buy from ".$AmazonWebsite."\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Buy from ".$AmazonWebsite."\" src=\"".$imagepath.$button."\"></form>";
$thecontent .= "<a href=\"".$detail."\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\">"."<img src=\"".$imagepath.$button."\"></a>";
if ( $DisplayRelatedProducts == "yes" )
$thecontent .= "<h3>".$RelatedTitle."</h3>";
if ( $DisplayAutoThumbnail == "yes" )
$thecontent .= bing_image_generator( $additionalkeyword );
$tot = $MaximumProducts;
$max = 10;
if ( $max < $tot || empty( $tot ) )
$tot = $max;
$i = 0;
if ( $i++ < $tot )
$detail = $hasil->Items->Item[$i]->DetailPageURL;
$title = $hasil->Items->Item[$i]->ItemAttributes->Title;
$gambar = $hasil->Items->Item[$i]->ImageSets->ImageSet->MediumImage->URL;
$deskripsi = $hasil->Items->Item[$i]->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview->Content;
$offer = $hasil->Items->Item[$i]->Offers->Offer->OfferListing->Price->FormattedPrice;
$lowestprice = $hasil->Items->Item[$i]->OfferSummary->LowestNewPrice->FormattedPrice;
$deskripsi = strip_tags( $deskripsi );
$asin = $hasil->Items->Item[$i]->ASIN;
$deskripsi = ringkaskanlah( $deskripsi, 250 );
$title = ringkaskanlah( $title, 60 );
if ( $gambar )
$pos = 0;
$pos = strpos( $detail, "/dp/", 0 );
$fakeurl = substr( $detail, 0, $pos );
$fakeurl = str_replace( array( "http:", "www.", "/", $AmazonWebsite ), array( "", "", "", "" ), $fakeurl );
if ( $DisplayASINinURL == "yes" )
$fakeurl = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/".urldecode( $fakeurl )."/ASIN".$asin;
$fakeurl = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/".urldecode( $fakeurl );
$thecontent .= "<h3><a href=\"".$fakeurl."\">".$title."</a></h3>"."<div class=\"entry\" style=\"min-height:120px;\">"."<p><img style=\"float:left;padding:2px;margin-right:10px;height:100px;width:100px;border:1px solid #DDD;\" src=\"".$gambar."\">"."<strong><a href=\"".$detail."\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\">".$title."</a><br />";
if ( $DisplaySpecialOffers == "yes" )
$thecontent .= $SpecialOffersTitle." ".$offer."</strong><br />";
$thecontent .= "</strong>";
$thecontent .= $deskripsi." <a href=\"".$detail."\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\">".$ReadMoreTitle."</a></p></div><div class=\"clear:both;\"></div>"."<div class=\"clear:both;\" style=\"border-bottom:1px solid #DDD;\"></div>"."<div class=\"clear:both;\"></div><div class=\"clear:both;\"></div>";
} while ( 1 );
$thecontent .= "";
return $thecontent;
function extstr3( $content, $start, $end )
if ( $content && $start && $end )
$r = explode( $start, $content );
if ( isset( $r[1] ) )
$r = explode( $end, $r[1] );
return $r[0];
return "";
function bing_image_generator( $keyword )
$options = get_option( "AzonContentGenerator_options" );
if ( !is_array( $options ) )
$options = array( "AmazonWebsite" => "amazon.com", "AssociateTag" => "", "MaximumThumbnail" => 5, "ThumbnailWidthSize" => 100, "ThumbnailHeightSize" => 100 );
$AmazonWebsite = $options['AmazonWebsite'];
$AssociateTag = $options['AssociateTag'];
$MaximumThumbnail = $options['MaximumThumbnail'];
$ThumbnailWidthSize = $options['ThumbnailWidthSize'];
$ThumbnailHeightSize = $options['ThumbnailHeightSize'];
$keyword = strtolower( str_replace( " ", "+", $keyword ) );
$url = "http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=".$keyword."&format=xml";
$data = simplexml_load_file( $url );
$tot = $MaximumThumbnail;
$i = 0;
