IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
Hi guys, I post only to say that I'm alive
I'm in full examinations period in my university, that's why I paused my projects and my forum participation. I have to study very very hard!!!
I ... |
Thanks erg0t and y3dips!!! I start to search right now! Thanks!  |
"multiple vulnerabilities in Sentinel" <- YUUUUUJUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!  |
Anyone (y3dips maybe? lol) can recommend me a good ebook (so I can download it) or a good web to learn Perl?
Thanks! |
Years ago I got the same problem but worst!
I made messenger tools in VisualBasic (when messenger version was 4.x).
Simple tools but very usefull: MassMessenger, MSN Fake Apps, MSN IP Stealer, etc. ... |
I planned to use VB first for GUI reasons, but I think I will change, what language do you use y3dips? |
Yes dairy123! That's it!
But It will be more simple, imagine a form with 2 textboxs:
-Textbox to insert what to test with the php variable:
Example: "-1/**/UNION/**/SELECT/**/0,0,aid,pwd,0,0,0 ... |
Hey Reflex, nice to see the other countries connections.
Now I see that I'm lucky with my connection price...but wait! Italian people are more lucky and....french people are more lucky also, and.... ... |
US Dollars??????
That was the prices we got in Spain two years ago, when "Telefonica" was the only telephone company that had adsl services. |
Yes, maybe in Urugay is very expensive. I don't know!
In Spain we got the most expensive ADSL connections of Europe.
I've got a 1024/320 ADSL connection and I pay about 35 Euros (32 US Dollars?) ... |
Yes, the bandwith is a problem, but It can be in part solved using a separated computer running only as server. You can use your old computers like me.
Now I have a 800Mhz with SuSE 9.1 Pro running ( ... |
Hehehe, good page.
Shitty Hosting sites like Yahoo made me think and I finally created my own server at home!
Best hosting is DIY Hosting!  |
Imagine 600 PHP-Nuke sites with phpbb in each one! The defacers heaven!!!
He REALLY NEEDS this mod!  |
Hey shai-tai! I'm planning to make a script that reverses all letters of a phpbb database information, what do yo think?  |
Just download it using the shell file manager!  |
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