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IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
I don't think, he must have used a dictionnary attack, or something.
Me i'm brute forcing one for 15 hours now ! |
Thanks you penk ! , i think i must brute-force the rest.. it'll take me some time... |
Hello, i'v tried to get the admin password of a php site with a big vulnerability, i get many tables
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Here is the rest of the phpbb3 hashes, its a text file with some hashes separated by ":"
http://dl.free.fr/g7ol3NqyO |
Wow thanks you for your fast reply can i ask you how do you have decrypted this hash so quick? |
Hi! I've some phpbb3 hash to decrypt, but i can't download hashcat, because the website is "dead" so do someone have a link for hashcat or can decrypt this hash $H$7dHIWExlP6aQWlLwi8FKTyApIF4VWz.
Thi ... |
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