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IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
Mac OS X 10.4.11 unshadowed hash. First person to crack and provide me with pass will get $30 USD by PayPal. |
Nice! i aint white hat tho  |
Come on, no one? This is IPB 2.3.5 |
Do you have the salt? Otherwise its impossible to retrieve.
The salt is root. All hashes are in this format:
salt:hash |
What about payment for cracking first hash? -.-
Yeah, pay Henderson first before I release the second hash. I don't like scammers.  |
Here's a salted SHA1 hash I retrieved from Mac OS X.
root:2B74D47199B354D472437CCB57040A21FACB72CF4B5B0AF4 |
Whats your paypal email, also can you do another so I can send you $30 straight ahead?
Hash: c9df66a5966e99d1f769d7e0e6295a0a
Salt: RA
I'll do this, gimme a coupla hours. $15 to PayPal? |
I used Janek's awesome script, here's the result:
Hash: 509840f358e585c633ebafe3e071472b
Salt: FpTo;
Crack please!  |
I'm cracking it now...may take a while... |
It would be helpful if you listed the script.  |
Well, well, well...what do we have here? It seems Apollo wants to extract the root pass for our iBooks! Heh heh searching the pass on Google automatically came to this thread, seems like waraxe has a ... |
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