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IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
Tom_P |
Replies: 1 |
Views: 8855 |
Tom_P |
Replies: 8 |
Views: 12171 |
No one wants to have a go?  |
Tom_P |
Replies: 8 |
Views: 12171 |
Tom_P |
Replies: 5 |
Views: 11910 |
Hey, I've managed to crack some passwords, only to find out that all of the Admins/Moderators/Members have changed there user names so they are different to there display names. Is there anyway of obt ... |
Tom_P |
Replies: 8 |
Views: 12171 |
Tom_P |
Replies: 8 |
Views: 12171 |
Tom_P |
Replies: 8 |
Views: 12171 |
Tom_P |
Replies: 8 |
Views: 12171 |
I've downloaded password pro, is this the correct way to be trying to crack?
Also, does anyone know of any decent dictionary's I can downl ... |
Tom_P |
Replies: 8 |
Views: 12171 |
They are all IPB md5(md5($salt).md5($pass)) - I'll pay anyone 20 US Dollars/10 GBP via paypal to anyone who can crack any of these.
Hash: 1a23ad4ea43c927541 ... |
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