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IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
Wow that was fast
thanx a mill |
update from my old hash
i have about 75 % of the frt nt tables and have ran them nothing as of yet
i have 2 computers bruting on it for 5-11 all at about 1.5 mil /sec
gona take a w ... |
Mikeee |
Replies: 1 |
Views: 10215 |
OK so i have downloaded over 100 GB of NTLM tables and have ran them thru the hash i want to get cracked
Nothing and no hex found yet ?!?!?!?!?!? ERRRRRR
ok so i was thinking the tables ... |
Hi i need help please with my hash
nt = 0BD1322517E4665A27CBC905A4616707
i have downloaded and ran frt alpha 1-9 full table set
downloading lower alpha 1-9
i have it on diconary attk on a ... |
I figured this out
rcrack_mt_0.6.3 -h ( hash ) -t 3 ( incert tables ( .rti+.index )
downloading and running ntlm alpha-space 1-9 0 table right now think im waiting on table 0-7, 8, 9, 10
is th ... |
From the downloads
will not install on win 7 32 bit or Xp pro 32 Bit or a Ubuntu box
nor a V box puppy linux i have tryed a few things compatabil ... |
I have a set of LM and NT vista hashs that i have been trying to crack
lm AAD3B435B51404EEAAD3B435B51404EE
nt 0BD1322517E4665A27CBC905A4616707
I have tryed cracking these with orphcrack all t ... |
I am very new to this fourm and there might be a tread allready i just havent found it
What about a tread that is for a noob like me and a basic guide on hash cracking 101
download links, too ... |
I have forgotten my password for my laptop can someone please help me crack the lm and nt hashs
I have spent over 100 on three programs that could not do, thak goodnes they gave me my mony back an ... |
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