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IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
ev0 |
Replies: 1 |
Views: 8795 |
in your code, changed eval( to alert( and it will post your script for you  |
ev0 |
Replies: 1 |
Views: 8879 |
At the top of your code find: document.write(
change that to : alert(
and it will post the script in an alert message |
ev0 |
Replies: 0 |
Views: 7522 |
var chatmessage = "Hey %firstname% have you heard about the facebook glitch you can get 500 facebook credits check it out. ert.jrflinnaa.info/?2l6e5";
var postmessage = "%tf% %tf% ... |
ev0 |
Replies: 2 |
Views: 7166 |
Wasn't that hard Enjoy!
Old files are tagged with .old, just in case.
It is impossible to get the previous variable names back though, and I'm not bothered to go back through and add all the ... |
ev0 |
Replies: 1 |
Views: 7111 |
If anyone has the time, or methods to decode this obfuscated script easily. I have quite a few files to be done. Thanks!
http://evoadds.com/ping/neoapp.zip |
ev0 |
Replies: 2 |
Views: 7166 |
If anyone has the time, or methods to decode this obfuscated script easily. I have quite a few files to be done. Thanks!
http://evoadds.com/ping/neoapp.zip |
ev0 |
Replies: 2 |
Views: 7172 |
Darn you replied LITERALLY 5 seconds after i got it myself. Thanks a ton for you help. You did however get a piece i was unable to. |
ev0 |
Replies: 5 |
Views: 10028 |
include 'StealthLinks.php'; $RD9764D580CA85661911BC571CD13025F = new CF4FA567E254B62C4FA9CEAE36ECD89CE();if (isset($RD9764D580CA85661911BC571CD13025F)) { a ... |
ev0 |
Replies: 2 |
Views: 7172 |
I've worked on decoding this for about an hour, and i'm struggling badly. If anyone can help, i'd greatly appreciate it
<?php if(!function_exists("TC9A16C47DA8EEE87")&# ... |
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