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IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
http://www.a-squad.com/audit/ tests some vulnerabilities but I am not sure that part of the script is just a pitch for you to switch over to their hosting.
http://www.hostinglife.com/security.php is ... |
I always rename my prefix from the default "nuke_" to "random_". There are ways around it sometimes, but for the most part it helps out. It is always good to have extra layers of security. If anyone w ... |
Check this out lol:
Or make your own:
http://www.ryano.net/iraq/ |
Yeah I have done lots of things to prevent syn flooding on my server. The only real fix is going to have to come from Apache it seems like.
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies shifts the ... |
I think that would be a good idea. |
yeah plus there are already so many resource sites out there A security resource site sounds fun  |
Since you are very good at securing PHP-Nuke, why not start an entire PHP-Nuke Resource site  |
Great Job. Yeah as another guy said, need any hosting let me know. |
Link above has more information. I have tried many things on my server to prevent this particular attack, but the only thing that seems to work is to be in SSH ... |
I ran a nuke site a while back, but sold it when I no longer had enough tine. Now I have plenty of time and am interested in getting back in the game. I had planned on starting my own site, but your s ... |
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