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IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
ok i tried the tool ...and it looks like the thing ive been looking for ^^
just needs a little trim
ok .... :/ masking a password wont workj for me if i use the first two digits...only if i put th ... |
ok let me test it ;D thx in advance^^ |
i have tried ...bars wf... cuda multiforcer for windows and lhc but all of them only support max length of 16 digits...thats the problem... the 22 length pass is numbers only so its 10^22 possiblite ... |
I need a tool to brute force one md5 hash that has 22 digits with numbers only. Its one of my own old codes i used some years ago. I want to use this tool with a ..."small" tesla s1070 cluster so its ... |
salted hash maybe??^^
and by the way could some explain how to work with salted hashs? only rainbowtables or is bruteforcing possible? and which tools? |
you know the awnser?^^ give me a clue^^ |
f1c1b06eadb561435c3b4fbdaf04f298 <- might contain mixed alpha (lower alpha and ALPHA), numeric, and special chars, length maximum is 8 chars
thank you for your help |
nope cant be them numbers are serial numbers with numeric only |
so i assume u to be one of those peoples who in 1975 said "we might be able to build a computer that doesnt weigh a ton" ? ^^
my question now is will we be able to do 22 digits in some time...lets ... |
10^20 isnt it???
well i at this very moment ....i thought about evreything you could do
my card gets 560 m hashs/s and my cpu about 200 mh/s
now for example lets take 3 gcards sli ... id get ab ... |
i know it would take some centuries for the mortal
but is it possible to crack this hash in the next 2 years or will we need better tools and better hardware
f ... |
id say it was just luck and he didnt use all chars just some that reduces the time a lot^^ |
after ages i finaly understood it xD
i get 720million hash per sec its awesome^^ |
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