while ( $i <= $tot - 1 )
$image = $data->section->documentset->document[$i]->thumbnail[1]->url;
$title = strtolower( trim( urldecode( $data->section->documentset->document[$i]->title ) ) );
$title = preg_replace( "/([^a-z0-9]+)/i", " ", $title );
$cekkeyword = explode( "+", $keyword );
$deletedoublekeyword = strtolower( $title );
$deletedoublekeyword = trim( str_replace( $cekkeyword, "", $deletedoublekeyword ) );
$deletedoublekeyword = str_replace( " ", " ", $deletedoublekeyword );
$deletedoublekeyword = str_replace( " ", "+", do_excerpt( $deletedoublekeyword, 5 ) );
if ( count( $cekkeyword ) < 3 )
$amazonkeyword = $keyword."+".$deletedoublekeyword;
$amazonkeyword = $keyword;
$amazonkeyword = str_replace( array( "++", "+++", "++++" ), "+", $amazonkeyword );
if ( $image )
$thecontent .= "<a href=\"http://".$AmazonWebsite."/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=".$amazonkeyword."&tag=".$AssociateTag."\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\">"."<img style=\"float:left;padding:2px;margin-right:10px;margin-bottom:10px;height:".$ThumbnailHeightSize."px;width:".$ThumbnailWidthSize."px;border:1px solid #DDD; background-color:#fff\" src=\"".$image."\" title=\"".$title."\" alt=\"".$title."\" ></a>";
return $thecontent;
function content_curl_generator( $keyword, $OnlyRelatedPost = false, $additionalkeyword = "" )
$options = get_option( "AzonContentGenerator_options" );
if ( !is_array( $options ) )
$options = array( "AmazonWebsite" => "amazon.com", "AssociateTag" => "", "AWSAccessKeyID" => "", "SecretAccessKey" => "", "DetailProductImageSize" => 80, "SpecialOffersTitle" => "Special Offers:", "DisplaySpecialOffers" => "yes", "DisplayAutoThumbnail" => "yes", "ReadMoreTitle" => "Read More", "ExtendAmazonCookies" => "yes", "DisplayRelatedProducts" => "yes", "MaximumProducts" => 5, "RelatedTitle" => "Related Products:", "NoResultMessage" => "No Results", "DisplayASINinURL" => "yes", "GrabbingMethod" => "Snoopy >> Amazon API", "DisplayDescriptionInSnoopy" => "no", "DeleteSlugFromTheKeyword" => "" );
$AmazonWebsite = $options['AmazonWebsite'];
$AssociateTag = $options['AssociateTag'];
$AWSAccessKeyID = $options['AWSAccessKeyID'];
$SecretAccessKey = $options['SecretAccessKey'];
$DetailProductImageSize = $options['DetailProductImageSize'];
$SpecialOffersTitle = $options['SpecialOffersTitle'];
$DisplaySpecialOffers = $options['DisplaySpecialOffers'];
$DisplayAutoThumbnail = $options['DisplayAutoThumbnail'];
$ReadMoreTitle = $options['ReadMoreTitle'];
$ExtendAmazonCookies = $options['ExtendAmazonCookies'];
$DisplayRelatedProducts = $options['DisplayRelatedProducts'];
$MaximumProducts = $options['MaximumProducts'];
$RelatedTitle = $options['RelatedTitle'];
$NoResultMessage = $options['NoResultMessage'];
$DisplayASINinURL = $options['DisplayASINinURL'];
$GrabbingMethod = $options['GrabbingMethod'];
$DisplayDescriptionInSnoopy = $options['DisplayDescriptionInSnoopy'];
$DeleteSlugFromTheKeyword = $options['DeleteSlugFromTheKeyword'];
if ( !$OnlyRelatedPost )
$detailpage = urldecode( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
$position = strpos( $detailpage, "ASIN", 0 );
if ( 0 < $position )
$getasin = explode( "ASIN", $detailpage );
$keyword = trim( $getasin[1] );
$asin = str_replace( "/", "", $getasin[1] );
$data = openurl( "http://".$AmazonWebsite."/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=".$keyword."" );
$res = strstr( $data, "<div class=\"relatedSearches\" id=\"relatedSearches\">" );
