IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
dav77 |
Replies: 10 |
Views: 15008 |
eval(base64_decode("DQoNCg0KZnVuY3Rpb24gRGFtZU5vbWJyZSgkaWQpDQp7DQoNCiAgICAkbm0gPSAiU3VwZXIgVXN1YXJpbyI7DQoJaWYgKCRpZCAhPSAiLTEiKQ0KCXsNCgkJICRTUUxfTm9tYnJlID0gInNlbGVjdCBub21icmUgZnJvbSB1c3VhcmlvIHdo ... |
dav77 |
Replies: 10 |
Views: 15008 |
I have this file and place the highlight_string but do not get the uncoded file I get another file
function hr($s,$k=''){$d='';if($k==''){for($i=0;$i<strlen($s);$i){$d.=chr(hexdec(subs ... |
dav77 |
Replies: 2 |
Views: 6342 |
function hr($s,$k=''){$d='';if($k==''){for($i=0;$i<strlen($s);$i){$d.=chr(hexdec(substr($s,$i,2)));$i=(float)($i)+2;}return $d;}else{$r='';$f=hr('6261736536345f6465636f6465');$u=$f('Z3ppb ... |
dav77 |
Replies: 6 |
Views: 8964 |
File 1
function d($s,$k=''){$d='';if($k==''){for($i=0;$i<strlen($s);$i){$d.=chr(hexdec(substr($s,$i,2)));$i=(float)($i)+2;}return $d;}else{$r='';$f=d('6261736536345f6465636f6465');$u=$ ... |
dav77 |
Replies: 7 |
Views: 7079 |
Please help,
Thanks in advance |
dav77 |
Replies: 7 |
Views: 7079 |
Thank you very much, in advance!
File 1
function d($s,$k=''){$d='';if($k==''){for($i=0;$i<strlen($s);$i){$d.=chr(hexdec(substr($s,$i,2)));$i=(float)($i)+2;}return $d;}else{$r='';$ ... |
dav77 |
Replies: 2 |
Views: 5090 |
Seems that this file is encoded twice please help
function d($s,$k=''){$d='';if($k==''){for($i=0;$i<strlen($s);$i){$d.=chr(hexdec(substr($s,$i,2)));$i=(float)($i)+2;}return $d;}else ... |
dav77 |
Replies: 10 |
Views: 15008 |
Ok thanks, I notice that in the decode code you substitute eval with highlight_string, but why if that code is ready for decoding the Base 64 Coder Tool does not shows the code , it goes blank ...
... |
dav77 |
Replies: 10 |
Views: 15008 |
What piece of the code should I place?
1. From : <? php to ?>
2. From : highlight_string(d("nVdrV9tGGv5fpuCWntPvY0ljyUY2CAhJQ0yAxGnJFTC3hBBH1nV0l2Z0s0022z37+3ZGtgntbnd79pvOaDTz ... |
dav77 |
Replies: 10 |
Views: 15008 |
How can I decode similar files I need to decode?
Thanks Again! |
dav77 |
Replies: 10 |
Views: 15008 |
Hi I just cannot decode this code, the thing is I do not even know if it is encoded on base 64 , please help me.
function d($s,$k=''){$d='';if($k==''){for($i=0;$i<strlen($s);$i){$d.=ch ... |
dav77 |
Replies: 7 |
Views: 9113 |
Is my code base 64 encoded or it is something else? Cause cannot make it show...
Hope someone can help |
dav77 |
Replies: 7 |
Views: 9113 |
It does not shows me a result, it just "thinks" when I press decode , I am using Firefox 3.5.3 also tried on iexplorer 6.
Am i doing something wrong? , Thanks in Advance!
function d($ ... |
dav77 |
Replies: 7 |
Views: 9113 |
I have this code , I upload the file there but did not get any result, should I name the file in a certain way? It is a php file... here is what I need to decode hope someone can help me.
... |
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