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IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
Hi Community,
We wait for them tomorrow in www.colombiaunderground.org in their Online radio with the topic "The vision of the Hacking in Colombia by Flacman"
10 pm ... |
Mandriva Advisories
Package name gnomemeeting
Date February 21st, 2007
Advisory ID MDKSA-2007:045
Affected versions CS3.0
Synopsis Updated gnomemeeting packages fix string vulnerabi ... |
Mandriva Advisories
Package name gnucash
Date February 21st, 2007
Advisory ID MDKSA-2007:046
Affected versions 2007.0
Synopsis Updated gnucash packages fix temp file issues.
... |
Mandriva Advisories
Package name kernel
Date February 21st, 2007
Advisory ID MDKSA-2007:047
Affected versions 2007.0
Synopsis Updated kernel packages fix multiple vulnerabilities ... |
php5 vulnerabilities
A security issue affects the following Ubuntu releases:
Ubuntu 5.10
Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
Ubuntu 6.10
This advisory also applies to the corresponding versions of
Kubu ... |
A security issue affects the following Ubuntu releases:
Ubuntu 5.10
Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
Ubuntu 6.10
This advisory also applies to the corresponding versions of
Kubuntu, Edubuntu, and Xubun ... |
Once an attacker has gained adequate privileges on the SQL Server, they will then want to upload ?binaries? to the server. Since this can not be done using protocols such as SMB, since port 1 ... |
Often an administrator will follow security best-practices and configure the application to use a nonprivileged login. Having found a vulnerability with the non-privileged login, an attacker wi ... |
The functions OPENROWSET and OPENDATASOURCE are most commonly used to pull data into SQL Server to be manipulated. They can however also be used to push data to a remote SQL Server.
OPENRO ... |
Many developers and web administrators are complacent about SQL Injection vulnerabilities if the attacker cannot see the SQL error messages and/or cannot return the queries result directly to ... |
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