$restu = strstr( $res, "<div id=\"result_".$i."" );
$name = extstr3( $restu, "href=\"http://".$AmazonWebsite."/", "/ref=" );
$name = explode( "/dp/", $name );
$names = $name[0];
$asin = str_replace( "/", "", $name[1] );
$urlik = openurl( "http://".$AmazonWebsite."/dp/".$asin );
$desek = extstr3( $urlik, "<div class=\"productDescriptionWrapper\">", "<div class=\"emptyClear\"> </div>" );
$offer = extstr3( $urlik, "<td id=\"actualPriceContent\"><span id=\"actualPriceValue\"><b class=\"priceLarge\">", "</b></span>" );
$gambar = extstr3( $urlik, "src=\"http://ecx", ".jpg\"" );
$gambar = "http://ecx".$gambar.".jpg";
$desek = strip_tags( $desek );
$deskripsi = $desek;
if ( $deskripsi )
$thecontent .= "<center><img src=\"".$gambar."\" width=\"".$DetailProductImageSize."%\"></center>";
$thecontent .= $deskripsi;
switch ( $AmazonWebsite )
case "amazon.com" :
$button = "buy-from-amazon-us.gif";
case "amazon.co.uk" :
$button = "buy-from-amazon-uk.gif";
case "amazon.ca" :
$button = "buy-from-amazon-ca.gif";
case "amazon.fr" :
$button = "buy-from-amazon-fr.gif";
case "amazon.de" :
$button = "buy-from-amazon-de.gif";
case "amazon.it" :
$button = "buy-from-amazon-it.gif";
case "amazon.es" :
$button = "buy-from-amazon-es.gif";
case "amazon.co.jp" :
$button = "buy-from-amazon-jp.gif";
case "amazon.cn" :
$button = "buy-from-amazon-cn.gif";
$imagepath = WP_PLUGIN_URL."/".str_replace( basename( __FILE__ ), "", plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) )."images/";
$thecontent .= "<strong>".$SpecialOffersTitle." ".$offer."</strong>";
if ( $ExtendAmazonCookies == "yes" )
$thecontent .= "<form method=\"GET\" action=\"http://www.".$AmazonWebsite."/gp/aws/cart/add.html\" target=\"_blank\">"."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"AssociateTag\" value=\"".$AssociateTag."\"/>"."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SubscriptionId\" value=\"".$AWSAccessKeyID."\"/>"."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ASIN.1\" value=\"".$asin."\"/>"."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Quantity.1\" value=\"1\"/>"."<input type=\"image\" name=\"add\" value=\"Buy from ".$AmazonWebsite."\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Buy from ".$AmazonWebsite."\" src=\"".$imagepath.$button."\"></form>";
$thecontent .= "<a href=\"http://".$AmazonWebsite."/dp/".$asin."?tag=".$AssociateTag."\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\">"."<img src=\"".$imagepath.$button."\"></a>";
if ( $DisplayRelatedProducts == "yes" )
$thecontent .= "<h3>".$RelatedTitle."</h3>";
if ( $DisplayAutoThumbnail == "yes" )
$thecontent .= bing_image_generator( $additionalkeyword );
$keyword = str_replace( " ", "+", $additionalkeyword );
$data = openurl( "http://".$AmazonWebsite."/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=".$keyword."" );
$res = strstr( $data, "<div class=\"relatedSearches\" id=\"relatedSearches\">" );
$tot = $MaximumProducts;
$i = 0;
if ( !( $i++ < $tot ) )
$restu = strstr( $res, "<div id=\"result_".$i."" );
$name = extstr3( $restu, "href=\"http://".$AmazonWebsite."/", "/ref=" );
$name = explode( "/dp/", $name );
$names = $name[0];
$title = urldecode( str_replace( "-", " ", $names ) );
$asin = $name[1];
$asin = str_replace( "/", "", $asin );
$gambar = extstr3( $restu, "src=\"http://ecx", ".jpg\"" );
$gambar = "http://ecx".$gambar.".jpg";
$offer = extstr3( $restu, "<span class=\"bld red lrg\">", "</span>\"" );
