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IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
if your gettin the error with forums your testing they have probs patched it !! red in this section there is a part on how to tell if it hasnt been patched.  |
Nice one just what ive been waiting for !!  |
Thanks waraxe  |
any chance one of you's can gimme some advice with this. As the link you supplied dont work  |
nice one waraxe cant wait for it  |
Yeah isnt as easy to crack the salted ones  |
Yes Chedda thats exactly what i mean .
Here Poison http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?oci  |
No thats not what i mean.  |
What version of the exploit did you use ?
Try using the newer version that waraxe posted
Plus when using it say the url is site.com/forums
you have to include forums in the target ur ... |
it there anyway to make it do more than one target ID ?  |
What if the forum index is on a subdomain ? I think thats what he means.  |
Hash: a8b2ed32f6976cfab1343d0fe959a673
Salt: H['eb
Hash: 8bd02 ... |
What i need is when i go on the forum it shows me there DISPLAY name. But is this not diffrent from there login id ? And yeah i would be intrested in that  |
hey there ive tried using the recent exploit thats been posting. Yes i got it to work after a bit of trouble. Anyhow is there any way of telling what the login id of the person u got the md5 for ? For ... |
Can someone have a go at this please ?
Thanks,  |
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