$offer = substr( $offer, 0, strpos( $offer, "</span>" ) );
$fakeurl = $names;
if ( $DisplayASINinURL == "yes" )
$fakeurl = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/".urldecode( $fakeurl )."/ASIN".$asin;
$fakeurl = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/".urldecode( $fakeurl );
if ( $DisplayDescriptionInSnoopy == "yes" )
if ( $names && $gambar )
$urlik = openurl( "http://".$AmazonWebsite."/dp/".$asin."" );
$desek = extstr3( $urlik, "<div class=\"productDescriptionWrapper\">", "<div class=\"emptyClear\"> </div>" );
$desek = strip_tags( $desek );
$deskripsi = ringkaskanlah( $desek, 250 );
if ( $deskripsi )
$thecontent .= "<h3><a href=\"".$fakeurl."\">".$title."</a></h3>"."<div class=\"entry\" style=\"min-height:120px;\">"."<p><img style=\"float:left;padding:2px;margin-right:10px;height:100px;width:100px;border:1px solid #DDD;\" src=\"".$gambar."\">"."<strong><a href=\"http://".$AmazonWebsite."/dp/".$asin."?tag=".$AssociateTag."\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\">".$title."</a><br />";
if ( $DisplaySpecialOffers == "yes" )
$thecontent .= $SpecialOffersTitle." ".$offer."</strong><br />";
$thecontent .= "</strong>";
$thecontent .= $deskripsi." <a href=\"http://".$AmazonWebsite."/dp/".$asin."?tag=".$AssociateTag."\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\">".$ReadMoreTitle."</a></p></div><div class=\"clear:both;\"></div>"."<div class=\"clear:both;\" style=\"border-bottom:1px solid #DDD;\"></div>"."<div class=\"clear:both;\"></div><div class=\"clear:both;\"></div>";
else if ( $names && $gambar )
$thecontent .= "<h3><a href=\"".$fakeurl."\">".$title."</a></h3>"."<div class=\"entry\" style=\"min-height:120px;\">"."<p><img style=\"float:left;padding:2px;margin-right:10px;height:100px;width:100px;border:1px solid #DDD;\" src=\"".$gambar."\">"."<strong><a href=\"http://".$AmazonWebsite."/dp/".$asin."?tag=".$AssociateTag."\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\">".$title."</a><br />";
if ( $DisplaySpecialOffers == "yes" )
$thecontent .= $SpecialOffersTitle." ".$offer."</strong><br />";
$thecontent .= "</strong> ";
$thecontent .= "<a href=\"http://".$AmazonWebsite."/dp/".$asin."?tag=".$AssociateTag."\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\">".$ReadMoreTitle."</a></p></div><div class=\"clear:both;\"></div>"."<div class=\"clear:both;\" style=\"border-bottom:1px solid #DDD;\"></div>"."<div class=\"clear:both;\"></div><div class=\"clear:both;\"></div>";
return $thecontent;
error_reporting( 0 );
include( dirname( __FILE__ )."/Snoopy.class.php" );
if ( !function_exists( "do_excerpt" ) )
function do_excerpt( $string, $word_limit )
$words = explode( " ", $string, $word_limit + 1 );
if ( $word_limit < count( $words ) )
array_pop( $words );
return implode( " ", $words )."";
if ( !function_exists( "openurl" ) )
function openurl( $url, $referer = "http://www.google.com/firefox?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:fr:official" )
$snoopy = new Snoopy( );
$snoopy->agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110614 Firefox/3.6.18";
$snoopy->referer = $referer;
if ( $snoopy->fetch( $url ) )
return $snoopy->results;
return false;
?> |
Awwws-some |
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:16 pm |
tess0101 |
Beginner |

Joined: Nov 26, 2012 |
Posts: 2 |
aponte... you... are awesome.
I will test the decode. Thank you immensely! |
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